
  • 网络Biopharmaceuticals;biologics;biological agents
  1. 生物药剂诱导太谷核不育矮败小麦孤雌生殖的研究结果表明:不同的生物药剂对诱导太谷核不育矮败小麦孤雌生殖的影响很明显,诱导结实率为0.06%~2.28%。

    A study was made on induction of parthenogenesis of Taigu nucleus sterile dwarf abortive wheat using biological agent . The result show that the effect of various biological agents were all obvious , the setting percentage induced was 0.06 % ~ 2.28 % .

  2. 进行喷雾防治马尾松毛虫试验,试验表明:药后18d两种生物药剂的防治效果均在70%以上,B.t。

    To control Dendrolimus punctatus showed , the control efficiency of two biological products reached 70 % after 18d , B.t.

  3. 生物药剂防治大黄轮纹病室内药效试验

    Test Effect on Fungicide Control Rheum Ring Spot in Indoor

  4. 利用M-18型飞机喷洒高效生物药剂防治落叶松毛虫的研究

    Study on controlling Dendrolimus superans using avermectin by aerial spraying

  5. 生物药剂因素,如浓茶、咖啡、兴奋剂、戒断反应等,或是其他神经精神疾病所引起。

    There were many reasons induced insomnia such as physical body , environmental factors , biomedical drugs and other nervous psychosis .

  6. 聚苯乙烯系强碱性阴离子交换树脂有效地应用于水处理、电力行业、化学及生物药剂的提纯制备等领域。

    Styrene-based strongly basic anion exchange resins have been effectively used for a variety of fields such as water treatment , hydrometallurgy , chemical industry , bioindustry and so on .

  7. 并与生物药剂、植物源杀虫剂及化学农药进行了药效比较分析,其研究结果为林木害虫的生物防治及有毒植物资源的开发和利用提供理论依据。

    The drug effects were compared to those of biological medicaments , botanical pesticides and chemical pesticides , and the results of this study provided references for the biological control of forest pests as well as the exploitation and utilization of venomous plant resources .

  8. 第五部分通过田间实验评价了性信息素对于梨小食心虫的防治效果,并做了梨小食心虫配套生物农药药剂防治效果的比较实验。

    The fifth part evaluated the control effects of sex pheromone through field experiments , and further made an experiment to compare different biological pesticide control effects .

  9. 结论认为广佛手病害的防治应采取预防为主、综合防治的原则,将农业防治、生物防治和药剂防治相结合。

    Conclusion To control them effectively , prevention is most important , and agricultural methods , biologic methods and chemical germicides should be used together .

  10. 强碱性阴离子交换树脂广泛应用于水处理、电力行业、生物及化学药剂的分离纯化及催化合成等领域。

    Strongly basic anion exchange resin is widely used in water treatment , electric power industry , the separation and purification of biological and chemical agents , as well as catalytic synthesis .

  11. 其防治方法有人工防除,生物防治和化学药剂防治等。

    The control measures include artificial control , biological control and chemical control , etc.

  12. 综合介绍了有机生产中控制有害生物的技术措施,主要有:生态学技术措施、农业措施、物理措施以及生物药剂防治措施等,为有机农业生产中有害生物的管理提供了思路和方法。

    This paper introduced technologies on controlling pests in the organic agricultural production , which include : ecological method , agricultural method , physical method and bio-control method , to provide new idea and ways in the controlling of organic production .