
  • Marketing;Marketing Department;market
  1. 这种在编辑、发行人、销售市场部之间来来回回的决策过程会一直持续到各方都满意为止。

    A process of to-and-fro between editor , publisher , sales and marketing continues until everyone is happy .

  2. 封面设计一般七、八版,运气不好有可能达到50版。通常快速的设计需要7-8个版本的迭代才能选出定稿,之后还需要做一些微调(把标题调大一点儿、换一个正文字体、市场部要求作者的名字用金箔等)。

    A quick design process might involve seven or eight different iterations before a final design is chosen , followed by a process of fine-tuning ( make the title bigger , try a script font , Marketing wants the author in gold foil , etc ) .

  3. 市场部经理坚信她计划提升公司销售额150%的方案不是空想。

    The marketing2 manager is very confident and insists that her plan to increase company sales by 150 % is not a pipe dream .

  4. 销售部、市场部、以及广告部关注的就是发行环境,他们要弄清楚该书籍的市场定位,怎样让书打入书店,以及如何让书评人写好评。

    Sales , Marketing are concerned with context : figuring out where the book sits in the market , how to get it into bookstores , and reviewed .

  5. 他出生在巴塞尔的一个工人阶级家庭,27岁时加入了瑞士银行公司(swissbankcorporation)的计划与市场部。

    Born into a working-class family in Basle , he joined Swiss Bank Corporation at 27 in planning and marketing .

  6. MikeDelman是Xbox国际市场部的副主席。

    Mike Delman is the vice president for Xbox global marketing .

  7. JacksonWu是北京诺森公司的市场部经理,此公司专门生产时尚太阳镜。

    Jackson Wu is the Marketing Manager for Notson Limited in Beijing , a company that produces fashion sunglasses for men and women .

  8. 嘿,我听(传闻)说Todd很有可能调到市场部工作。

    Probably get the new job in Marketing .

  9. 本文作者是里昂证券(CLSA)亚太市场部驻上海中国宏观策略师

    Andy Rothman is the Shanghai-based China macro strategist for CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets

  10. 我是LK电子公司的市场部经理。

    I am the marketing manager for LK Electronics ..

  11. 新华社援引旅游景点市场部经理李楚(LiChu)的话报道,电影将武隆和香港的场景混合在一起,混淆了观众的视觉。

    It quoted thetourist attraction marketing manager Li Chu as saying that the movie alsocombines images of Wulong with scenes shot in Hong Kongand thereby confuses the audience .

  12. 若要向用户kim授予对名为“市场部”且已启用邮件的公用文件夹的“代理访问”权限,请运行以下命令。

    To grant the send as permission to the user Kim for the mail-enabled public folder named marketing department , run the following command .

  13. 更何况,德意志银行全球市场部的专家预测,我们现在的生物多样性损失率最早在2050年会减少6%的全球GDP。

    Yet , the head of Deutsche Bank 's Global Markets predicts that our current rate of biodiversity loss could see6 % of global GDP wiped out as early as2050 .

  14. 预计美国金融业监管局对花旗集团全球市场部(CitigroupGlobalMarkets)的罚款决定将于今日宣布,此项处罚在一定程度上是由于花旗未能控制涉及“总回报互换”等策略的交易。

    Finra 's fine against Citigroup Global Markets , expected to be announced today , partly involves the bank 's failure to control trading related to strategies including so-called " total return swaps " .

  15. GeoffreyBessin是IBMRational市场部经理,负责IBM软件组相互之间推动IT生命周期管理最佳实践。

    Geoffrey Bessin is an IBM Rational market manager responsible for a cross-IBM Software Group initiative dedicated to promoting IT lifecycle management best practices .

  16. 金佰利公司(Kimberly-Clark)市场部主管JocelynPhi于2003年获得凯洛格-香港科大EMBA学位。

    Jocelyn Phi , a marketing director at Kimberly-Clark , obtained the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA in 2003 .

