
  1. 结果:资料显示以性早熟(7179%)和生殖器炎症(1282%)最为常见;

    Results : It was showed that sexual premature ( 71.79 % ) and genital inflammations ( 12.82 % ) were common factors for the disease .

  2. 结果头盆不称、胎位异常、早产流产史、生殖器炎症是胎膜早破主要病因。

    Results Cephalopelvic disproportion , abnormal position of fetus , history of premature birth and abortion , inflammation of reproductive organs were the most factors of PROM .

  3. 维生素B2的欠缺会引起口腔、唇、皮肤、生殖器的炎症和机能障碍。

    Lack of vitamin B2 can cause mouth , lips , skin , genital inflammation and dysfunction .

  4. 其他疾病还有生殖器畸形、炎症、子宫内膜异位症等。

    Conclusions Genital tumor was the most common disease in both pediatric and adolescent patients .