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wēi hè
  • intimidate;bully;threaten;browbeat;hector
威吓 [wēi hè]
  • [intimidate] 指用武力或威风使对方恐惧或产生自卑感的方法或手段

  1. 抢劫犯企图威吓银行经理。

    The robber tried to intimidate the bank manager .

  2. 月之祭司在威吓检定上获得+加值。

    Moon priests receive a + 2 bonus to intimidate checks .

  3. 我想若是我不给他打电话,你就会一直威吓我。

    I suppose you 'll hector me until I phone him .

  4. 从公然威吓到微妙的情感胁迫,各种战术都用上了。

    The tactics employed can range from overt bullying to subtle emotional blackmail .

  5. 歹徒用左轮手枪威吓他。

    The robber menaced him with a revolver .

  6. 证人受到威吓,未能作证。

    The witness was kept from testifying by intimidation .

  7. 那法官威吓证人。

    The judge browbeat the witness .

  8. 以类似的方式,老虎会日夜巡逻Terra的边界,威吓那些可能会不在业力舞蹈范围内而侵犯她的事物。

    In a similar manner , Tiger patrols Terra 's boundaries day and night , terrorizing those that might like to infringe upon her outside of the dance of karma .

  9. 跟恶棍无法讲道理,恶棍只能以威吓劝说。

    A bully is not reasonable-he is persuaded only by threats .

  10. 敢用这种威吓的眼神看着我。

    And for looking at me in that threatening way .

  11. 在流浪的路上,狮子虽威吓,却不再杀害。

    A road where the lion threatens but whose jaws are stopped .

  12. 威吓某人做[不做]

    To hector a person into [ out of ] ( doing )

  13. 他常常威吓较小的孩子替他做事情。

    He was always bullying smaller boys into doing things .

  14. 警察们却还站着,只用嘴威吓。

    But the policemen stood their ground , restricting themselves to threats .

  15. 他们试图威吓他签合同。

    They tried to browbeat him into signing the contract .

  16. 马库斯一定得独自待着,他一定不能受到威吓烦扰。

    Marcus must be left alone , he must not be hectored .

  17. 如果一个在职同事对我们表示威吓的话,会造成难以言语的抑郁情绪。

    A colleague at work who bullies or dismisses us creates untold wretchedness .

  18. 道德,法律与学校规则的威吓是何等的可怕呀!

    How horrible is the threat of morality , law and school rules !

  19. 传统的平安软件扫描您的硬盘驱动器,搜查特定的威吓。

    Traditional security programs scan your hard drive , searching for specific threats .

  20. 那些盗贼威吓店老板,威胁要杀死他。

    The thieves intimidated the shopkeeper with threats that they would kill him .

  21. 他威吓她要这男孩做不法之事。

    He cowed the boy into doing something illegal .

  22. 驭之以威吓不如教之以爱。

    Use kindness , not fear , to teach .

  23. 耳塞:教训和威吓只能短期地促动孩子。

    Ear plugs : Lecturing and threatening may only motivate your child short-term .

  24. 将毛竖起来能让它们在敌人面前显得身子比较庞大且更具威吓力。

    Bristling fur makes them appear larger and more formidable to their adversaries .

  25. 如今该是采取“震慑与威吓”手段制定经济政策的时候了。

    The time for " shock and awe " in economic policymaking is now .

  26. 让我们停止干预,并发出呼吁:停止无休无止的威吓活动。

    Let us cease our interventions and call a halt to our endless hectoring .

  27. 它的谈判风格就是以威吓,拖延,敲诈和边缘政策为特点的。

    Its negotiating style is marked by bluster , foot-dragging , blackmail and brinkmanship .

  28. 金正日可以时不时威吓一下身边的人。

    Kim Jong-il could scare those around him .

  29. 传统上,日本的武士用面具来威吓他们的仇敌。

    Warriors such as the Samurai have traditionally used masks to intimidate their enemies .

  30. 小偷以刀子威吓肯,以免被抓。

    The burglar menaced Ken with a knife in an effort to escape being caught .