
hǎi diào
  • offshore angling
  1. 舟山休闲海钓业的现状及对策研究

    The Status of Zhoushan Leisure Sea Fishing Industry and Countermeasure Researching

  2. 象山县海钓业的现状和发展趋势

    Status and Trend of Marine Sport Fishing in XiangShan County

  3. 休闲海钓及其发展趋势

    The Leisure Sea Fishing and its Development Tendency

  4. 以舟山的嵊山岛为例,对其开发海钓旅游进行了实证研究。

    Shengshan Island in Zhoushan is taken as an example in the empirical study .

  5. 并就发展休闲海钓旅游的保障措施进行探讨。

    Furthermore , this paper discusses the security measures on developing leisure sea-fishing tourism .

  6. 比起墨西哥光鲜的海钓船这里的情况显然是强烈的对比

    Conditions are in stark contrast to the gleaming sport fishing boat in Mexico .

  7. 当地人非常喜欢海钓。

    Local people is crazy about fishing .

  8. 休闲海钓已成为当今许多发达国家和地区的贵族运动项目之一,也成为促进该地区重要的经济增长点。

    The leisure sea fishing has become one of the noble sports and the important economical growth point in developed country and region .

  9. 除了我几周前在南中国海海钓时看见的一样东西以外,还真的没有。

    Nothing , really , except for something I saw while fishing from a boat a few weeks ago in the South China Sea .

  10. 史蒂夫费尔南德斯是在海钓时偶遇这条鲸鲨的,他当即决定跳下水痛快地游一游。

    Steve Fernandez was out fishing when he came across this whale shark , then decided to jump in the water for a swim .

  11. 据报道,一艘台湾海钓船及四艘海巡舰在前往钓鱼岛途中遭到日本海上保安厅的阻拦,并被迫回航。

    The Japanese Coast Guard is said to have turned back a Taiwan fishing boat and four coast guard ships in the middle of a trip to the Diaoyu Islands .

  12. 冲浪,海钓,风帆这些被热爱极限运动的疯子们视为挑战的项目在这里就像是我们早上要吃早饭,坐公交车上班一样稀松平常。

    Surfing , fishing , sailing These are the maniacs who love extreme sports as a challenge to the project here is like the morning we eat breakfast , took the bus to go to work as an everyday affair .

  13. 搭乘高铁与巴士向南只需四个小时就可来到占地70平方英里的垦丁国家公园,这里有美丽的湿地、白沙滩与小渔村,从今年起,游客还可以乘渡船去往海钓和潜水的天堂——兰屿。

    Four hours south by high-speed rail and bus , 70-square-mile Kenting National Park is home to wetlands , white sands , fishing villages and , starting this year , a ferry point for the deep sea fishing and diving paradise of Orchid Island .

  14. 分析了休闲海钓与淡水钓鱼之间的差异,提出了发展休闲海钓的意义,阐述了休闲海钓的发展趋势,为更好地发展休闲海钓业提供有益的参考。

    This article analyzed the difference between leisure sea fishing and fresh water fishing , put forward the significance of developing leisure sea fishing , elaborated the developing tendency of leisure sea fishing , and provided the beneficial reference for developing leisure sea fishing industry better .