
ɡōnɡ pínɡ jià ɡé
  • fair price
  1. 人们往往会对一幢房子的公平价格形成根深蒂固的看法,行为经济学家称之为锚定(Anchoring)。

    People tend to form strong views about what a fair price is for a house , and behavioural economists call this anchoring .

  2. 公式,给出了期权价格满足的BlackScholes方程,通过求解BlackScholes方程的终值问题,给出了一个独立于每个投资人风险偏好的欧式期权的公平价格BlackScholes公式。

    By computing its terminal value , the model gives a fair price of European option - Black-Scholes formula independent on every investor ' risk aversion .

  3. 纳伊米青睐的新价格,也就是事实上的价格目标,比2008年11月沙特国王阿卜杜拉(kingabdullah)表示属于“公平价格”的每桶75美元高出三分之一。

    The new favoured price a de facto target is a third higher than the $ 75-a-barrel level that King Abdullah said was a " fair price " in November 2008 .

  4. 求得市场公平价格的收益法

    Income approach to fair market value

  5. 正是好业力,来找到一个美丽的地方居住,并以公平价格租到房子。

    It is good karma to find a beautiful place to live and rent at a fair price .

  6. 由于股票的部分需求和供应实际上被隐瞒了起来,这就妨碍了公平价格发现。

    Fair price discovery is impeded because a portion of demand and supply for a stock is effectively concealed .

  7. 公平价格:公司之间在充分竞争的条件下形成的价格(相对于转帐价格而言)。

    Arm 's length price : Price Between corporations under fully competitive conditions ( the opposite of transfer price ) .

  8. 济贫、公平价格学说以及高利贷禁令是中世纪基督教抑商的主要手段。

    Poverty release , fair price theory and ban on usury were main means for the medieval Christian to restrain commerce .

  9. 文章着重分析了公平价格的一些相关因素&股票市场价格、少数股东折扣和市场性折扣以及利息对公平价格内涵的影响。

    This part stresses to analyze such factors relation to fair value as market value of share , minority discounts and marketability discounts and interest of share .

  10. 少数异议股东得请求公司以公平价格购回其持有的股份,从而脱离公司实体,这就是法律赋予异议股东的股份收买请求权。

    Few dissent shareholders can ask the company purchase the shares with fair price and leave the company , and this is the appraisal right of dissent er .

  11. 他说,司法部要确保美国人能够以公平价格购买电子书,这起诉讼就是这一努力的一部分。

    He said the Department of Justice wants to make sure Americans can buy e-books at a fair price . He said the case was part of that effort .

  12. 保险合约可视为金融衍生品范畴,因此基于无套利原则的期权定价方法可求得保险的公平价格。

    Since the insurance contracts are regarded as a kind of financial derivatives , the option pricing theory could be applied to decide the insurance fair rates based on no-arbitrage principle .

  13. 无论是由于什么原因,新的购买者只会付出由供求关系决定的市场公平价格,并且是在考虑到了所有的成本负担之后所愿意付出的价格。

    For whatever reasons , the new buyer will pay an amount that is fair in the marketplace , commensurate with a particular demand or need , and only after all cost burdens are considered .

  14. 鉴于眼下银行贷款稀缺,而大量股权正在寻找买主,因此现在是我记忆中以公平价格展开稳健并购的最艰难时刻。

    And given the lack of bank debt and huge weight of equity seeking a home , right now is the toughest time I can ever remember to carry out solid acquisitions at a fair price .

  15. 我们对于公平价格的执著偏好,在一种不再普遍的环境中进化;但进化不会做出迅速的反应,这可能是我们之所以仍对涨价愤怒尖叫的原因。

    Our stubborn preference for a just price evolved in a setting that is no longer common ; but evolution does not respond quickly , which may be why we still shriek with outrage at price hikes .

  16. 从效率视角分析,现行征地补偿价格低于基于市场机制形成的公平价格,既是造成农民土地权益流失的原因,又是公益建设征地浪费的根源。

    From the point view of efficiency , the current compensation price , which is lower than the fair market price , causes the loss of the farmers ' land benefit and the waste of levied land for commonweal construction .

  17. 它们都以公平的价格出售。

    They are sold at a fair price .

  18. 他还质疑到底有多大比例的公平贸易价格溢价真正流进生产者的腰包。

    He also asks how much of the Fairtrade price premium actually goes to the producers .

  19. 但我们希望看到有关资源共享的规定能提高效率,促进更为公平的价格竞争

    But we would like to see regulations on resource sharing to improve efficiency and fairer price competition

  20. 为了保持业绩,他们必须以公平的价格给学生他们想学的课程。

    To remain in business they must give students what they want to learn at a fair price .

  21. 如果是,你可以为我们提供了一个公平的价格,我们可能会购买至少一个或两个集装箱。

    If it is , and you can offer us a fair price , we might buy one or two Containers at least .

  22. 特许经营者应确保提供持续、安全、优质、高效、公平和价格合理的普遍服务。

    A franchisee shall ensure the continuance , safety , high quality , high efficiency , equity and reasonable price of the universal service .

  23. 去盐水的价格比较在于现有水的供给状况,此种供给并不一定是全部、公平的价格利益分析,当它们还在发展中。

    Cost comparisons for desalted water are often made to existing water supplies which did not include a full , fair cost-benefit analysis when the were developed .

  24. 金融市场使资金供求双方能有效地相互联系,并使交易按照公平的价格快捷地进行。

    Financial markets streamline the process of bringing together suppliers and demanders of funds , and they allow transactions to be made quickly and at a fair price .

  25. 这就需要以公平的价格、优质的产品、良好的服务与对方交易。同时,双方的成员之间还须加强经济、技术及社会等各方面的联系与交往。

    It calls for fair price , high-quality product and service , and meanwhile all parties should enhance relation and communication in many aspects such as economics , technology and society .

  26. 但是,如何测度经营者的知识资本价值,给企业经营者的年薪定多高,给多少数量的股票期权,才能够体现经营者知识资本价值的比较公平的价格?

    How much an executive annual salary should be and how many stock options should be given to reflect a comparatively fair price of the intellectual capital value of the executives ?

  27. 文章最后指出,阻止没有资质的民营企业开采石油是对的,但是不能强制而应该通过公平的价格和平赎买。

    Finally , we point put that preventing the non-governmentally-run firm which has no aptitude for exploitation oil is right , but the private assets must been buy not reclaimed by force .

  28. 公司全体同仁以创新求实、团结奋进的精神,用最优的品质、公平的价格、周到的服务与广大用户共创美好的明天。

    Company all my colleagues to innovative and realistic , the spirit of forging ahead in unity , with the best quality , fair price , good service and the majority of users for a better tomorrow .

  29. 在这个里面,摩根利坦利公司调查这个公司决定这个股票一个公平的价格,处理其他逻辑上的事物把脸面从一家股权不公开的公司转变成一家在纳斯达克上交易的上市公司。

    In this capacity , Morgan Stanley researched the company to determine a fair price for the shares and handled other logistical matters that would transform Facebook from a private company to a public company trading on the NASDAQ .

  30. 虽然报偿是违法的,报纸来自出租汽车司机的管套节的一位官员,说HK$1000($128)为膝上型电脑的回路被考虑公平的价格。

    Though it is illegal to demand recompense , the newspaper quoted an official from the taxi drivers'union , who said that HK $ 1,000 ( $ 128 ) was considered a fair price for the return of a laptop .