  17. 摩根大通证券(jpmorgansecurities)驻香港的中国证券市场部主席李晶(jingulrich)表示:“深圳面临被边缘化的潜在风险。”

    Jing Ulrich , chairman of China equities at JPMorgan securities in Hong Kong , says : " there is a potential risk of Shenzhen becoming marginalised . "

  18. 瑞银资本市场部亚洲区主管包世勋(stevenbarg)表示,市场将恢复稳定。

    Steven barg , head of global capital markets in Asia for UBS , said stable markets would return .

  19. “缺乏融资正产生巨大影响,”国际金融公司全球金融市场部高级经理GermanVegarra说。

    " The lack of finance is having a huge impact ," says German Vegarra , senior manager of IFC Global Financial Markets .

  20. 市场部经理任维奇(VickyRen)解释说:与国外客户相比,中国消费者倾向于将游艇用于商务用途。

    Compared to our foreign clients , the Chinese customers tend to use their boats for business purposes , explains Vicky Ren , marketing manager .

  21. 杰米.卡鲁那(JaimeCaruana)是国际货币基金组织货币与资本市场部主任,也是国际货币基金组织关于全球金融稳定状况报告的主要作者。

    Jaime Caruana is the principal author of the IMF report on financial stability .

  22. 摩根大通董事总经理兼中国证券市场部总监李晶(JingUlrich)表示,她预计5%的收入税将逐步取消。

    Jing Ulrich , JPMorgan managing director and China equities chair , said she expected the 5 per cent revenue tax to be gradually phased out .

  23. 保罗•Leuthe,Wolf器具公司市场部经理,称感应炉是非常需要的。

    Paul Leuthe , corporate marketing manager for Wolf Appliance Company , says induction burners will be de rigueur .

  24. 汇丰银行(HSBC)亚太债券市场部主管史蒂芬威廉姆斯(StephenWilliams)表示:随着亚洲国家主权债收益率趋于下降,投资者开始选择信用风险更高的投资标的。

    As sovereign yields in Asia have declined , investors have started to take on more credit risk , says Stephen Williams , head of debt capital markets in Asia Pacific at HSBC .

  25. 斯蒂夫?瞿,索尼公司市场部经理大部分人都希望一台电视机能使用五年以上,所以他们正在准备迎接香港HD电视播放时代的到来。

    STEVE CHU , MARKETING MANAGER , SONY Most people would like to have their TV for more than five years . So really they 're preparing for the HD broadcasting era in Hong Kong .

  26. 本设计是JAC汽车集团有限公司市场部即将使用的汽车产品市场分析与销售管理系统的一个组成部分。

    The project is a part of market analysis and sales management system that soon be used by marketing department of JAC Automobile Corporation .

  27. 早期投资中国内地股票的基金经理,包括现任摩根大通(jpmorgan)中国证券市场部主席的李晶(jingulrich),对透明度、流动性以及管理问责制度感到担忧。

    Fund managers in those early days of mainland equities - including Jing Ulrich , now head of China equities and commodities at JPMorgan - had concerns about transparency , liquidity and management accountability .

  28. 摩根大通(jpmorgan)中国证券市场部董事总经理李晶(jingulrich)表示,如果一家中国企业希望筹集大量资金,香港仍是一个非常具有吸引力的选择。

    Jing Ulrich , managing director for China equities at JPMorgan , says that if a Chinese company wants to raise large amounts of funds , Hong Kong is still a highly attractive exchange .

  29. 联合利华(Unilever)护肤市场部副总裁罗布?坎戴里诺(RobCandelino)称,约有一半的男性只用清水洗脸。联合利华是多芬男士+护理(DoveMen+Care)品牌的生产商。

    About half of men wash their face solely with water , says Rob Candelino , vice president of marketing for skin care at Unilever , maker of a Dove Men + Care brand .

  30. imf资本市场部主管卡鲁阿纳(jaimecaruana)坚称,不必采用大量新规定,但需要冷静反思如何改善金融市场。

    Jaime Caruana , IMF capital markets head , insisted that a raft of new regulations was not necessary , but a sober reflection on how to improve financial markets .