
  1. 或者说向企业级市场推销Windows。

    Also also known as , windows in the workplace .

  2. CarlosTejada/TheWallStreetJournal随着北京汽车展落下帷幕,汽车爱好者和汽车业记者开始回味全球汽车制造企业为吸引眼球以及在中国这个世界最大汽车市场推销产品而使出的浑身解数。

    As the Beijing auto show winds up , car buffs and auto writers can reflect on the bounty provided by world 's auto makers as they seek eyeballs and sales in the world 's biggest car market .

  3. 可喜的是,欧洲央行(ECB)已不再任由信用评级机构左右自己的担保政策,因此各银行更有可能囤积和回购希腊债券,而非向买家稀少的市场推销这些债券。

    The European Central Bank has thankfully departed from letting its collateral policy be determined by credit raters , so banks are more likely to hoard and repo their Greek bonds than to flog them to a market where buyers are a threatened species .

  4. 市场推销业务不归他这一部门管。

    Marketing does not come within the orbitof his department .

  5. 日本人比谁都会搞市场推销。

    The Japanese can outsell any competitor in the market .

  6. 所以迪斯尼的市场推销必须别具新意。

    So disney 's marketing has had to be creative .

  7. 我们已做好在我方市场推销贵方纺织品的计划。

    We have planned to push the sale of your textile in our market .

  8. 我们的市场推销人员干得很不赖。

    Our marketing people did a magnificent job .

  9. 猜猜谁得到了市场推销权。

    Guess who retains the merchandising rights .

  10. 没有,但我们计划在下个月进行一次市场推销活动。

    Not really , but we are planning to launch a marketing campaign next month .

  11. 她们又看了几张幻灯片,包括她针对科技领域女性的市场推销策略。

    They ran through some more slides , including her go-to-market strategy - aiming at women in tech.

  12. 而商品宣传是国际市场推销商品和进行竞争的一种重要手段,商标名称翻译的好坏也直接影响了产品的销售业绩。

    The advertising of commodity is a vital means for international market to promote commodities and compete with others .

  13. 巴彻说,年轻女性和女孩特别容易成为烟草公司这种不择手段的市场推销术的目标,最后被诱惑。

    He says young women and girls are particularly at risk of being targeted and ensnared by these aggressive marketing techniques .

  14. 为了在我国市场推销冻兔肉,我想与你方签订一项代理的协议。

    In order to push the sale of freeze rabbit In our market , we shall like to come to an agency agreement with you .

  15. 这篇研究报告立即点燃了高盛企业客户的兴趣,尤其是那些已经早向新兴市场推销或试图推销消费者产品的企业。

    The paper immediately sparked interest among Goldman Sachs 's corporate clients , particularly those already selling or trying to sell consumer products to the emerging markets .

  16. 该公司目前正在寻找家具制造商,以推销其木制品,此外该公司还希望能与分销商和供应商合作,以便能在中国市场推销其产品。

    The company is looking for furniture manufacturers in order to sell wood products and would like to meet with distributors and suppliers in order to sell its products in Chinese market .

  17. 在华盛顿做秘书前,我在纽约食品市场推销过澳洲酒,因为当时世界银行不认可我在澳大利亚国立大学获得的学位,而我需要一份工作。

    I started spruiking Australian wine at the New York food fair , before becoming a secretary in Washington because the World Bank did not recognise my ANU degree and I needed a job .

  18. 夏新电子公司最大的业务是在国内市场推销自主品牌手机,同索尼-爱立信、诺基亚以及天宇和中兴等本土手机品牌正在展开一场激战。

    Amoi 's biggest business is branded mobile phones for the domestic Chinese market , where it is locked in a fierce battle with Sony-Ericcson , Nokia and local players such as Tianyu and ZTE .

  19. 经五名前雇员证实,这些网站很多是Axact内部创建的,主管们把网上学校视为有利可图的牌子,可以一丝不苟地创建起来,进行强有力的市场推销,时不时用一些骗术。

    Five former employees confirmed many of these sites as in-house creations of Axact , where executives treat the online schools as lucrative brands to be meticulously created and forcefully marketed , frequently through deception .

  20. 不要到萧条的市场去推销。

    Don 't sell into a dull market .

  21. 在市场上推销这些产品似乎没有什么困难。

    There appear to be no difficulty in marketing these products .

  22. 但培育市场比推销产品更重要。

    The cultivation market , however , is more important than push sales .

  23. 出口商品商标的宣传已成为各国在国际市场上推销商品和参与商业竞争的战略之一。

    The publicity of brands has become one of the strategies of enterprises to compete in the international market .

  24. 在20世纪初的维多利亚时代,广告商在市场上推销着含有牛肉绦虫囊的药丸。

    During the Victorian era , in the early 1900s , advertisers marketed pills that contained beef tapeworm cysts .

  25. 恐怕现在还不是在贵方市场上推销我方产品的时机。

    I am afraid that this is not good time yet to push the sales of our product in your market .

  26. 您知道,我们对经营拖鞋业务有着丰富经验。在市场上推销这种商品似乎没有什么困难。

    As you know , I am experienced In the business of slippers . there appear to be on difficulty In marketing these product .

  27. 如果你们的价格没有竞争力,那么我们不可能在我们的市场来推销你们的产品。

    If your price is not competitive , there is little chance that we can push the sale of your product in our market .

  28. 在美国,公开的市场和推销药品,许多医生发现他不太可能不屈服于这种腐败的趋势。

    There is a trend in America to openly market and promote drugs to many physicians who are finding it less possible to not succumb to corruption .

  29. 一份政府报告说,美国如果能向海外派出更多的贸易代表团,在新兴市场国家推销美国产品,并让小型企业了解有哪些出口的机会,美国出口就能在五年内翻一番。

    A government report says the United States can meet its goal by conducting more international trade missions , promoting American exports in emerging markets and making small businesses aware of export opportunities .

  30. 改变了以往只注重市场推广的推销方法。

    The old method which only focuses on the market generalization was changed in the paper .