
  • 网络holiday home;vacation home;Cottage;lodge;summer house
  1. 据说这位女演员是在布兰森在加勒比地区Necker岛的度假屋遇见她的新丈夫。

    The actress is reported to have met her new husband while she was at Branson 's holiday home on Necker Island in the Caribbean last year .

  2. 5月末,沈文天在自己位于瑞士克洛斯特斯(Klosters)的度假屋自杀,据称他一直难以适应卸任这家瑞士跨国公司掌门人后的生活。

    Senn , who killed himself at his Klosters holiday home last Friday , is said to have struggled to adjust to being no longer the boss of a Swiss multinational .

  3. 这本小册子提供了很多宾馆、公寓、度假屋供选择。

    The brochure offers a wide choice of hotels , apartments and holiday homes

  4. 很多度假屋都像自家一样,里面有微波炉、洗碗机、电视机和录像机。

    Many cottages are a home from home , offering microwaves , dishwashers , tvs and videos .

  5. 该公司的会员项目能令你获得亲近一系列精挑细选的高端腕表的机会,这一曾经只和私人飞机、豪华汽车及度假屋联系在一起的会员模式正在ElevenJames的手中发扬光大。

    With a membership program offering access to a curated collection of high-end watches , Eleven James is extending the membership model that has previously been associated with private jets , luxury cars and vacation homes .

  6. 1月2日:特拉沃塔的律师告诉CNN说,约翰·特拉沃塔和凯莉·普瑞森16岁的儿子杰特·特拉沃塔和家人在巴哈马的度假屋中病发身亡。

    January 2 : The 16-year-old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston dies after suffering a seizure while vacationing with his family in the Bahamas , Travolta 's attorney tells CNN 。

  7. 尽管汉克·格林伯格(HankGreenberg)抱怨他的大部分财富都损失在了美国国际集团(AIG),但他仍然拥有私人飞机,在公园大道拥有公寓,在瑞士还有度假屋。

    And Hank Greenberg , despite complaining about losing most of his wealth in American International Group stock , still has a private jet , a pad on Park Avenue and a vacation home in Switzerland .

  8. 建度假屋的经历给了他灵感:他得给自己的房子选一款恒温调节器,但他对可选的产品都很不满意。法德尔最后决定自己动手设计一款更出色的新品,同时围绕这款产品打造一家叫NestLabs的公司。

    The latter experience triggered an epiphany : He hated all of the thermostats he had to choose from for his house , and he decided to design a new , better one , around which he 'd build a company called Nest Labs .

  9. LuxuryRetreats声称把95%有意出租者的度假屋者拒之门外,如今旗下拥有2800套房源(多数位于美国与加勒比海的最为奢华的私人海岛),每晚租金从1000美元至12.4万美元不等。

    Luxury Retreats , which claims to turn away 95 per cent of those who offer their ( mainly ) holiday homes , now has 2800 properties , largely in the US and the Caribbean , with nightly rates ranging from $ 1000 to $ 124000 , for the plushest private island .

  10. 2005年,阿兰•科兹洛夫斯基(AlanKozlowski)在泰国苏梅岛(KohSamui)的南端购置了一块未经开发的滨海土地。在接下来的几年中,他斥资大约350万美元在这块土地上建成了一栋有八间卧室的度假屋。

    Alan Kozlowski purchased a strip of untouched , oceanfront land on the southern tip of the Thai island of Koh Samui in 2005 and spent the next couple of years -- and about $ 3.5 million -- constructing an eight-bedroom vacation house .

  11. 这些指控浮出水面之际,东京都知事舛添要一(YoichiMasuzoe)再次受到密切关注,他面临着不少质疑,包括在海外公务旅行时开销巨大,以及大量使用市政府的公车去自己的度假屋。

    The allegations have come to light amid renewed scrutiny of Tokyo 's governor , Yoichi Masuzoe , who faces questions over huge spending on official trips overseas and the heavy use of Tokyo metropolitan government vehicles to visit his holiday home .

  12. 我们便来到我们在湖边找到的度假屋。

    We went to our vacation home we found by the lake .

  13. 或者是会借给你车和度假屋的朋友。

    Anyone who might let him borrow a car or vacation home .

  14. 我们可以在山间度假屋休息4天。

    We had four days at our mountain getaway .

  15. 每年夏季,海明威一家都前往密西根州北部的度假屋。

    Each summer the family traveled to their holiday home in northern Michigan .

  16. 和他藏匿的度假屋附近。

    And the vacation home where he was hiding .

  17. 这时城里人倾城而出,都去了夏季的度假屋。

    Cities empty , and people head to summerhouses .

  18. 还买有保时捷和度假屋。

    Also got the Porsche and vacation home .

  19. 创建目标,例如还清债务或攒钱买度假屋。

    Create goals , such as getting out of debt or saving up for a vacation home .

  20. 朋友打电话来希望你在长周末可以分担海滩度假屋的费用。

    Friends phone and want you to share the cost of beach house over a long weekend .

  21. 对于那些希望每次旅行都去不同地方的人来说,度假屋毫无用处。

    Holiday homes are no use to anyone who wants to travel to different locations on every trip .

  22. 度假村从水疗中心到会议厅一应俱全,这对于商界人士十分重要,他们可以在度假屋连接因特网处理事务。

    They offer everything from spas to conference rooms – crucial for businessmen who use their holiday homes to network .

  23. 岛上没有度假屋,所有的客人要随最后一班轮船离开军舰岛。

    There was no overnight accommodation on the island , so that every visitor had to leave with the last ferry .

  24. 还记得我小时候我们搭私人飞机,去我们的滑雪度假屋时…

    Like when I was little , and he and I would take our plane to our chalet in Deer Valley .

  25. 法德尔没有马上发力,而是休息了几年,四处旅行,还给自己建了个度假屋。

    Rather than jump into anything , Fadell took a couple of years off to travel and build a vacation home .

  26. 他们会移居到周末度假屋温莎堡。但尚未确定他们会在那儿住多久。

    They would live at Windsor Castle , their weekend home , although it is unclear how long this would be for .

  27. 每次茱莉娅和家人一起来到位于戈尔韦的度假屋时,第一个要去的地方肯定是隧道。

    One of the first places Julia always ran to when they arrived at their vacation house in Galway was the tunnel .

  28. 特柳赖徳的住处完全是一个度假屋,我们通常在那里渡过圣诞节的两周以及二月的两个星期。

    The Telluride place is definitely a vacation home that we usually use for two weeks at Christmas and two weeks in February .

  29. 业主家庭希望能够拥有一处小小的度假屋,使他们可以逃离城市生活的压力,度过一个简单而轻松的周末。

    The owners wanted a small vacation house that allowed a casual and relaxed enjoyment of their weekend when escaping the urban everyday stress .

  30. 度假屋的中心院落,勒布兰用回收利用的碎石块铺出小路。

    For the home 's central courtyard , LeBlanc broke up the expanse of concrete , recycling it into a smaller walkway of pavers .