
  1. 陈铨的民族文学理论与创作

    Chen Quan 's National Literature Theory and Creation

  2. 本文借助叙事学行动素理论考察陈铨的《天问》和苏童的《米》。

    With the help of the Narrative theory , this paper has an exploration about Su Tong 's Mi and Chen Quan 's Tianwen .

  3. 陈铨非议掺杂着金钱、权力、身体与个人主义的极端女权主义,因为扭曲与质变了两性关系。

    Actually , Chen Quan attacked extreme feminism and individualism for its motives to get money , power and body because it distorted the relationship between the genders .

  4. 《野玫瑰》是西南联大教授陈铨于抗战中期发表的一个话剧剧本,讲述了一个发生在沦陷区的间谍故事,并穿插不少感情戏,情节曲折,感人肺腑。

    The Wild Rose is a drama script published by Prof. Chen Quan from National Southwest Associated University during the wartime of anti-Japan . It described a spy story happened in the occupied area , together with many love episodes .