
shēnɡ wù zhì pǐn
  • biologics;biological products
生物制品 [shēng wù zhì pǐn]
  • [biologic product] 用微生物或其产物制成的用于预防、诊断或治疗疾病的药物(如球蛋白、血清、菌苗、抗毒素或抗原)

  1. 诊断血清系冻干马抗人IgG、IgA、IgM,为北京生物制品研究所出品。

    Diagnostic serum was freeze drying equine anti human IgG , IgA and IgM . It was provided by Beijing Biologics Institute .

  2. 结论中国医学科学院医学生物学研究所生产的OPV疫苗糖丸质量是稳定的、可靠的,符合《中国生物制品规程》的质量标准要求。

    Conclusion The quality of the OPV produced by Institute of Medical Biology , Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences is stable , reliable and completely in accordance with the quality standard of " Requirements for Biologics " .

  3. 地高辛标记探针检测生物制品中残余DNA含量

    The detection of the residual DNA in the biological products by labeled probe of digoxigenin

  4. 在中文Windows95平台下,以Access为应用系统开发工具,设计广西区卫生防疫站生物制品微机管理单机版系统。

    A stand-alone computerized management system of biological products was developed on Windows 95 platform with Access in Guangxi Hygiene and Anti-Epidemic Centre .

  5. 应用PCR技术检测兽医生物制品中污染病毒的研究

    Studies on the Application of PCR Technique to Testing for Virus Pollution Causing by Veterinary Biological Product

  6. 人工培育出的SPF兔和清洁级兔,经国家动物标准检测室(药品生物制品监定所)检测均合乎相应级别的国家标准。SPF级新西兰实验兔生物学特性的研究

    The Study of Biological Characters of SPF New Zealand Laboratorial Rabbit

  7. 生物制品GMP认证检查的几点体会

    Some View on GMP Inspection in Biological Products Manufacturers

  8. 目的:用亚甲基蓝-分光光度法检测重组生物制品中十二烷基硫酸钠(SDS)的含量。

    Objective : Using methylene blue spectrophotometric method to determine the content of SDS in recombinant biological products .

  9. 结论服用鳀鱼生物制品有降低TG、TC、血糖及血尿酸作用。

    Conclusions This fish biological product can decrease the levels of TG , TC , glucose and uric acid in serum .

  10. 本文阐述了PCR(基因扩增)技术的原理、基本操作方法,及其在兽医生物制品疫苗污染病毒检测中的应用。

    This article expounds the principle of PCR technique , main methods of operations and its application to testing for virus pollution causing by veterinarian biological product .

  11. 我们应用上海生物制品研究所生产的Fn抗血清及参考血清,建立了人血浆Fn免疫比浊法测定;

    The immunological turbidimetry assay of human serum Fn , using Fn anti-serum and reference serum was reported .

  12. 目的探讨鳀鱼生物制品对人体降血脂(包括HDL,TC,TG)、血糖、血尿酸的作用。

    Objective To investigate the effect of a fish biological product on the levels of lipids , glucose and uric acid in human .

  13. 目的验证维生素C对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)的灭活作用,为生物制品提供一种安全可行的HIV灭活的方法。

    Objective In order to explore the inactivating effect of ascorbic acid on human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) and provide a safe and practical approach to inactivating HIV in biological products .

  14. Vero细胞是WHO和我国生物制品规程认可使用的人用疫苗生产细胞系。

    Vero cells are acknowledged by WHO and China biological products procedures used in human vaccine production .

  15. 兽用生物制品生产企业实施兽药GMP管理是提高竞争力和产品质量的有效途径。

    The GMP management implemented by a veterinary bio-products factory is an efficient way to improve competence and quality of products .

  16. 自打注射用药品生产开始,人们就认识到在最终容器内很多药物和生物制品无法承受物理灭菌过程。B上单与底单间隙用无菌枕套覆盖。

    Since the earliest days of parenteral manufacturing it has been recognized that many drugs and biologics would not withstand a physical sterilization process in their final container . B , Interval between top sheet and foundation drapes covered by sterile pillowcases .

  17. 检测中国药品生物制品检定所《检测抗HEV抗体国家参考品》全套血清盘:特异性参比品30份,全部为阴性;

    Testing results of the reference standard panel of the Institute of the Control of Pharmaceuticals and Biological Products specific reference 30 samples all is negative ;

  18. 本研究应用KM2液体培养基培养法和姬姆萨氏染色法对来源于山西生物制品厂的两批可疑感染支原体的制苗用鸡蛋进行了检测。

    In this study , two batches of vaccine-made eggs taken from Shanxi Bio-products company , which are suspiciously contaminated by Mycoplasma , were detected by KM2 media and Giemsa 's staining .

  19. 目的评价Ⅱ类新生物制品绿脓杆菌菌毛株菌苗(PAMSHA菌苗)作为免疫调节剂的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of pseudomonas aeruginosa MSHA vaccine ( PA MSHA vaccine ) used as immune modulator .

  20. 目前β干扰素主要应用于多发性硬化的临床治疗,是FDA批准的用于多发性硬化治疗的唯一生物制品类药物,也是目前治疗多发性硬化最有效的药物。

    Currently , interferon beta is mainly applied to the clinical treatment of multiple sclerosis ( MS ), which is the only biological medicine authorized by FDA in MS and has the best curative effect .

  21. 为了应对可能出现的冬季甲型流感大爆发,周四时中国批准了第一批本土H1N1流感疫苗,该疫苗的生产者北京科兴生物制品公司说这种疫苗只需注射一次就能起到防护作用。

    China on Thursday granted approval to its first home-grown H1N1 flu vaccine , which producer Sinovac says is effective after only one dose , as the country braces for a feared winter outbreak .

  22. 中国的疫苗由北京科兴生物制品公司开发,它包含了灭活的H5N1病毒以及佐剂。科学家有时候在疫苗中加入一种化合物让疫苗更有效,这种化合物就是佐剂。

    The Chinese vaccine , produced by Sinovac Biotech , contained an inactivated version of the whole H5N1 virus and adjuvant & a chemical that is sometimes added to vaccines to make it more effective .

  23. 10L发酵和纯化工艺可获高效价、高比活性、高纯度的rhIL-6合格生物制品。

    This technic of 10L fermentation tank and purity can get qualified product of rhIL-6 of high efficiency . high contrast activity and high purity .

  24. 背景与目的:注射用重组人淋巴毒素α衍生物(rhLTα-Da)是我国研制的一全新抗肿瘤生物制品。

    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVE : Intravenous recombinant human lymphotoxin - α derivative ( rhLT α - Da ) is a novel biological antitumor reagent developed in China .

  25. Ramadoss上周访问了北京生物制品研究所和一家干细胞研究机构,他也探寻了在干细胞领域和中国合作的可能性。

    Ramadoss , who visited China 's National Vaccine and Serum Institute and the Stem Cell Research Institute in Beijing last week , is also exploring collaboration in stem cell research .

  26. 兽医生物制品产业是一个迅速崛起的新兴产业。

    Veterinary biological products industry is a rapidly emerging new industry .

  27. 生物制品企业污水的消毒处理及实例

    The Cases and Disinfection Treatment of Wastewater in Biologic Product Factory

  28. 我国兽用生物制品企业营销战略的研究

    Study on Marketing Strategy of Veterinary Biological Products Enterprises in China

  29. 预防用生物制品主要产品生产经营运行分析

    Analysis on the Production and Distribution of the Preventive Biological Products

  30. 生物制品的现场评价是必需而有用的。

    Field evaluation of biologics serves a necessary and useful purpose .