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shēng qù
  • joy of life
生趣 [shēng qù]
  • [joy of life]生活的情趣

  • 生趣盎然

生趣[shēng qù]
  1. 这些花儿给他以很大生趣。

    The flowers give him great joy of life .

  2. 烟灰缸里的烟头也显得更加颓废却又了有生趣。当然我自己是不吸烟的。

    The dog-end in the ashtray looks more decadent but has some joy of life . Of course , I never smoke .

  3. 没有你爸的生活了无生趣

    I am so uninterested in a life without your father .

  4. 如果你的天空一片死灰了无生趣,就请告诉我。

    If your sky is grey , oh let me know .

  5. 然而,传统的会议组织形式千篇一律、了无生趣。

    However , the traditional conference organization form machine-made , and meaningless .

  6. 但是我那里的朋友说那里聊无生趣。

    But my friends there feel bored and cut off .

  7. 对抑郁的人来说,世界在他们眼中看上去是了无生趣的。

    So the world really can look bleach to somebody whos depressed .

  8. 看到孩子们生趣盎然真好。

    It 's wonderful to see the children 's zest for life .

  9. 给生活带来一些生趣,就是这么回事。

    And bringing something to life . it 's the same thing .

  10. 友好殷勤去除了我的忧郁,旅程中依然生趣盎然。

    Hospitality cured my blues , and my journey was kept alive .

  11. 这片山区乍看之下遍地荒凉又了无生趣

    At first glance , these mountains seem barren and empty of life .

  12. 她爱市场上的生趣、喧哗与多姿多彩。

    She loved the life , noise , and color of the market .

  13. 阳光浴室,生趣餐厅,演绎时尚浪漫情节。

    Sunshine bathroom and restaurant deduct romantic fashion .

  14. 女娲想给世间增加生趣,使之更美。

    The almighty Goddess Nuwa wanted to add life and beauty to the world .

  15. 没有你的日子毫无生趣。

    My days without you drag on forever .

  16. 我们可能会一起过着了无生趣的日子。

    We can be dulland lifeless together .

  17. 访客可以走进保护区内的湿地探索中心,亲身体验湿地的生趣。

    Visitors can enjoy a hands-on experience at the wetland Discovery Centre within the Reserve .

  18. 这个美丽的世界不是给死人住的,它是给活泼而有生趣的人住的。

    This beautiful world is meant for people alive and kicking , not for the dead .

  19. 这样每天变来变去的生活一定很有生趣吧!

    What an adventure life must be like for you , bouncing around like that all day !

  20. 感觉生活没有热情,所做的所有事都笼罩着一层暗灰色,了无生趣?

    Do you feel passionless - as though everything you do is a shade of dull gray ?

  21. 琴匣子中的生趣

    Life in a violin Case

  22. 北方初秋的夜,月色朦胧,夜色显得那么幽美,生趣盎然。

    North early autumn night , moonlight dim , night appears to be so beautiful , joyfully lively .

  23. 如果你只是对你的日常工作才有兴趣,那你的生趣也就很有限了。

    If you are interest-ed only in your regular occupation , you are alive only to that extent .

  24. 歌曲听起来可能一样,但渠道却变得越来越灵活,富有生趣。

    The song may sound the same , but the conduits have become much more flexible and fun .

  25. 甚至不再幻想,我不知所以,心烦意乱,了无生趣。

    My daydreams aren 't even dreaming . I feel bored , lost , uninterested in much of anything .

  26. 关西第一大城——大阪亦富有生趣,以其好娱乐、喜喧闹的居民而闻名。

    Also interesting is Osaka , the biggest city in Kansai , known for its fun-loving , boisterous people .

  27. 这是一个非常朦胧的、且非常黑暗而阴沉的夜晚,天气冷彻肌肤,了无生趣。

    It was a very dubious-looking , nay a very dark and dismal night , bitingly cold and cheerless .

  28. 马车能将你载至目的地,但这段行进省力的小径却植被茂密,提供许多生趣。

    Horses and buggies can ferry you to the site , but the low-impact trail provides the most flora-filled fun .

  29. 这是一个非常朦胧的.简直是非常黯黑而阴沉的夜晚,天气冷彻肌肤,了无生趣。

    It was a very dubious-looking , nay , a very dark and dismal night , bitingly cold and cheerless .

  30. 毕竟,除非你先把此地当真了,且觉得它了无生趣,否则哪会想离开呢?

    After all , who would want to leave a place unless he first believed it were real and unpleasant .