
  1. 当代中国行政结构扁平化的战略构想&以市管县体制为例

    Strategic Idea of the Contemporary China 's Administrative Flat Structure

  2. 市管县体制的弊端及改革设想

    The Reform of the System of Municipality Governing Counties

  3. 第二部分为市管县体制的历史考察。

    Section two is the historical investigation of the city governing county system .

  4. 现行市管县体制存在六大弊端。

    Six disadvantages exist among the present " City Governs County " system .

  5. 市管县体制中博弈情境的系统分析

    System Analysis of Game Playing Scenario in the Regime of City Dominating County

  6. 我国市管县体制的反思及变革途径选择

    Consideration of Chinese City Governing County System and Choose the Way to Reform

  7. 反思我国市管县体制

    Consideration on the City Managing County System of China

  8. 论市管县体制之局限性及新行政体制的构建

    On Municipality-over-County System and Construction of New Administrative System

  9. 城市化进程中市管县体制的利弊

    The advantages and shortcomings of city dominating county system in the development of Urbanization

  10. 市管县体制的流弊及其矫治

    The Disadvantages of the System of Administrating the County by the City and the Solutions

  11. 市管县体制改革与城乡协调发展研究

    The Research on " City Governing County " Reform and Coordinated of Urban and Rural

  12. 中部地区市管县体制功能辨析&以湖南省为例

    On the Function of City-Governing-County System in the Middle Areas & A Case of Hunan Province

  13. 通过分析在市场经济体系发育不断成熟的新形势下市管县体制存在的问题。

    This paper analyses the problems arising from the municipality over county system under the maturing market system .

  14. 市管县体制在苏南苏北实践的差异性分析

    Analysis of the Difference Between Southern Jiangsu and Northern Jiangsu in the System of City 's Administration Over Counties

  15. 目前,市管县体制已经成为阻碍区域经济发展的制度性因素。

    At present , the municipal governing county system has become an institutive factor hindering the development of the regional economy .

  16. 自20世纪80年代初期,我国大规模地推行了市管县体制。

    Since the early 1980s , our country have carried out the system of county governed by city in huge scale .

  17. 同时,市管县体制在一定程度上对县域经济的发展也产生了积极的影响。

    Meanwhile , the municipal governing county system also has active influence on the development of the counties in a certain degree .

  18. 基于委托&代理理论的市管县体制改革基于帕累托改进的城市拆迁制度研究

    THE " CITY GOVERNING COUNTY " SYSTEM : BASED ON THEORY OF PRINCIPAL-AGENT The Institution Research of Unban Demolition by Pareto Optimize

  19. 基本上,形成了经济发展市管县体制行政区冲突、管理矛盾的路径依赖。

    Basically , a path depended on the " Economic Development-City-governing-County-the conflict of Administrative Region and conflict management " has been established .

  20. 中国行政区划体制改革应以废除市管县体制为突破口。

    The reformation of City Distribution System in China is supposed to begin with the abolishment of the present City Governs County system .

  21. 对市管县体制进行了反思,肯定了其具有的功能作用,但同时指出了其存在的问题。

    For city administrating county system , affirmed a reflection of its have the functions , but also points out the existing problems .

  22. 这就要求改革原有的市管县体制,以适应客观经济社会环境的变化。

    Therefore it requires the reform of the original city-administrate-county system in order to adapt to the environmental changes of the economic society .

  23. 文章分四部分对这一问题加以阐释:第一部分:我国市管县体制的历史沿革。

    This paper consists of four parts to demonstrate the issue as follows : The first part : the evolution of City Governs County .

  24. 第三部分为现行市管县体制对城乡协调发展的影响分析。

    Section three is the analysis of the effect of the present city governing county system to the coordinated development of city and county .

  25. 现行的市管县体制、财政体制和经济主导型的政绩考核机制加速了这一进程,但根本上还是一个地方产权问题。

    The existing County-under-Municipality system , financial system and economy-oriented achievement check-up system accelerate this process , radically , it is a question of local property .

  26. 市管县体制在实际运作过程中加剧了城乡二元社会的分割。

    The real implementation of the system of administrating the county by the city has intensified the separation between the dual structured society of urban and rural areas .

  27. 省管县体制源于市管县体制的衰退,市管县的局限体现了政府与环境的不匹配。

    Province-governing-County system comes as a derivative of the recession of City-governing-County system . The limitations of system reflect that the county government and the environment do not match .

  28. 为此,我们引入了郊域的概念,在我国特殊的市管县体制下郊区与郊域对应于市区与市域。

    So we induct the concept of suburban domain , the concept of suburb and suburban domain is correspond to urban and urban areas respectively in our special system of city-leading-county .

  29. 分析市管县体制的各种影响因素,可以看出行政区划变革在促进经济发展中的局限性。

    Despite a lot of disputes , the choice of the system of city 's administrating county in China 's administrative division reform has brought profound influence in both theory and practice .

  30. 同时,原有的市管县体制经过二十多年的发展,使得市县间的收入水平差距很大,也影响了社会公平问题的解决。

    Meanwhile , the original system of county under the control of municipality has not only aggravated the income differentials among cities and counties but also affected the settlements of social justice issues .