
  • 网络cottage;Holiday Cottage;Villa;Bach
  1. 她会在德国东北部的一间度假小屋放松。

    She relaxes in a holiday cottage in northeastern Germany .

  2. 他们有时来我们在(爱尔兰)梅奥的度假小屋,和我们的大家庭一起过暑假。

    They spend summer holidays at our holiday cottage in Mayo [ Ireland ] sometimes with my extended family .

  3. 旅游旺季在度假小屋住一周通常需花费约70英镑。

    A typical high-season week in a chalet costs about £ 70 .

  4. 这个两居室的度假小屋维护得很好。

    The two-bedroom chalet is in good condition

  5. 在峇里岛买了度假小屋的苏珊,发现自己活在梦魇中。

    Susan who bought in Bali found herself living a nightmare .

  6. 度假小屋正在取代传统的旅馆套房。

    The holiday home is replacing the traditional suite in a hotel .

  7. 我们住在父亲朋友的度假小屋里,都非常兴奋。

    We were staying at a friend of my father 's holiday house and we were very excited .

  8. 整个度假村拥有29个海滩度假小屋、4个树顶小屋、5个山边小屋和2个豪华山坡小屋。

    In total the resort has29 Beach casitas , 4 Treetop casitas , 5 Hillside casitas and2 Deluxe Hillside casitas .

  9. 1967年的复活节那天他离开马来西亚金马伦高原的度假小屋,似乎是想在午后散个步。

    On Easter Sunday in 1967 Jim Thompson left the cottage where he was on holiday in the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia , apparently for an afternoon walk .

  10. 一位慷慨的朋友将他美丽的度假小屋借给了我,另外还有英国天空电视台收视许可(使我能够收听Radio4节目),一个18米长的游泳池和一台咖啡机。

    A generous friend lent me his beautiful chalet , complete with Sky TV ( which enabled me to listen to Radio 4 ), an 18m swimming pool and a coffee machine .

  11. 这可能很简单的诸如寻找完美沙发或租赁完美的度假小屋之类的小事情,也过能是类似于海外工作调动的大事件,来吧,我们去巴黎!

    It may be as simple as finding the perfect couch or the perfect vacation cottage to rent , or as massive as a job relocation overseas , say , to Paris !

  12. 小时候,弟弟和我常去爷爷的老家住,每年的8月多半消磨在爷爷1921年所建的度假小屋里,小屋位于斯克兰顿西北二十英里左右,四周是波科诺山,可俯瞰维诺拉湖。

    Each summer , as children , my brother and I spent most of August at the cottage Grandpa Rodham had built in 1921 about twenty miles northwest of Scranton in the Pocono Mountains overlooking Lake Winola .