
  • 网络microbial agent;microbial inoculum
  1. 微生物菌剂对矿区复垦土壤的生态效应研究

    Ecological Effect Research of Microbial Inoculum on the Land Reclamation

  2. 从整体评价指标看微生物菌剂种类对腐熟和育苗影响差异性不大,只要含有足够的菌数即可促进有机废弃物腐熟进程。

    The overall evaluation index , showed that the discrepancy of influence on composting and growing seedlings by using different types of microbial inoculum was not significant , and composting process can be accelerated as long as the sufficient bacterium .

  3. 环保微生物菌剂常用5种芽胞杆菌的PCR鉴定

    The Identification of Five Bacillus Species Used in Environment Microbe Agentia with PCR Method

  4. CMF微生物菌剂修复河流污水的动力学分析

    A Kinetic Analysis of Bioremediation of Wastewater in Rivers by CMF Microorganism Preparations

  5. 以C/N为腐熟指标,实际条件下堆肥试验中接种复合微生物菌剂的处理提前3d达到腐熟。

    Disposal of inoculation of complex microbial inoculants maturated three days earlier than the disposal of without inoculation of complex microbial inoculants did in the practical compost experiment , taking the C / N as the maturity index .

  6. 降解BTX的复合微生物菌剂制备及高效降解菌的研究

    Research on Preparation of Composite Microorganism Agent and Its High-Efficiency Microbial Strains Degrading Btx

  7. 同时,施用微生物菌剂还可显著提高番茄可溶性固形物、茄红素和Vc含量,改善产品风味,提高农产品品质。

    Meanwhile , using biological bacterial manure also increase the content of soluble solid substance , eggplant red element and VC , changing it 's taste , improved the quality of products .

  8. 聚乳酸-天冬氨酸生物降解材料的合成降解BTX的复合微生物菌剂制备及高效降解菌的研究

    The Synthesis of the Biodegradable Poly ( lactic acid-co-aspartic acid ) Research on Preparation of Composite Microorganism Agent and Its High-Efficiency Microbial Strains Degrading Btx

  9. 最后得出,以复合肥为氮源、EM菌为微生物菌剂用来作油茶壳基质化腐熟效果好,腐熟完全且成本低,满足育苗要求。

    Finally , the conclusion that using compound fertilizer as nitrogen source and EM bacteria as microbe was the best method of composting technology of camellia shell medium , and it composted fully and had low cost and satisfied seedling requirements . 2 .

  10. 微生物菌剂处理对细菌、真菌和放线菌的增殖有促进作用,微生物菌剂处理各时期的细菌数量均显著高于CK,放线菌数量生育期内平均值都较CK高。

    Microbial agents could promote the quantity of bacteria , fungi and actinomycetes . The quantity of bacteria of each period were significantly higher than CK , microbial agents on the number of bacteria , and the number of actinomycetes during the growing season averages were higher than CK .

  11. 论文主要设计接种与不接种微生物菌剂VT菌两种处理,以畜禽粪便高温好氧堆肥过程中物理化学和生物学指标的变化规律为主要研究内容,分析微生物菌剂VT菌在堆肥中的作用机理;

    The test was mostly conducted two kinds of disposal methods which were disposal of inoculation and without inoculation with agriculture waste to study the mechanism of inoculation of VT microbial inoculants through analysis of physical , chemical index and biological index in the process of aerobic compost .

  12. 结果表明,菌株Tu-1对胆酸盐、强酸、高温、人工胃肠液都有较强的耐受性。芽孢能够耐受高温环境,是微生物菌剂的最佳制剂形式。

    The experiment results show that , strain Tu-1 has a stronger tolerability under cholate , strong acid , high temperature and artificial gut environment . Spore , which can tolerate high temperature environment , is the best preparation form .

  13. 根据炼油废水成分分析的结果筛选降解烷烃、苯系物、苯酚等难降解化合物的高效降解菌,通过正交实验确定各组成菌株的最佳配比,制成复合微生物菌剂,根据营养需求添加KH2PO4作为助剂。

    According to the analysis of refinery wastewater , high-efficiency microbe which can degrade alkane 、 benzene series 、 phenol were screened . The proportion of these microbe determined by orthogonal experiment . Microorganisms agent includes those microbe and KH_2PO_4 , act as aid agent , based on nutritional requirements .

  14. 微生物菌剂对茎围的影响较小。

    But Microbial agents had little effect on the stem circumference .

  15. 微生物菌剂用于污水处理与污泥减量的研究城镇污水污泥处理过程中絮凝剂的选用

    Study on Microbial Agent Used to Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Reduction

  16. 不同微生物菌剂对羊毛下脚料堆肥发酵的影响

    Effect of Different Microorganism Agents on the Compost of Wool Waste

  17. 介绍一种新的生物技术&EM微生物菌剂

    Introduction to the new biological technology ── em microbial bacterial dose

  18. 垃圾堆肥高效复合微生物菌剂的制备

    Study on Preparation Technology of Complex Microbial Community in Composting Process

  19. 不同微生物菌剂处理对猪粪堆肥中氨挥发的影响

    Effects of microbial agents on NH_3 emission during pig manure composting

  20. 微生物菌剂对盐碱土理化和生物性状影响的研究

    Effects of Inoculating Different Microorganism Agents on the Improvement of Salinized Soil

  21. 不同微生物菌剂对水稻秸秆发酵效果的影响

    Effects of Different Microbial Agents on Fermentation of Rice Straw in Composting

  22. 微生物菌剂强化处理炼油废水的中试研究陕北石油秩序

    Pilot-scale research on oil refinery wastewater treatment by microorganism agent

  23. 促进农业废弃物腐解的复合微生物菌剂的筛选

    Screening of the Composite Microorganism for Promoting the Decomposition of Agriculture Residue

  24. 餐厨垃圾高效处理复合微生物菌剂的研究

    Research on Effective Microorganism Agent for Degradation of Food Wastes

  25. 鸡粪发酵复合微生物菌剂的筛选和应用

    The Screening and Application of Compound Microorganism Inoculums Fermented from Chicken Manure

  26. 接种内外源微生物菌剂对堆肥效果的影响

    Effects of indigenous and exogenous microbial inocula on composting in a bioreactor

  27. 微生物菌剂对有机废弃物发酵作用的研究

    Study on effects of the microbiological agent on the ferment of organic waste

  28. 复合微生物菌剂对番茄青枯病和土壤微生物多样性的影响

    Effects of Complex Microbial Fertilizer on Tomato Bacterial Wilt and Soil Microbial Diversities

  29. 复合微生物菌剂与填料联用处理生活污水的实验研究

    Study on Sewage Treatment with the Combination of Compound Microbial Agents and Fillers

  30. 不同微生物菌剂对豌豆生长和磷、锌利用率的影响

    Effects of different microorganism reagent on pea growth and P and Zn use rate