
  • 网络Shiatsu;acupressure;Shiatsu Massage;Massage
  1. 很多日本人,包括一些指压按摩技师(专家),他们声称;把大脚趾与第二趾分开有利于增加血液循环。

    Many Japanese , including shiatsu experts , claim that separating the big toe from the second toe increases circulation .

  2. 指压按摩是用手按压人体某个轻微凹陷的穴位。

    Acupressure is manual pressure applied to a specific slightly depressed point on the body .

  3. 指压按摩用于缓解肩部和颈部的紧张。

    Acupressure is used to release tension spots in the shoulders and neck .

  4. 我们得出结论,在印堂穴指压按摩可以作为术前双亲焦虑症的治疗方法。

    We conclude that acupressure at the Yintang point may be used as a treatment for parental preoperative anxiety .

  5. 这种着重于以按穴恢复能量脉流的分支就是指压按摩。

    The branch devoted to the use of pressure points to restore energy flow is called the practice of acupressure .

  6. 实验组在常规治疗的基础上,同时应用指压按摩法,对照组进行常规治疗。

    Routine nursing cares were used in the control group , the massage by finger pressing was added in the experimental group .

  7. 采用药物治疗、眼球指压按摩、Nd:YAG激光、补救性手术等处理后降眼压总成功率提高至76%。

    Total success rate was increased to 76 % through medicines , ocular massage , Nd : YAG laser , remedial surgery , etc.

  8. 指压按摩法缓解泌尿系结石绞痛32例属于或关于摩西、摩西律法、摩西作品的。

    Finger Pressure Massage for Relief of the Colic in 32 Patients with Lithiasis of the Urinary System of or relating to Moses or the laws and writings attributed to him .

  9. 他们认为最有效的方法不是采用药物、处方药或手术等治疗方法,而是采用针灸、脊椎指压矫正、按摩等治疗方法,这个结果很有意思。

    So they 're staying away from things like medication , prescription drugs or surgery . They 're pursuing things like acupuncture , chiropractic adjustment , massage , things like that , which is interesting .