
  • 网络Jared
  1. 包装上还有陈致远的卡通头像。

    A cartoon of Chen 's face is on the wrappers .

  2. 陈致远如今变得更加谨慎,小心提防帮派分子。

    Chen is now more cautious , wary of gangsters .

  3. 陈致远在台北的生活要更风光一些。

    Chen lives a flashier life in Taipei .

  4. 和近乎隐姓埋名工作的蔡丰安不同,身在台北的陈致远生活在众目睽睽之下。

    Unlike Tsai , who works in relative anonymity , Chen lives in Taipei in plain sight .

  5. 和其他来自台湾乡村的球员一样,蔡丰安和陈致远也视棒球为摆脱贫困的门票。

    Like other players from rural Taiwan , Tsai and Chen saw baseball as their ticket out of poverty .

  6. 但是蔡丰安和陈致远这两名球员同意接受《纽约时报》采访,谈一谈他们又是如何自我救赎的。

    But two players , Tsai and Chen , agreed to speak to The New York Times about how they have sought to redeem themselves .

  7. 共有40多名球员、教练、退役球员、黑帮成员和政客涉案,其中包括蔡丰安和陈致远等球星。

    In all , more than 40 players , coaches , retired players , gangsters and politicians were implicated , including Tsai , Chen Chih-yuan and other stars .