
  • 网络Market Approach
  1. 本文认为通过NPO途径可以较好地克服政府途径和市场途径的缺陷和不足。

    This paper maintains that the NPO approach can preferably overcome deficiencies and shortcomings of government approach and market approach .

  2. 销售比较途径或市场途径在企业价值评估中经常使用。

    The sales comparison approach or market approach is also frequently used in business valuation .

  3. 推进农业产业化,是解决农业低效,农民增收问题的市场途径;

    Promote agricultural industrialization is the market way of the question .

  4. 政府途径和市场途径通常是供给公共就业服务的首选。

    Government approach and market approach is usually the preferred supplier of public employment services .

  5. 提出非持续经营企业应采用市场途径的评估方法,新建企业应采用成本途径的评估方法。

    Put no-continue run factory should introduce current market value , newborn factory should introduce replacement cost .

  6. 评估是可以得到改善的,比如说通过市场途径或者合同结构和风险分配。

    Evaluation can improve , for example , the approach to the market or the contractual structures and risk allocation .

  7. 本次研究发现:(1)大部分下岗职工在寻找新工作时使用了社会网络途径,这一比例远远超过了使用劳动力市场途径和政府单位安置途径求职的下岗职工。

    I found that : ( 1 ) Most of laid-off workers used the social network when applying for a job .

  8. 该问题的经济、社会性质决定了不能完全依靠市场途径解决,政府必须负起责任来,尤其应通过立法、监管等保证公共服务资源提供、分配中的公平、合理。

    The government is responsible for the issue of diverse services , which ensures the equitable , reasonable allocation of public service through legislative , regulatory and other means .

  9. 此时,中国零售企业面临的问题是,如何在国内激烈竞争中打造国际竞争力,提升国际竞争水平,并积极寻求开拓国外零售市场途径,拓宽自己的生存空间,获取国际利润。

    At this moment , the most important thing for Chinese retail enterprises is how to build up the international competitiveness and exploit the overseas market to widen the living space and make the international profits .

  10. 采取开展高新和适应技术,改善环境,加强成本核算,提高服务质量,拓宽医疗市场途径,争取医疗市场份额;

    To try to develop high tech and proper techniques and improve the environment ; to strengthen cost accounting , improve service quality , expand the channels of the medical market and try to gain an increasingly bigger share ;

  11. 在此基础上,分析通过我国股票市场途径传导货币政策不通畅的原因,进而对疏通我国货币政策的股票市场传导机制,提高货币政策有效性提出相关建议。

    Based on it , analyzing the reason why the monetary policy is not unobstructed through the stock market of our country . And then give some advices for improving the monetary policy of our country through stock market and promoting the validity of monetary policy .

  12. 微机电系统(MEMS)产品及其促进市场化途径的研究

    Research of the MEMS Product and Its Industrialization Ways

  13. 小的TPP成员国更加接受日本的加入,部分原因是日本将会给他们提供接触世界第二大市场的途径,作为对美国市场的一种补充。

    Smaller TPP members will welcome Japan more readily , partly because it would give them access to a second huge market in addition to America 's.

  14. 浅议我国企业债券市场发展途径

    Discussion on the Developing Paths of Chinese Enterprises ' Bond Market

  15. 浅谈开滦热电集团开拓市场的途径

    Discussion About the Approach of Market Development for Kailuan Power Generating Company

  16. 发展和完善我国金融市场的途径

    The Way to Improve and Develop Financial Market of China

  17. 这就是进入国际修船市场的途径,南通远洋船务工程有限公司是一个实例。

    This is the channel to enter the international market .

  18. 试论地勘单位进入市场的途径和方法

    Ways and methods of market-oriented transformation of the geological units

  19. 重庆机电市场发展途径探索

    The Exploring of Machine and Electricity Market in Chongqing

  20. 国内商业银行参与股票市场的途径分析

    On methods of civil commercial banks entering stock market

  21. 拓展燃气销售市场的途径、效果及相应措施

    Methods / Effects and Measures for Developing Gas Business

  22. 限游政策的博弈分析及风景名胜资源保护的两条市场化途径

    The Scenery Resources Protection Under the Market Stress

  23. 住房资源市场开发途径探析

    Exploration of Approach to Housing Resources Market Development

  24. 高校利用资本市场融资途径初探

    Financing in the capital market of university

  25. 农产品进入市场的途径有两条:一是单个农户或农民进入市场;二是农户有组织的进入市场。

    There are two ways of farmers access to the market : single or organized .

  26. 军队农场进入市场的途径

    Ways of army farms entering market

  27. 新疆资源利用中的行为倾向及其市场化途径分析

    The Motivational Inclination in the Application of Xinjiang 's Resources and Analysis of Its Market Approach

  28. 山西环境保护市场化途径探讨

    Probe into the Channel of General Adoption of the Market Principle for Environment Protection in Shanxi Province

  29. 通常情况下,外资企业提供技术支持,而中国方面提供进入市场的途径。

    Typically , the foreign firm brings technology and its Chinese partner provides access to the Chinese market .

  30. 如果你正在寻求一种退出市场的途径,可不要忘记了你是怎么进来的。

    IF YOU are looking for a way out , don 't forget the way you came in .