
  1. 家族化和政事与文学的兼能成为河东道本土文学家的两个基本特征。

    Family and the conduct of public affairs , literature Hedong Road two fundamental characteristics of the local writers .

  2. 河东道之自然地理先天决定了其军事战略地位的重要性,在战争历史方面也有着深厚的文化积淀。

    Hedong Road , congenital physical geography determines the importance of its military-strategic position , in the history of the war also has a rich cultural heritage .

  3. 隐逸和气节的兼重是三晋隐逸传统的主要特征,导致唐代河东道隐逸现象呈现出与主流隐逸趋向不同的风貌。

    The Hermit and integrity will focus on both the main features of Shanxi seclusion lead to the Hedong Road seclusion of the Tang Dynasty phenomenon showing towards a different style of mainstream seclusion .

  4. 隋唐所设置的河东郡、河东道范围涵盖较广,包括了汾水流域乃至更北部的云代地区,而隋以前的河东郡以蒲州、绛州为核心,也是本文所研究的河东地域范围。

    The Hedong County and Hedong Road covered a wide area , including the Fen River and even more northern part of Yun-Dai region , whereas Hedong County mainly covered Pu County and Jiang County , which is included in this paper .