
  • 网络outgrowth;cut groth
  1. 15天左右,生长晕直径可达3~3.2mm,生长晕中的细胞主要包括:成纤维样细胞、神经样细胞、类生殖干细胞三种类型。

    About 15 days , the diameter of the growth halo is up to 3-3.2 mm , the cells of the growth halo include three types : fibroblasts , nerve like cells , and germ stem cell similar cells .

  2. 黄鳝成体性腺组织原代培养3-5天,可见组织周围有细胞迁出,并形成生长晕。

    The tissue block pasted culture method were used to culture gonad tissues of Monopterus Albus , the cells migrated out around tissues after 3-5 days culturing and the growth halo emerged .

  3. 角化囊肿与其他囊肿和正常粘膜的上皮细胞相同,生长缓慢,细胞生长晕周围规则,由呈漩涡状生长的成纤维细胞围绕。

    The epithelial cells of all the cysts and mucosa grew slower with the cell masses surrounded by fibroblasts which grew in whirl manner with a round and smooth periphery .

  4. 神经生长因子(NGF)可促进靶神经节神经突起生长晕的生长。

    Nerve growth factor ( NGF ) can promote the outgrowth of neurites of the target ganglia .