
  • 网络genital segments;Gonotome;geital segments
  1. 在有翅亚纲成虫体表,最常见的附肢是生殖节的外生殖器和末节的尾须。

    Generally the only appendages seen in the abdomen of an adult pterygota insect are those on the genital segments ( external genitalia ) and the cerci .

  2. 雄蚤生殖节的扫描电镜观察

    Scanning electron microscopy of the genital segments of male fleas

  3. 东海舵鲣的早期发育和生殖习性鲣节霉中的几种肽酶的研究

    On the early development and the reproductive behaviour of Auxis in Dong hai , china study on peptidases of dried skipjack mildew