
  1. 河冈义裕对一种叫做血凝素(HA)的蛋白质在禽流感传播中所起的作用而感兴趣。

    Dr Kawaoka was interested in the role a protein called haemagglutinin ( HA ) plays in the transmission of avian influenza .

  2. 另外一项由病毒学家河冈义裕(YoshihiroKawaoka)主持的研究得出的结果与美国疾病控制与预防中心得出的结果类似。

    A third study led by virologist Yoshihiro Kawaoka produced similar results to the CDC .

  3. 河冈义裕决定致力于此种病毒的研究。

    Dr Kawaoka decided to concentrate his efforts on this specialist .

  4. 河冈义裕的意图是研究这些变异的基因如何能在哺乳动物间传播。

    Dr Kawaoka 's purpose was to study how the mammalian-transmission mutations worked .

  5. 《科学》杂志还没有发表富希耶的文章,但其对手《自然》杂志已抢先一步发表了河冈义裕的文章。

    Science has yet to publish Dr Fouchier 's manuscript , but its rival Nature has gone ahead and published Dr Kawaoka 's.

  6. 在去年12月,美国和荷兰当局阻止富希耶团队和由威斯康星大学的河冈义裕所带领的另一团队发表有关的研究发现,以免这些信息流入不法之徒手中。

    In December the authorities in America and the Netherlands prevented both his group and the other , led by Yoshihiro Kawaoka of the University of Wisconsin-Madison , from publishing their findings , lest they get into the wrong hands .

  7. 通过将这些基因转移到易于在哺乳动物间传播的病毒中,河冈义裕证明了血凝素基因本身并不是阻止禽流感在人群中传播的障碍,而其他基因可能才是。

    By transferring the genes into a virus that was known to be good at moving between mammals , Dr Kawaoka has shown that the HA gene is not itself an obstacle to bird flu gaining that ability , though its other genes may be .