
hé xiè
  • river crab
河蟹 [hé xiè]
  • [river crab] 螃蟹的一种,头胸部甲壳扁圆、灰褐色。腹部甲壳扁平、白色,雌的圆形,雄的尖形。螯上有细锯齿。肉味鲜美。生长在淡水里,有时爬上河岸危害农作物

河蟹[hé xiè]
  1. 中华绒螯蟹(EriocheirSinensis)又称毛蟹,河蟹,属甲壳纲,十足目,方蟹科,绒螯蟹属,为我国特产。

    Chinese mitten crab ( Eriocheir sinensis ) is called hair crab , river crab , is belong to crustacea class , decapoda order , square crab family , and mitten crab genus , is a specialty in China .

  2. 提高河蟹育苗成活率技术研究

    Studies on Technique for Raising Survival Rate of Rearing River Crab Larvae

  3. 温度驯化能导致速率补偿,表现为25℃驯化河蟹的呼吸率明显低于10℃驯化河蟹的呼吸率

    A respiration rate compensation throught thermal acclimation is demonstrated by E.

  4. 基于Web的河蟹养殖专家系统的研究

    Study on Web - based Expert System of Mitten Crab Aquiculture

  5. 通过专家咨询的方式,确定了针对河蟹池塘养殖的最主要水质指标:溶解氧、酸碱度(pH值)、温度和盐度。

    According to experts ' advice , the most important indicators for water quality of crab ponds were determined : dissolved oxygen , pH , temperature and salinity .

  6. 采用ELISA双抗体夹心法检测患颤抖病的河蟹病料,致病性病毒的阳性检出率为92.5%(37/40)。

    To detect the virus causing " trembling disease " in Eriocheir sinensis samples by double antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ), the positive rate was 92.5 % ( 37 / 40 ) .

  7. 根据1999年对固城湖生物资源的周年综合调查,推算出固城湖的生物资源可供养鱼虾蟹能力在65~75万kg,其中河蟹产量可达2.5万kg。

    Based on comprehensive investigation of bio-resources in Gucheng Lake in 1999 , it is reckoned that the capacity of the lake of sustaining fishes , shrimps and crabs might reach 650-750 t , of which 25 t could be crabs .

  8. 总而言之,河蟹生态养殖池塘PVC底层增氧机使用规律为:晴天中午开,日出前夕勤开;阴雨天夜间长开;闷热天气延长开,大风天气可少开。

    In short , ecological aquaculture pond bottom crabs PVC aerator rule is : sunny noon open , before sunrise frequently open ; rain night always open ; Hot weather extended open , windy weather may be less open .

  9. 研究结果表明:河蟹消化道蛋白酶的最适pH值在5.4~5.8和7.2~7.6;蛋白酶的最适底物酪蛋白的浓度为:胃,0.8mg/ml;

    Results showed that the optimal pH values of proteolytic enzyme of the crab were 5.4 5.8 and 7.2 7.6 . The optimal substrate consistency of casein were : stomach , 0.8 mg / ml ;

  10. 河蟹摄食试验饲料1周后,0.1%组和0.5%组的酚氧化酶(PO)活性显著升高(P<0.05),但β-葡聚糖含量提高至1%以上时PO活性有下降的趋势;

    After 1 week feeding , the phenoloxidase ( PO ) of 0.1 % group and 0.5 % group was increased markedly ( P < 0.05 ) . However decrease tendency was appearing , when the β - glucan content was above 1 % ;

  11. 研究了饲料中添加不同含量VC对河蟹体内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、碱性磷酸酶(ALP)和酸性磷酸酶(ACP)活性的影响。

    The effect of vitamin C ( V C ) on superoxide dismutase ( SOD ), alkaline phosphatase ( ALP ) and acid phosphatase ( ACP ) activities of the Chinese mitten-handed crab Eriocheir sinensis was studied by supplying various V C levels in the diets .

  12. 中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheirjaponicussinensis)是我国重要的经济蟹类,俗称河蟹。中国鲎(Tachypleustridentatus)基因工程抗菌肽的制备及其生物活性研究

    The Chinese mitten crab ( Eriocheir japonicus sinensis ) is of important value in Chinese and overseas markets . Studies on Preparation of Antimicrobial Peptide from Horseshoe Crab ( Tachypleus Tridentatus ) with Gene Engineering Method and Its Biological Activity

  13. 河蟹亲蟹促产及抱卵蟹培育技术要点

    Induced Spawning of Mitten Crab and Cultivation Techniques for Berried Crab

  14. 互联网让用户轻易接触暴(河蟹)力和色(河蟹)情。

    The internet enables users to access violence and pornography easily .

  15. 河蟹仔蟹管道式饲养初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Pipeline Culture of Juvenile Crab , Eriocheir sinensis

  16. 如题所示,请勿发表不河蟹内容。

    As the title suggests , not published without good content .

  17. 控制河蟹性早熟技术研究

    Studies on Techniques of Controlling Sexual Early-maturing of River Crabs

  18. 地下卤水在河蟹育苗中的应用研究

    On Application of Underground Brine to Seed-rearing of River Crab

  19. 池塘河蟹生态养殖对水体环境的影响

    Effect of river crab eco-culture in ponds on water environment

  20. 复合法制备河蟹蛋白水解液工艺条件的研究

    The Technology of Hydrolysis and UV for the Protein of River Crab

  21. 冬季河蟹人工育苗的生产试验

    Experiment on Artificial Reproduction of Chinese Mitten Crab in Winter

  22. 湖区河蟹群体通常由三个年龄组组成。造成河蟹资源量年变化有三方面原因。

    River crab population consist of three year - groups in lakes .

  23. 另外,低氧对河蟹幼蟹的生理免疫影响显著。

    Moreover , hypoxia significantly influenced the most immunological and physiological indices .

  24. 池塘精养河蟹技术研究

    Studies on Technique for Intensive Culture of River Crab in the Pond

  25. 草型湖泊河蟹养殖容量初探

    Studies on the carrying capacity of Chinese mitten crab in macrophytic lakes

  26. 河蟹育苗中地下井盐水的应用

    Application of Well Salt Water to Breeding of Eriocheir sinensis

  27. 安徽省河蟹人工半咸水育苗技术分析

    Analysis on Larval Rearing in Artificial Half-salt Water of Chinese Mitten Crab

  28. 河蟹大眼幼体培育至期仔蟹的试验

    Experiment on Culturing Crab from Megalopa to ⅲ Stage Larval

  29. 中国的河蟹养殖及其发展前景

    The culture of Chinese mitten crab and the prospect of its development

  30. 河蟹土池人工育苗有关问题的初步探讨

    Preliminary discussions on some problems about artificial propagation of E.sinensis in Earth Ponds