
  • 网络merisis
  1. 当一天过去,这些细菌持续分裂生长,

    And as the day goes by the bacteria double ,

  2. 通过石蜡切片观察荔枝、龙眼胚性愈伤组织的结构和胚性细胞分裂生长的方式。

    Cytohistological observations of embryogenic callus of litchi and longan were carried out by paraffin slice .

  3. 着重研究了不同渗透剂和渗透压对草地早熟禾原生质体游离的影响、不同培养方式对草地早熟禾原生质体分裂生长的影响。

    The effects of different penetrant and osmotic pressure on protoplast dissociate of Kentucky bluegrass , and effects of different culture methods on growth of protoplast division were focusing studied .

  4. 研究了反应时间和反应温度对其形貌的影响,提出了两步分裂生长机制。

    The effects of temperature and reaction time on the morphology were investigated . The two-step flake-cracking mechanism for the formation of flower - and rod-like NiS nanostructures was discussed . 3 .

  5. 人表皮生长因子(humanEpidermalGrowthFactor,hEGF)是人体内一种十分重要的多肽类生长因子,微量的hEGF能强烈地促进细胞的分裂和生长。

    Human epidermal growth factor ( hEGF ) is a very important polypeptide in human body .

  6. 成骨生长肽(osteogenicgrowthpeptide,OGP)是近年来发现的一种新的促进有丝分裂的生长因子,已有的研究初步证实了其在成骨和造血等方面具有潜在的应用价值。

    People found osteogenic growth peptide as a new mitosis factor can promote bone and blood formation .

  7. TEM结果显示培养基中的微生物以二元式分裂法生长繁殖,得到四种形态细菌。

    TEM shows four different kinds of shapes of bacteria , and the proliferation of microbial cell by binary fission .

  8. 吲哚乙酸(IAA)作为一种植物生长激素,在植物细胞分裂、生长、分化过程中起关键作用。

    Indoles acetic acid ( IAA ) is a kind of auxin which plays a key role in plant cell division , growth and differentiation .

  9. 抑制癌细胞的分裂与生长,阻断循环途径;

    Inhibit the mitosis and reproduction of tumor cells , block the circulation course ;

  10. 生长素在细胞水平调控细胞分裂、生长、分化和生长信号的传递。

    It regulates the cell division , growth , differentiation and transduction of signals in cellular level .

  11. 通过石蜡切片观察荔枝胚性愈伤组织的结构以及分裂、生长的方式,并与龙眼胚性愈伤组织作比较。

    The structure , division and growth of embryogenic callus of litchi and longan were observed by paraffin method .

  12. 细胞分裂素:一种促使细胞分裂和生长并且延迟叶子枯萎的植物激素。

    Cytokinin : any of a class of plant hormones that promote cell division and growth and delay the senescence of leaves .

  13. 表明茶多酚可以促进皮肤角朊细胞有丝分裂和生长,减少细胞凋亡发生。

    It is concluded that tea polyphenols could stimulate the growth of skin keratinocytes through stimulating the synthesis of cell DNA and inhibiting apoptosis .

  14. 与有丝分裂和生长代谢有关的植物超弱发光在光诱导下得以加强;

    The ultraweak bioluminescence r elated to the mitosis and metabolism of a plant sample is strengthened after the sample is illuminated by light .

  15. 最近的研究表明腺苷酸激酶通过控制细胞分裂和生长在肿瘤的发展中起重要作用。

    Recent publications have described that AMP kinase also plays an important role in the development of cancer by controlling cell division and growth .

  16. 在10&20%浓度(V/V)的丝瓜伤流液范围内,对植物细胞的分裂和生长有促进作用。

    Consequently , in the range of concertrations ( 10 & 20 % ), the bleeding sap of towel gourd can promote plant cell division and growth .

  17. 通过系统观察荔枝胚性愈伤组织结构以及胚性细胞分裂、生长方式和体胚发生过程,为胚性愈伤组织的利用提供细胞组织学依据。

    Observing the configuration of embryogenic callus , the manner of embryogenic cell division and the process of somatic embryo growth can provide the cytological and histological basis for using embryogenic callus in litchi .

