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  1. 她爱过度地生气。

    She has an excess of anger .

  2. 如果我们考虑到将来的需求,那么将看到流程规则(ProcessesRule)层更细粒度地分离成私有(Private)流程和公共(Public)流程。

    If we took future requirements into account , we would see a more finely-grained segregation of the Processes Rules tier into Private and Public processes .

  3. 虚拟机可以共享资源,并且能够细粒度地控制CPU和I/O设备共享。

    The virtual machines share the resources and there is granularity for CPUs and I / O device sharing .

  4. 一些IEPD开发人员选择将扩展架构按主题区域分解成多个文档,以便在各种交换中更细粒度地重用架构。

    Some IEPD developers choose to break extension schemas into multiple documents by subject area to allow them to reuse the schemas more granularly in various exchanges .

  5. 猪胰蛋白酶经胃蛋白酶有限度地水解后的活性产物可以用大豆胰蛋白酶抑制剂STI-Sepharose亲和层析方法分离出三种形式的活性分子:K~(),λ~()和μ~()胰蛋白酶。

    Three active forms of porcine trypsin after limited digestion by pepsin κ - ,λ - and μ - trypsin have been separated by affinity chromatography on soybean trypsin inhibitor STI-Sepharose column .

  6. 由于我们希望更细粒度地控制该页面中的元素,因此将其修改为一个常规PreferencePage并创建必要的方法来使用所需的控件填充窗口。

    Because we would like to have finer control of the elements on that page , we changed it to be a regular PreferencePage and created the required methods to fill the window with the controls we need .

  7. 可即便是苹果树也无法无限度地生长。

    But not even apple trees grow to the sky .

  8. 我们只能有限度地、最大量地生产每一种经济物品。

    We can only produce limited maximum amounts of each economic good .

  9. 同时爱你的朋友,无限度地爱他们。

    And love your friends . Love them without measure .

  10. 你可有限度地信任她。

    You can trust her within limits .

  11. 不仅赔偿直接损失,还应有限度地赔偿间接损失;

    Not only compensates loses directly , but also should have the limit compensation indirect loss ;

  12. 她无限度地忍耐着。

    She 's been endlessly patient .

  13. 这是让他感受最强烈的事业。他还致力于有限度地改革政府、福利和税收政策。

    His most passionately felt cause-and his commitment to limited government and welfare and tax reform .

  14. 自中国有限度地开放证券市场以来,我国证券资本的流入和流出规模都不断扩大,发展势头强劲。

    Since china has opened the securities market , our portfolio capital inflows and outflows are expanding rapidly .

  15. 组织承诺的表现性质通常有感情承诺、继续承诺和规范承诺三种形式;成员组织承诺的指向是多向度地指向管理者和组织。

    It is presented in the following three forms : affective commitment , continuance commitment and normative commitment .

  16. 有了策略文件,就可以细粒度地精确控制谁能够调用服务器,谁不能。

    With policy files , you get fine-grained control over exactly who can call your servers and who cannot .

  17. 我国原《涉外经济合同法》第17条很有限度地引入预期违约理论。

    Article 17 of The Economic Contract Law Concerning Foreign Affairs of China also shows it in certain extent .

  18. 虽然流动人口能够促进经济的发展,但是城市对流动人口的容纳是有限度的,如果流动人口无限度地增长,最终会阻碍城市经济的发展。

    Floating population can promote economic development , but there is a limit to accommodate them for the city .

  19. 在必要的时候,佩戴太阳镜可以预防白内障和有限度地减少对你的眼睛的老化进程所带来的影响。

    Wearing sunglasses is necessary to prevent cataracts and to limit the effects of the aging process on your eyes .

  20. 但是,对多数公司来说即使有限度地提供这种条件,在经济上也是相当不合算的。

    However , it is quite uneconomic for most organizations to provide such facilities on anything but a limited scale .

  21. 无限度地控制行政权力或过于强调管理者的权力都是失之偏颇的。

    It is unwise to control administrative power without limits or lay too much emphasis on the rights of the administrators .

  22. 近代中医史,有两条络胍,二者各自有限有度地发展,表面上并无连系。

    In the recent history of Traditional Chinese Medicine , there are two independently developing veins which on the surface would seem unrelated .

  23. 最近英国政府决定,可以有限度地运用克隆技术来培植胚胎,以利于医药发展,但克隆人是非法的。

    In Britain , where the Government recently gave approval for limited cloning of embryos to help medical advances , human cloning is illegal .

  24. 着重讨论了方案的设计及高速而又低复杂度地实时实现方案的途径。

    The emphasis is given to the design and implementation consideration of the scheme with high speed and low complexity for real time application .

  25. 带双层厚披肩的合成橡胶雨衣为了能了大限度地控制所有衣片,操作者必须把衣片减至两层。

    Synthetic rubber raincoat with double thick cape back In order to achieve maximum control of all paces one must reduce the fabric correctly .

  26. 随着中国资本市场有条件、有限度地对外开放,中国资本市场已成为全球资本市场的重要组成部分。

    With conditional and limitative opening to the outside world , China capital market becomes to be the important part of the global capital market .

  27. 因此,适时有度地在我国刑法典中设置前科消灭制度,不失为一种理性的抉择。

    Therefore , it might be very rational after all to establish the system of abolition of crime record in the criminal code , timely and appropriately .

  28. 韩国去年同意有限度地恢复进口不带骨美国牛肉,但是在一些交货牛肉上发现带有骨头碎片之后,韩国重新禁止进口美国牛肉。

    South Korea agreed to a limited resumption of boneless beef last year , then re-imposed the ban after some shipments were found to contain bone fragments .

  29. 秦统一中国以前,采用了商鞅制定的抑工商政策,在国家干预下,有限度地发展商品经济。

    Before Qin unified China , the restricting policy of industry and commerce management development had been adopted that developed commerical economy in some degree under country intervention .

  30. 在理性的范围之内,信息披露透明度越高,信息披露频率有限度地越高,滤波效应越明显。

    Within the scope of reason , the higher the transparency of information disclosure , information disclosure higher the frequency , the more obvious the effect of filtering .