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  • 网络Amon
  1. 不在耶和华面前像他父玛拿西自卑。这亚们所犯的罪越犯越大。

    But unlike his father Manasseh , he did not humble himself before the Lord ; Amon increased his guilt .

  2. 但国民杀了那些背叛亚们王的人,立他儿子约西亚接续他作王。

    But the people of the land put to death all those who had taken part in the design against King amon , and made his son Josiah king in his place .

  3. 玛拿西的儿子是亚们。亚们的儿子是约西亚。

    Amon his son , Josiah his son .

  4. 他从亚们人手中救了以色列人。

    He delivered Israel from the ammonites .

  5. 亚们行耶和华眼中看为恶的事,与他父亲玛拿西所行的一样。

    He did evil in the eyes of the Lord , as his father Manasseh had done .

  6. 亚们葬在乌撒的园内自己的坟墓里。他儿子约西亚接续他作王。

    And he was buried in his sepulchre in the garden of uzza : and Josiah his son reigned in his stead .

  7. 以色列王说,将米该雅带回,交给邑宰亚们和王的儿子约阿施,说

    The king of Israel then ordered , 'Take Micaiah and send him back to Amon the ruler of the city and to Joash the king 's son

  8. 你岂比挪亚们强呢?挪亚们坐落在众河之间,周围有水。海作她的濠沟,又作她的城墙。

    Are you better than no-amon , seated on the Nile streams , with waters all round her ; whose wall was the sea and her earthwork the waters ?

  9. 犹大王亚们的儿子约西亚在位十三年,耶和华的话临到耶利米。

    To whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah , in the thirteenth year of his reign .

  10. 当犹大王亚们的儿子约西亚在位的时候、耶和华的话临到希西家的元孙亚玛利雅的曾孙基大利的孙子古示的儿子西番雅。

    The word of the LORD which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi , the son of Gedaliah , the son of Amariah , the son of Hizkiah , in the days of Josiah the son of Amon , king of Judah .

  11. 于是那些亚原子物理学家们试图把这些事情搞明白,到底是什么在搞鬼。

    And so subatomic physics was invented to try to figure that all out .

  12. 其他人也纷纷进入,并得知纳尼亚的生灵们早就在等待着像他们这样的人类的出现,来打破女巫的符咒。

    The others enter too , learning that creatures of Narnia have long been waiting for humans like themselves to appear and break the witch 's spell .

  13. 守门的是沙龙、亚谷、达们、亚希幔,和他们的弟兄;沙龙为长。

    The gatekeepers were Shallum , Akkub , Talmon , Ahiman , and their kinsmen ( Shallum was the chief );

  14. 这架飞机能够很轻松地在不打开加力的状态下飞到高亚音速。居民们一直抱怨喷气式飞机在作超音速飞行时所产生的音爆。

    This airplane can go out to high subsonic speeds very easily without using afterburner . Residents have been complaining of the " boom " which is heard whenever a jet breaks through the sound barrier .

  15. 贝克汉姆一家是演艺圈公认的模范家庭之一,星期六下午小贝和妻子维罗利亚带着孩子们一起在洛杉矶观看曲棍球比赛,他们一家子的很是温馨。

    They 're one of the most tight-knit clans in showbiz , and as David and Victoria Beckham enjoyed a Saturday afternoon with their brood at an L.A. Kings game ... their easy bond was clear to see .

  16. 青年亚文化的建设者们认为,现代技术社会的权力结构既是人性的敌人,又是自然的敌人,取而代之的应该是个体自由组合的共同体,应该是与自然融合的乡村公社。

    The constructor of youth subculture held that the power structure in modern technological society was enemy of humanity and enemy of nature . And in its place should be the community which integrates with nature and where the individuals can be organized freely .

  17. 他想要往亚该亚去。弟兄们就勉励他,并写信请门徒接待他。

    27When Apollos wanted to go to Achaia , the brothers encouraged him and wrote to the disciples there to welcome him .