
  1. 本研究构建了含有94个株系的DH群体3基因型是影响单倍体培养的主要因素,是决定胚状体形成的先决条件。

    Consequently , a DH population which contains 94 lines was constructed in present paper . 3 Plant genotype was a main factors effecting on success in the decision to form embryoids in procedure of microspore culture .

  2. 对葱属植物组织培养各个方面的研究现状进行了综述,包括器官培养、胚培养、单倍体培养和原生质体培养。

    Research status of tissue culture of Allium plant in various aspects were summarized , it included organ culture , embryo culture , haploid culture and protoplast culture .

  3. 超级黑糯玉米花药单倍体诱导培养基的筛选

    Screening Anther Culture Medium of Super Black Waxy Corn

  4. 提高马铃薯双单倍体花药培养产生胚状体及再生植株频率的研究

    Study on increasing frequency of EMBROIDS and regenerated shoots from DIHAPLOID potato by anther culture in vitro

  5. 光敏感核不育水稻单倍体组织培养及再生植株遗传特性的研究

    Study on the haploid tissue culture and the genetic characteristics of regenerating plants of Photoperiod Sensitive Genic Male-sterile Rice

  6. 同时运用石蜡切片技术观察四个重要时期胚囊的发育状态并以改良苯酚品红压片法观察根尖染色体,以期为南瓜单倍体的培养和鉴定提供一定的理论支撑。

    Meanwhile , the development state of embryo sac during four important period was observed by paraffin section method and the chromosome number of root tip was investigated by carbol fuchsin squash method .

  7. 小麦单倍体育种中培养基的研究

    Studies on Culture Medium of Wheat Haploid Breeding

  8. 单倍体胚胎体外培养后有少数可发育至囊胚期。

    Haploid embryos could develop to blastocyst stage in vitro , but the rate was low .

  9. 苯乙酸对烟草单倍体植株叶脉组织培养一步成苗的效应研究

    Study on the effect of phenylacetic acid in leaf-vein tissue culture one-step seedling formation of tobacco haploid plantlet