
  • 网络City Centre Apartments;City Center Apartments;Colony Square;Cavenagh garden
  1. 澳大利亚国民银行首席经济学家欧思濂(AlanOster)表示,外国需求减少很可能反映的是供应过剩,尤其是在墨尔本市场——墨尔本市中心公寓空置率高达30%。

    Alan Oster , NAB 's chief economist , said the reduced foreign demand probably reflected oversupply , particularly in the Melbourne market where up to 30 per cent of city centre apartments were unoccupied .

  2. 如果他们可以省下时间的话,他们宁愿付出更高价格,住在相对狭小的市中心公寓里。

    They 'll pay more for cramped city-centre apartments if by doing so they can save time .

  3. 他住在了一个简陋的街区而不是住在奢华的高层公寓或是舒适的市中心公寓,住的地方距离学校很近。

    Instead of a fancy high floor condo or even a modest downtown condo , he lived in one of the roughest neighborhoods just off campus .

  4. 如果市中心公寓的供应有限,而你的富裕同事们在竞相抢购的话,你到底能做什么?

    If there is a limited supply of city-centre apartments , and your affluent colleagues are snapping them up , what on earth can you do ?

  5. 许多人开始选择在酒店购买公寓,而不是在郊区购房或在市中心公寓楼购买公寓。

    Instead of buying a house in the suburbs or an apartment in an apartment building in the city center , many people are starting to purchase apartments that are in a hotel .

  6. 中国的银行迅速增加了在欧洲的活动;大陆客在抢购伦敦市中心公寓;中国海外直接投资在欧洲的比例比在任何其他地区都上升得快。

    Chinese banks are rapidly increasing their presence in Europe . Mainlanders are snapping up central London residences . Chinese direct investment abroad has increased faster in Europe than in any other region .

  7. 在过去20年中,我一直居住在斯德哥尔摩市中心的公寓里。

    For 20 years I have had a fantastic home in the middle of Stockholm .

  8. 尽管住宅小区和市中心的公寓楼越来越多,但典型的英国家庭住七世时期的那种带有三个卧室的独立小屋。

    Despite the boom in housing estates and city centre apartments blocks , the average home remains three-bed detached property .

  9. 据东京智库日本不动产经济研究所(RealEstateEconomicInstituteCo.)的数据,2013年,东京市中心所有类型公寓销售均价较上年上涨了10.8%,而这还是在同期新公寓供应量激增46%、达到28340套的情况下实现的。

    According to Real Estate Economic Institute Co. , a Tokyo think tank , the average selling price for all types of condominiums in central Tokyo rose 10.8 % in 2013 from a year earlier , even as the supply of new units surged by 46 % to 28340 .

  10. 问题17.我把市中心的那个公寓卖了一个好价钱。

    Question 17 . I did extremely well on the sale of my downtown apartment .

  11. 我希望有一套在上海市中心的现代公寓,那样我就可以天天逛街了。

    I 'd like a big modern flat in central Shanghai , so I can go shopping every day .

  12. 接近40%的伦敦市中心在建公寓都卖给了新加坡和香港的买家。

    Together , buyers from Singapore and Hong Kong snapped up nearly 40 % of all such apartments in central London .

  13. 那天午夜时分,我登上位于市中心附近的公寓屋顶,爬上了电话塔。

    At midnight I go up to the roof of our apartment building on near the center of town , and climb up the telephone mast .

  14. 农民工蜂拥而来寻找工作,像周昆一样的当地村民开始从平房搬进市中心新建的公寓楼里。

    Migrant workers flocked in looking for jobs , and locals from villages such as Mr Zhou 's began to abandon their one-storey homes in favour of newly built apartments in the town centre .

  15. 今天,莫斯科的房地产市场仍然是世界上最不平衡之一,市中心的高档公寓有时超过两千万美元。

    Today , Moscow 's housing market continues to be one of the most unbalanced in the world with the cost of housing sometimes reaching over $ 20 million for luxury apartments in the downtown .

  16. 他在市中心拥有一套公寓。

    He has a flat in the center of town .

  17. 他走进了市中心的一幢公寓里。

    He went down into an apartment building downtown .

  18. 一个在俱乐部演奏流行歌曲的乐师住在伦敦市中心的一所公寓里。

    A musician who plays pop music in a club lived in a boarding house in the centre of London .

  19. 在爱情公寓中,这间位于上海市中心的四居室公寓可谓是设施齐全,装修精良且客厅宽敞。

    IPartment : The four-bedroom apartments located in central Shanghai are fully furnished and well decorated , with * spacious living rooms .

  20. 去年,海外购房者为购买伦敦市中心的在建公寓投入35亿美元,较上年同期增加22%。

    Last year , overseas buyers spent $ 3.5 billion on apartments undergoing construction in central London , up 22 % from the year earlier .

  21. 如果你刚搬进伦敦市中心一幢新公寓大楼,发现邻居大多讲中文,请不要惊讶。

    If you 've just moved into a newly built apartment in central London , don 't be perplexed if your neighbors speak mostly Chinese .