
shēnɡ wù ɡōnɡ yè
  • bioindustry
  1. 医疗保健可能沦为生物工业!

    Health care may be reduced to a biological industry !

  2. 这些废弃的镉的产生是因为锌的提炼,磷酸盐矿的开采和生物工业化肥的生产。

    The causes of these waste streams are for instance zinc production , phosphate ore implication and bio industrial manure .

  3. 氧化葡萄糖酸杆菌因其不完全氧化糖、醇生成醛、酮、酸的能力,成为生物工业上应用广泛的微生物之一。

    Gluconobacter oxydans strains could incomplete oxidize substrates like sugars , alcohols to aldehydes , ketones and acids correspondingly which make it widely used in industrial applications .

  4. 适用于半导体、电子、平板显示器和磁盘驱动器的厂家及光学、生物工业及其它对空气中污染有严格控制要求的地方。

    It is suitable to semi-conductor , electronic product , flat panel display and disk driver manufacturers , optical and biological industries and other places requiring strict control of air pollution .

  5. 生物技术工业组织(BIO,BiotechnologyIndustryOrganization)代表了1000多家生物技术公司和其他组织。

    Biotechnology Industry Organization . The group represents more than one thousand biotechnology companies and other organizations .

  6. 乳酸菌(LacticAcidBacteria,LAB)是一类长期应用于食品发酵、生物医药工业且被公认为安全的食品级微生物。

    Lactic acid bacteria ( LAB ) is widely used in food fermentation , biological medicine industry and generally regarded as safe .

  7. 随着生物发酵工业的发展,以及核黄素(V(B2))生物合成的产业化应用,生物素合成方法逐渐由化学合成转向生物合成。

    With the development of fermented industry and the industrialization application of and biosynthesis of riboflavin ( VB2 ), the ways of synthesizing biotin shift from chemosynthesis to biosynthesis gradually .

  8. 脂酶(Lipase,EC3.1.1.3)是普遍应用于皮革、饲料及生物柴油工业的工业酶制剂,具有广泛的应用价值。

    Lipase is one of the most widely used enzymes in industries such as leather , food and bio-diesel production . It is valuable for its application to other fields .

  9. 我们国家的生物工程工业还处于初级阶段。

    Biotechnological industry in our country is still in its infancy .

  10. 当地的野生生物和工业共存是可能的。

    It is possible for local wildlife to coexist with industry .

  11. 新型工业酶制剂的进步对生物化学品工业生产过程的影响

    Impact of the industrial enzyme progress on the production of chemicals

  12. 其明显的理由是,生物降解工业废水必须有足够的停留时间。

    The obvious reason for this is the retention of industrial effluents .

  13. 过渡金属硫化学在生物及工业方面均有重要意义。

    Transition metal sulfur chemistry has an important significance in biochemistry and industry .

  14. 生物制药工业企业战略联盟研究

    Study on Strategic Alliance of Biological - Pharmacy Enterprise

  15. 细胞工程在生物制药工业中的地位

    The status of cytotechnology in biopharmaceutical industry

  16. 转基因动物在生物制药工业中的应用

    The Application of Transgenic Animals in Biopharmaceutical

  17. 第三,世界生物能源工业的快速发展,加剧了粮食供求矛盾。

    Thirdly , the rapid development of bio-energy industry in the world makes the conflict of food supply worse .

  18. 部长们正在就如何建立商业可行的生物燃料工业征集产业界的具体建议。

    The Cabinet members are soliciting specific proposals from industry on how to establish a commercially viable biofuels industry .

  19. 这种开发所谓的小分子药物的努力,在生物技术工业上,与微软制造电视机或打字机是等效的。

    Its effort to develop so-called small-molecule drugs is the biotechnology industry equivalent of Microsoft malting television sets or typewriters .

  20. 近年来,新兴的生物燃料工业在世界范围内徒然兴起。然而,随之带来了另外一个问题即是:新型生物能源的开发会产生大量的生物燃料副产品。

    In recent years , with the development of new energy sources , large amounts of biofuels byproducts were produced .

  21. 作为最重要的抗生素产生菌,链霉菌在生物医药工业中有着悠久的历史和独特的地位。

    As proficient antibiotics producer , Streptomyces has a long history and plays an important role in the bio-pharmaceutical industry .

  22. 文章最后粗略展望了生物化学工业和功能材料工业在新产业革命中的前景。

    Lastly this article surveys roughly the prospects of biological chemical industry and functional material chemical industry in the new industrial revolution .

  23. 在城镇用水,工业废水处理,生物下游工业等中,絮凝是应用最普遍的关键环节之一。

    Flocculation process is one of the most general key steps in the water and wastewater treatment , downstream processing of bio-industry .

  24. 讨论了非水相生物催化工业高度过程集成和深度学科交叉的特征,提出了发展非水相生物催化工业的若干建议。

    Based on the discussion of nonaqueous biocatalysis industry involving the characteristics of integrated process and multidisciplinary , nature of the development of nonaqueous biocatalysis industry is recommended .

  25. 该中心在生物燃料工业的劳动力培训上扮演着关键的角色,协助全国范围内生物燃料提炼厂对合格的操作和管理人员的增长需求。

    The Center plays a key role in the Bio-Fuels Industry for Workforce Training to assist in the growing need for qualified personnel to operate and manage bio-fuel refineries across the country .

  26. 故而,开发利用新的饲料资源,特别是合理利用环保型的诸如生物燃料工业副产品,不仅对环境保护、而且对畜牧业的发展具有重大现实意义。

    Therefore , developing new feed resources , especially using environmental protection type resources such as biofuels byproducts will have great practical significance not only for environment protection but also for animal husbandry industry .

  27. 母乳是最古老、最基本的营养品,如今已经成为一种工业品,成为生物科技工业最新的前沿产品——尽管这项快速增长的生意存在着不少争议。

    Breast milk , that most ancient and fundamental of nourishments , is becoming an industrial commodity , and one of the newest frontiers of the biotechnology industry - even as concerns abound over this fast-growing business .

  28. 母乳是最古老、最基本的营养品,如今已经成为一种工业品,成为生物科技工业最新的前沿产品&尽管这项快速增长的生意存在着不少争议。

    Breast milk , that most ancient and fundamental of nourishments , is becoming an industrial commodity , and one of the newest frontiers of the biotechnology industry & even as concerns abound over this fast-growing business .

  29. 由于工业的发展,大量有害于人类和其它生物的工业废物(废水、废气、废渣)和生活污水、农业废水排入河流、湖泊、水库与海湾,使天然水体受到严重的污染。

    With the development of industry , a large amount of industry waste water and life polluted water harmful to people and other living things is discharged into river , lake , reservoir and ocean and make the natural water much more polluted .

  30. 炼油废水生物流化床处理工业应用研究

    Study on batch biological treatment of refinery wastewater in a fluidized bed