  18. 这引发了一个极具挑战的问题,当一个腐坏的细胞通过分裂,生长成一个肿瘤的时候,我们就需要消灭每一个单独的癌细胞,那么这个患癌的人才可以被治愈。

    This leads to a truly challenging problem . Once that initial corrupt cell has divided and multiplied into a tumour , a person will have cancer until every single one of the cancer cells has been obliterated .

  19. 半夏种茎的发育类似于珠芽,生长点附近的细胞快速分裂,生长锥形成突起,子叶覆盖于最外层,种茎表皮下的分生细胞团形成根原基。

    The growing of tubers is similar to bulbil , cells which are near growing point divide quickly , growth cone forms protuberance , cotyledon covers outermost layer , meristematic cells under epidermis of tubers form root primordium .

  20. 建立了文石晶体生长模型,并提出了文石晶体超结构生长机理为分裂式生长,即由先形成的纳米晶分裂生长形成球状超结构(球晶)。

    We established a new model of aragonite crystal growth , and proposed that the aragonite crystals grow through unusual splitting manner . That is to say , it is a process that nanocrystals formed firstly grow into spherical superstructures ( spherulites ) as a splitting manner . 4 .

  21. 细胞分裂指数及生长速度明显下降;

    Obvious decrease of both the growth rate and cellular mitotic index .

  22. 8-羟基喹啉强烈抑制有丝分裂和细胞生长,使根尖细胞受到严重毒害,难以恢复。

    8 hydroxide quinoline vehemently depresses karyokinesis which makes it difficult to be recovered .

  23. 这些变化导致细胞有丝分裂信号或生长控制的细微异常,逐步赋予细胞赘生的特性,直至细胞形成恶性肿瘤。

    These alterations cause subtle aberrations in mitogenic signaling or growth control , confer increasingly neoplastic characteristics on cells , and culminate in cells that are able to form malignant tumors .

  24. 细胞传代之后,经过短暂的悬浮然后贴壁,随后经过不大于一天的潜伏期,即进入大量分裂的指数生长期。

    During cell passage , BMSCs were adherent to the bottom after a short suspension . Then after a short incubation period no more than one day , BMSCs began to display exponential growth phase .

  25. 细胞分裂是生物体生长和繁殖的基础,其全过程是由细胞内不同的激酶通过协同作用进行严格调控的,一旦失去控制,就会导致细胞团产生,严重时可引发肿瘤或癌症。

    Cell division is the basis of organism growth and reproduction , controlled through co-operation of different kinases . Once out of control , this process will lead to the production of cell mass , and in severe cases can cause tumors or cancers .

  26. 从细胞生物学出发,所有生物体器官、组织的发育都可以划分为细胞分裂和细胞生长这两个基本事件,因此细胞分裂和细胞生长调控机制研究一直是生物学界一个令人着迷的热门研究领域。

    From the angle of cell biology , the organ and organization development of all organisms can be divided into two basic process which inclued cell division and cell growth . Therefore , the mechanism of regulating cell division and cell growth has been a fascinating research fields in biology .

  27. 根据四种细胞分裂增殖情况绘制生长曲线,并利用Giemsa染色观察比较四种细胞形态差别。

    After Giemsa staining , shapes of the four different cells were compared .

  28. 在心血管疾病研究领域中,生长激素(GH)及其促有丝分裂因子胰岛素样生长因子-1(IGF-1)已经有相当的研究历史,而且目前仍在集中研究。

    The research field of cardiovascular disease in regard to growth hormone ( GH ) and its mitogenic mediator insulin-like growth factor-1 ( IGF-1 ) has a long and distinguished history and is still intensively studied .

  29. 它们不停得生长、分裂,然后再生长、再分裂--过着有点乏味的生活。

    They just grow and divide , and grow and divide -- so a kind of boring life ,

  30. 已发病的海带幼孢子体,给予足够的营养,会制止畸形分裂,恢复正常生长。

    Giving enough nutrients to the suffered young sporophytes might restrain the abnormal spliting and recover the normal growth .