
  • 网络genital ducts
  1. 大蜕的雄性生殖管道系统包括4种管道。

    Genital tubes included four ducts .

  2. 成年树的睾丸、卵巢和生殖管道的形态及重量有明显的季节性变化。

    The testes , ovarium and reproductive tube of adult treeshrew in its morphology and weight have marked seasonal changes .

  3. 珍贵绢丝昆虫&天蚕精子的超微结构及其在生殖管道中的变化

    Ultrastructure of sperms in the Japanese oak silkworm , Antheraea yamamai ( Lepidoptera : Saturniidae ) and their changes in internal reproductive ducts