
  • Marketing Manager;Market Manager;Marketing Dept.Manager
  1. JacksonWu是北京诺森公司的市场部经理,此公司专门生产时尚太阳镜。

    Jackson Wu is the Marketing Manager for Notson Limited in Beijing , a company that produces fashion sunglasses for men and women .

  2. 我是LK电子公司的市场部经理。

    I am the marketing manager for LK Electronics ..

  3. 市场部经理坚信她计划提升公司销售额150%的方案不是空想。

    The marketing2 manager is very confident and insists that her plan to increase company sales by 150 % is not a pipe dream .

  4. 新华社援引旅游景点市场部经理李楚(LiChu)的话报道,电影将武隆和香港的场景混合在一起,混淆了观众的视觉。

    It quoted thetourist attraction marketing manager Li Chu as saying that the movie alsocombines images of Wulong with scenes shot in Hong Kongand thereby confuses the audience .

  5. GeoffreyBessin是IBMRational市场部经理,负责IBM软件组相互之间推动IT生命周期管理最佳实践。

    Geoffrey Bessin is an IBM Rational market manager responsible for a cross-IBM Software Group initiative dedicated to promoting IT lifecycle management best practices .

  6. 市场部经理任维奇(VickyRen)解释说:与国外客户相比,中国消费者倾向于将游艇用于商务用途。

    Compared to our foreign clients , the Chinese customers tend to use their boats for business purposes , explains Vicky Ren , marketing manager .

  7. 保罗•Leuthe,Wolf器具公司市场部经理,称感应炉是非常需要的。

    Paul Leuthe , corporate marketing manager for Wolf Appliance Company , says induction burners will be de rigueur .

  8. 斯蒂夫?瞿,索尼公司市场部经理大部分人都希望一台电视机能使用五年以上,所以他们正在准备迎接香港HD电视播放时代的到来。

    STEVE CHU , MARKETING MANAGER , SONY Most people would like to have their TV for more than five years . So really they 're preparing for the HD broadcasting era in Hong Kong .

  9. KoppertCress的市场部经理安内可·库本说:“目前,对这种西瓜的需求来自餐馆和酒店。我们希望每周能卖出50到100盒。”

    Anneke Cuppen , marketing manager at Koppert Cress said : " Demand for the melons has so far come from the restaurant and hotel trade . We 're hoping to sell 50-100 boxes a week .

  10. 仪式由市场部经理王开亮主持。

    The ceremony was presided over by the marketing manager-Wang Kailiang .

  11. 我来应聘的职位是市场部经理。

    I 'm applying for the position of Marketing Manager .

  12. 协助市场部经理满足客户的需求,并且提供技术销售的支持。

    Assists Marketing manager to meet customer requirements and provides technical sales as well .

  13. A李先生,市场部经理。

    A Mr Li , the Marketing Director .

  14. 您找哪位?李先生,市场部经理。

    Mr Li , the Marketing Director .

  15. 斯蒂夫•瞿,索尼公司市场部经理

    Steve chu , marketing manager , Sony

  16. 他是我们的市场部经理。

    He is our Marketing Manager .

  17. 雪莉?詹姆森是剑桥大学商业化集团&剑桥企业有限公司的市场部经理。

    Shirley is Head of Marketing for Cambridge Enterprise Limited , the University 's commercialisation group .

  18. 玛莎很快被任命为市场部经理,负责管理38个人。

    Marsha was soon appointed manager of the marketing department , in charge of 38 people all told .

  19. 在我被提升为市场部经理的消息后,我真是感到飘飘然,走起路来好像腾云驾雾一样。

    When I got the news I was being promoted to be Director of Marketing , I felt like walking on air .

  20. 将来我成为市场部经理的时候,从这段经历,我会知道客户是怎么思考的。

    As I aspire to work as a marketing manager in future , from this experience I 'll know a little about how customers think .

  21. 公司市场部经理表示,之所以这么做,是希望每天都像机器一样忙碌工作的/都市人,能从与陌生人的交流中获得快乐。

    The marketing manager said that they did so in the hope that every day busy people could get happiness from the communication with strangers .

  22. 猎豹浏览器的开发者——北京金山软件有限公司市场部经理金磊(音译)在周日接受采访时称,这项业务仍在正常运行中。

    Jin Lei , a marketing manager at Beijing Kingsoft Software , which makes the Liebao browser , said on Sunday that business was continuing as normal .

  23. 该公司的市场部经理表示:“这是一件艺术品,它以全新的居室概念为基础。”

    The company 's Marketing Manager , said : " This is a work of art , which is based on the concept of a new room . "

  24. 专门从事衍生品开发经营的东莞甜甜百利佳贸易有限公司市场部经理林绮云则认为,应当继续加大知识产权保护力度。

    Specializing in the development and management of derivatives Best Trading Co. , Ltd. , Dongguan sweet Bailey Marketing Manager Linqi Yun believes that should continue to strengthen IPR protection .

  25. 上个月猪肉的价格比一年前贵了50%,这表明非洲猪瘟疫情正在造成损失。张君华是北京新发地批发市场部经理。

    Pork was 50 percent more expensive last month than it was a year ago , indicating that the African swine fever epidemic is Zhang Junhua is a manager at Beijing 's Xinfadi wholesale market .

  26. 蓝天公园敬上(若欲了解更具体的情况,请拨打电话020-82113333)假设你是某公司或企业市场拓展部经理,写一封E-mail,向大家推销一样自己公司的产品或服务

    Sincerely , Blue sky Park ( For further information , please dial 020-82113333 )

  27. “缺乏融资正产生巨大影响,”国际金融公司全球金融市场部高级经理GermanVegarra说。

    " The lack of finance is having a huge impact ," says German Vegarra , senior manager of IFC Global Financial Markets .

  28. 你应该与该公司的市场开发部经理联系。

    You should contact the company 's UK marketing manager .

  29. 爱丽斯?毕蔓吧,她是市场部的经理。

    Alice Beaman , the Marketing Manager .

  30. 该公司的市场部副经理还说,同样的气味能让人、猫关系更加亲密。

    People and their pets can bond by wearing the same scent , he said .