
  • 网络samphire;Salicornia herbacea;Salicornia;Salicornia bigelovii
  1. 我的最爱是三文鱼加海蓬子,配着土豆或者夹在面包里吃。

    My favourite is salmon and samphire with potatoes or in some bread .

  2. 海蓬子秸秆界面特性及制板工艺的研究

    Research on Characters of Salicornia Stalk and Manufacturing of Stalk Board

  3. 研究了NaCl和聚乙二醇6000(PEG6000)处理对海蓬子、芦荟、向日葵幼苗生长及其离子吸收和分配的效应。

    Growth and ionic absorption and distribution in Salicornia europaea , Aloe vera and Helianthus annuus seedlings exposed to different NaCl and polyethylene glycol 6000 ( PEG 6000 ) concentrations were studied .

  4. 氮肥用量在225kg·hm~(-2)以内可以提高北美海蓬子可食部分可溶性糖含量,超过此施氮量可溶性糖含量开始降低。

    The content of soluble sugar could be improved when the application of nitrogen was lower than 225 kg · hm ~ ( - 2 ) but would decrease if the amount of nitrogen exceeded this scale .

  5. 可见,海蓬子油具有较高的营养和保健价值。

    This oil nutritive and medical health value was high .

  6. 对毕氏海蓬子幼苗分别进行了不同日照长度及不同光周期数的短日照处理。

    Seedlings were treated with different daylengths and with different numbers of photoperiods .

  7. 盐和水分胁迫对海蓬子、芦荟、向日葵幼苗生长及其离子吸收分配的效应

    Effects of salt and water stresses on growth and ionic absorption and distribution in Salicornia europaea , Aloe vera and Helianthus annuus seedlings

  8. 在这里,幼滑如丝的沙滩缀满海星、贝壳和珊瑚;四周亦种满棕榈树、木芙蓉、海蓬子以及依兰依兰,令空气中洋溢清幽的香气;

    Here , powder-soft beaches are flecked with starfish , shells and coral , and fringed by palms , hibiscus , sea grape and ylang-ylang which scent the air .

  9. 海蓬子作为一种正在被初步认识的海生生物质,具有很强的开发利用前景,其能源化利用具有较大价值。

    As a marine plant , Salicornia is preliminary understood as a kind of fuel , which has strong prospects for exploitation and utilization and also has great value in energy application .