
  • 网络Septate Uterus;uterus septus
  1. 1例纵隔子宫病人人工流产手术前后护理

    Nursing care of a uterus septus patient before and after undergoing artificial abortion

  2. 结果确诊双角子宫8例,单宫颈纵隔子宫10例,双宫颈单宫体纵隔子宫2例,青春期残角子宫4例。

    Results Definitive diagnosis indicated 8 cases of uterus bicornis , 10 cases of uterus septus with single uterine neck , 2 cases of uterus septus with double uterine neck and single uterine body , and 4 cases of puberal rudimentary horn of uterus .

  3. 方法对经子宫、腹腔镜联合检查或三维超声重建成像(3D-US)确诊及分型的14例纵隔子宫的B超声像图分析。

    [ Method ] We analyzed the B-US Appearance in 14 cases of septate uterus , which were confirmed and classification by united exam of hysteroscope and laparoscope or reconstruction of three dimension Ultrasonography ( 3D Ultrasonography , 3D-US ) .

  4. 纵隔子宫43例诊治分析

    Clinical Analysis on Diagnosis and Treatment of 43 Cases of Uterine Septum

  5. 腹腔镜联合宫腔镜行纵隔子宫切开术的术后护理

    The postoperative nursing methods of septate uterus treated by laparoscope combined hysteroscope

  6. B超诊断纵隔子宫14例

    Diagnosis of 14 cases septate uterus by brightness ultrasonography

  7. 对完全纵隔子宫、双宫颈和阴道纵隔进行手术治疗后的诊断和生育结局

    The diagnosis and reproductive outcome after surgical treatment of the complete septate uterus , duplicated cervix and vaginal septum

  8. 结果6例诊断为完全纵隔子宫,19例诊断为不完全纵隔子宫,10例诊断为双角子宫。

    Results Six cases were diagnosed as complete septate uterus , 19 cases as subseptate uterus and 10 cases as bicornuate .

  9. 子宫切开术对子宫的外科切除手术,比如在剖腹产术中腹腔镜联合宫腔镜行纵隔子宫切开术的术后护理

    Surgical incision of the uterus , as in a cesarean section . The postoperative nursing methods of septate uterus treated by laparoscope combined hysteroscope

  10. 结果3例纵隔子宫,18例卵巢囊性肿物三维成像获成功,10例子宫肌瘤中6例,4例卵巢实性肿物中2例,10例输卵管妊娠中7例三维成像成功。

    Results Three dimensional imagings succeeded in 3 mediastinal uterines , 18 ovarian cystic cases , 6 of 10 uterine myomas , 2 of 4 ovarian parenchymal masses and 7 of 10 tubal pregnancies .

  11. 结果:共发现子宫畸形20例,其中双子宫10例,双角子宫4例,鞍形子宫3例,纵隔子宫2例,单角子宫1例。

    Results Twenty patients had uterine anomalies . Of them , 10 had double uterus , 4 had bicornuate uterus , 3 arcuate uterus , 2 septate uterus , and the other 1 unicornuate uterus .

  12. 其中9例完全纵隔子宫,58例不完全纵隔子宫,均一次完成子宫纵隔电切术,手术顺利无子宫穿孔,肠管损伤及水中毒等并发症发生。

    And 5 example complete mediastinum womb , 62 example incomplete mediastinum womb , homogeneous time completes the uterine septum electrotomy , surgery smooth non-womb perforation , complication occurrences and so on intestines damage and water intoxication .

  13. 结果该组14例中10例B超诊断为部分性纵隔子宫,2例B超诊断为完全性纵隔子宫,1例B超诊断为完全性纵隔子宫合并阴道纵隔,1例正常。

    [ Result ] Ten of 14 cases were diagnosed as partial septate uterus , 2 cases were diagnosed as complete septate uterus , 1 case was diagnosed as longitudinal vaginal septum complicating complete septate uterus and 1 case was normal by B-US .

  14. 伴有双宫颈和阴道纵隔的子宫纵隔畸形:一种未经分类的Müllerian异常

    Septate uterus with cervical duplication and a longitudinal vaginal septum : A m ü llerian anomaly without a classification

  15. 1例子宫纵隔;1例子宫极度后倾曲。

    One case was septate uterus and other one case was serious uterine retroversion .

  16. 方法回顾分析了68例宫腔内良性病变宫腔镜联合腹腔镜手术的临床资料,其中子宫粘膜下肌瘤37例,子宫纵隔18例,子宫粘连12例,双角子宫1例。

    Methods Retrospectively analysed the 68 patients with uterine cavitary benign lesion underwent hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery , including 37 patients with submucous myoma , 18 patients with uterus septum , 12 patients with adhesions of uterus , and 1 patient with bicornuate uterus .

  17. 结果单纯双子宫畸形2例,双子宫畸形伴阴道纵隔1例,双角子宫伴左侧卵巢囊肿1例,完全纵隔子宫2例,完全纵隔子宫伴阴道纵隔2例。

    Results There were 2 cases of simple uterus didelphys , 1 case of uterus didelphys accompaniment longitudinal vaginal septum , 1 case of uterus bicornis accompaniment cyst in left ovary , 2 cases of complete uterus septus and 2 cases of complete uterus septus accompaniment longitudinal vaginal septum .

  18. 结果:20例子宫纵隔患者中15例为不完全性纵隔子宫,5例为完全性纵隔子宫。

    Results : In the 20 patients , 5 were complete uterine septus and 15 were incomplete .