
  1. 雇员都受到公司规章制度的约束。

    The employees are subject to the rules and regulations of the company .

  2. 严格遵守公司规章制度,以身作则,并营造健康的生产氛围。

    Abide by the company rules and regulations strictly and set an example to create a healthy production atmosphere .

  3. 对与日常工作职责、规章制度等轻微疏忽,不经意的怠工或和抵触公司规章制度浪费公司资产;

    To neglecting slightly with daily duty , rules and regulations , etc. , the careless one slows down or and conflict the extravagant company 's assets of company 's rules and regulations ;

  4. 他将监督并审查该公司的规章制度。

    He will monitor and review the company 's rules and regulations .

  5. 不同于公司的规章制度,企业政策基本上没有约束力。

    Unlike charter and bylaw provisions , corporate policies are generally not binding .

  6. 公司的规章制度严禁在办公室内吸烟。

    Company policy strictly prohibits smoking in the office .

  7. 遵守人力资源总监和人事经理的统一领导与监督,服从公司的规章制度。

    Under the HR Dir and Personnel manager within the campany policies and procedure .

  8. 对于公司的规章制度你们不用全部都照做

    And you guys don 't always have to toe the company line you know ?

  9. 在工作中能够遵守公司的规章制度,工作认真。

    Can obey the regulation system of the company in the work , work hard .

  10. 黄珊珊(音译)说:我需要些时间来适应国内公司的规章制度。

    It took me some time to adjust to company rules in China , said Huang .

  11. 熟悉公司各项规章制度;

    Familiar with company regulation .

  12. 甲方依照国家法律法规和公司的规章制度的规定为乙方办理社会保险。

    Party A shall undertake to pay social insurance contributions for Party B according to the relevant laws and regulations .

  13. 甲乙双方可以依据法律和公司的规章制度以书面形式通知对方解除劳动合同。

    Party A and Party B may rescind the labor contract with written notice according to Party A 's regulation and government law .

  14. 不必担心,如果你严格遵守公司的规章制度,你会找到属于你自己的一片天地。

    Don 't worry , if you follow the company 's rules and regulations rigorously , you will find a place of yourself .

  15. 就算公司的规章制度上写着允许弹性上班制,那些在家工作的员工却仍然被认为是没有对团队尽心尽力。

    Even if the company rule book says that flexitime is allowed , those who work from home are seen as uncommitted to the team .

  16. 乙方应自觉遵守劳动法律、法规和公司各项规章制度,服从管理,积极做好工作。

    Party B shall automatically abide by the labor law , regulations and the company rules , obey the administration and complete the work actively .

  17. 这个计划已经引起了对世界上大的私密的财团以及美国私人公司的规章制度的新的主意。

    The plan has brought new attention to the largely secretive world of private financing and the rules for private companies in the United States .

  18. 仓库员工的日常管理、考核,严格按公司的规章制度和作业流程监督员工日常事务,在部门内执行持续改进的措施。

    Supervision daily operation of warehouse team , strictly follow the company regulations when dealing with the daily affairs , carry out the continuous improvement measures within department .

  19. a)基本培训使你能遵循公司的各项规章制度。

    a ) Basic training to make sure you can handle the ground rules of the company .

  20. 入住人员必须遵守公司的各项规章制度,维护公共道德、爱护公共设施;

    Must obey the company 's related rules and regulations , maintain the public morality , and protect the public facilities .

  21. 一、严格遵守国家法律、法规和政策,遵守劳动纪律,严格执行公司的各项规章制度。

    Abide by national laws , statutes and policies , obey labor disciplines , and observe all of company 's rules and regulations .

  22. 参与起草、审核公司重要的规章制度;管理公司的合同,参与重大合同的谈判和起草工作。

    Participate in the drafting and check of important rules ; supervise the contracts and participate in the negotiation and drafting of important contracts .

  23. 通过公司的重要规章制度;决定设立分支机构;修改公司规章

    Adopting major rules and regulations of the company ; - deciding to set up Branches ; - amending the articles of association of the company

  24. 公司当然需要规章制度,但万不可制定目光短浅、马马虎虎的规章制度,妄图以此建立秩序。

    Companies need to have rules - that 's a given - but they don 't have to be shortsighted and lazy attempts at creating order .

  25. 批准年度财务报表、收支预算、年度利润分配方案;通过公司的重要规章制度;

    Approving annual financial reports , budget of receipts and expenditures , distribution plan of annual profits ; adopting major rules and regulations of the company ;

  26. 他说,在一个腐败的经济体做生意的代价成本远远超过公司遵守新规章制度带来的开支。

    He says the cost of doing business in a corrupt economy far outweighs what companies will spend to demonstrate their compliance with the new code of conduct .

  27. 公司利益主张废除规章制度,即使这些规章制度已经为保护和改善我们的环境、安全、健康和经济本身做了大量工作。

    Corporate interests argued for getting rid of regulations , even when those regulations had done so much to protect and improve our environment , our safety , our health and the economy itself .

  28. 运输公司抗议新的规章制度。

    Hauliers are protesting about the new regulations .

  29. 公司营业执照和规章制度也是要考虑的事情,而律师可以帮助你处理所有的这些事务。

    There are also business licenses and regulations to consider . A lawyer can help you with this .

  30. 公司章程与公司规章制度共同构成公司的自治规范体系。

    Articles of association and rules and regulation of company constitute system of self - government rules of company .