
jiàn shēn jù lè bù
  • Health club
  1. 人们离开健身俱乐部的时候,气色看上去总是比刚进去时要糟糕。

    You invariably leave your health club a darned sight less healthy than when you went in .

  2. 那家健身俱乐部收取会员年费。

    That health club charges an annual membership fee .

  3. 健身俱乐部是近年来发展迅速的领域。

    The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs .

  4. 我多数日子都在健身俱乐部锻炼身体。

    I work out at the gym most days .

  5. 我刚加入了健身俱乐部。

    I just joined a gym .

  6. 饭店的便利设施包括健身俱乐部、会议设施和宴会厅。

    The hotel amenities include health clubs , conference facilities , and banqueting rooms .

  7. 在这些课程中,来自当地健身俱乐部的经验丰富的教练也将帮助我们的学校成员制定切实可行的锻炼计划。

    In these classes , experienced coaches from the local exercise clubs will also help our school members to make practical exercise plans .

  8. DavidLloyd健身俱乐部推出的睡眠课程不仅能帮助父母们补觉,由于室内温度较低,这一课程还能帮助他们消耗卡路里。

    The classes , offered by David Lloyd Clubs , will not only help moms and dads catch some zzz 's -- they 'll also help them burn calories with cold studio temperatures .

  9. 英国一家连锁健身俱乐部把动感单车换成了床,以此来吸引疲惫的父母参加新推出的“睡眠课程”。

    In Britain , a chain of gyms is trading its spinning bikes for beds to attract tired parents for a new class it 's dubbing1 " napercise . "

  10. 基于GIS的城市健身俱乐部空间分布微观特征研究

    Research on Microcosmic Spatial Distribution Characteristic of Fitness Clubs Based on GIS in Beijing

  11. 营利性体育健身俱乐部的CRM策略研究

    Research about the Tactic of CRM on Profit Fitness Clubs

  12. 她保留了在24小时健身俱乐部(24HourFitness)的会员身份,不过只是为了去那儿洗澡。

    She has kept her membership at 24 Hour Fitness , but just for the shower .

  13. 设备一流的健身俱乐部,由著名的国际CLARK组织管理。

    The first-rate equipment body-building club , is managed by famous international CLARK organization .

  14. 我是个做事井井有条的人。我会让酒店健身俱乐部或SPA的人对我进行一对一的指导。

    And I get the hotel health club or spa to give me a one-to-one instruction .

  15. iWatch的主要市场将是医院,而不是健身俱乐部。

    The primary market will be hospitals , not health clubs .

  16. 我个人则倾向于比较特别的人选,比如高端健身俱乐部Equinox的总裁莎拉•罗布•奥哈根。

    ( GE ) I was looking for some more out-of-the box names like Sarah Robb O'Hagan , President of equinox .

  17. 来看看英国最新的健身俱乐部中这些大块头吧。

    Meet the hefty members of Britain 's latest fit club .

  18. 健身俱乐部现今变得越来越流行了。

    The fitness clubs are becoming more and more popular nowadays .

  19. 我国健身俱乐部私人教练职业化的探讨

    A Discussion of Personal Coaches Professionalism in Fitness Club in China

  20. 健身俱乐部服务质量损耗模型及其运用

    The Model of Fitness Clubs ' QOS & It 's Application

  21. 对217名健身俱乐部会员身体柔韧性的调查研究

    The Investigative Research on Pliable Quality of 217 Fitness Club Members

  22. 现在我不得不加入健身俱乐部!

    Now I 'm going to have to join a gym !

  23. 上海市健身俱乐部私人健身教练发展的现状调查与分析

    Investigation and analysis on personal trainers of fitness clubs in Shanghai

  24. 商业性健身俱乐部客户流失分析及对策研究

    Analysis and Countermeasure Research of Customer Churn at Commercial Fitness Clubs

  25. 南京市健身俱乐部消费人群基本情况的调查研究

    Research on the Consumers Basical Situation of Fitness Club at Nanjing

  26. 论体验经济与健身俱乐部经营策略

    Talk about the Experience Economy and Chinese Health Club Management Strategies

  27. 健身俱乐部现在已经作为一种体育产业,逐渐被国民所重视。

    People attach more importance to fitness club as physical industry .

  28. 北京市健身俱乐部女性体育消费群体的调查研究

    Investigation of Feminine Consumption Behavior in Sport Clubs in Beijing

  29. 西安市健身俱乐部经营环境的研究

    Research on the Management Environment of Fitness Clubs in Xian

  30. 合肥市商业健身俱乐部经营管理与营销研究

    Management and Marketing of Commercial Fitness Clubs in Hefei City