
  • 网络health rights;right to health
  1. 第二节就我国刑法对儿童性健康权利保护的现状及历史沿革加以介绍。

    In part II the status quo as well as the history of the Criminal Law on child sexual health rights protection is to be introduced .

  2. 全社会要尊重老年人的健康需求,保护老年人的健康权利,包括提供适当的健康服务。

    The whole society should respect the health needs of the elderly , protection of the elderly 's health rights , including the provision of appropriate health services .

  3. 随着社会的发展,健康权利受到人们越来越多的关注。

    Along with the society develops , people pay more attention to healthiness rights .

  4. 关于实现健康权利的社会、心理思考

    Social - psychological thinking on realizing healthiness rights

  5. 建立和完善医学道德法规体系是保障健康权利的社会基础;

    Establishing and perfecting medical ethic and law system are the social basis in ensuring healthiness rights ;

  6. 为了保护非吸烟者的健康权利,政府应该对吸烟者加大管理力度。

    The government should get tough on smoking so as to protect nonsmokers ' rights to a healthy life .

  7. 绝大多数学者认为该罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体,即国家对医疗机构及医疗执业人员的管理秩序和公众的生命、健康权利,笔者认为非法行医罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体。

    Some scholars take the object of illegally practicing medicine as a simple object , which is the order of medical administration .

  8. 她还说,为执行这项法律,确保市民的健康权利,还组建了一个卫生部内的协调委员会。

    She also said that an inter-ministerial coordinating committee has also been formed to enforce the law to ensure citizens'right to health .

  9. 答:世卫组织标准是迈向每一位儿童获得生长和健康权利的重要步骤。

    A : The WHO standards represent an important step towards achieving the right of every child to grow and be healthy .

  10. 笔者认为,积极发展经济,增加卫生经费投入,发展医疗卫生事业是实现健康权利的经济基础;

    In the author 's opinions , developing economy , adding health outlay and expending medical enterprises are economic basis in realizing healthiness rights ;

  11. 社区卫生服务是为保障人群健康权利向居民提供基本卫生服务的主要载体,特别是承担了预防、保健等基本公共卫生服务,是公共卫生的网底。

    The community health service has undertaken the basic public health work ( especially prevention and health care ) and is the bottom of public health net .

  12. 卫生工作实行市场化机制则不利于广大农村人口、年老者及残疾人的生命健康权利保障。

    The marketization of health care is detrimental to the protection of the right to life and health for the rural population , the senior citizens and the disabled .

  13. 安全是指劳动者在生产过程中,生命健康权利得以享有,免受死神的眷顾,免受健康权的侵犯,免受职业病的痛苦的状态。

    Safety is the state of workers'enjoying the life healthy right and free from the death favor and the violation of health right and the occupational status in the production process .

  14. 精神病患者的医疗行政强制措施是一项重要的社会防卫措施,既涉及到精神病患者的人身自由和健康权利,又涉及到社会安全和治安秩序。

    Psychiatric patients ' medical compulsory administrative measures is an important social defense measures , which involves psychotic personal freedom and health right , and related to social security and public order .

  15. 在现有保障水平下,建议由政府筹资覆盖全体儿童,优先保障儿童健康权利。

    It was suggested that it reflect the principle of " children as priority ", all the contributions of children be subsided by governments , and be maintaining at the existing standard .

  16. 医疗事故罪的客体是双重客体,其主要客体是就诊人的生命和健康权利,次要客体是医疗单位的正常的工作秩序和管理活动;

    Crime of medical accident has a double object : The primary one is the patient 's right on life or health ; the secondary is the normal order and managing activities of medical units ;

  17. 实践中侵犯患者知情同意权的情况时有发生,加之对患者知情同意权的保护不到位,这使得患者最基本的生命健康权利也因此而受到威胁。

    Violation of the right of informed consent of patients occur , in addition to the patients informed consent right protection is not in place , this allows the patient to the most basic rights of life and health is threatened .

  18. 青少年性和生殖健康及权利加勒比青年首脑会议

    Caribbean Youth Summit on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

  19. 人民享有的受教育权利、文化权利和健康保障权利

    III. The People Enjoy the Rights to Education , Culture and Health Protection

  20. 然而,实现人人享有健康的权利并不只是理论问题,更是一种实践。

    However , realizing the Health for All is not a problem in theory , but in practice .

  21. 医学研究要遵循那些促进尊重人体受试者、保护他们的健康和权利的伦理标准。

    Medical research is subject to ethical standards that promote respect for all human subjects and protect their health and rights .

  22. 它给予了病人,而不是医生,自己决定他的健康的权利。

    It puts the individual patient , not the doctor , in a position of self-determining authority to define his or her health needs .

  23. 从而使医疗服务的公平性、公正性得到体现,使公民生命和健康的权利得到保证。

    The practical operational regulations were needed to ensure the equity and equality of medical services , and to secure the health and life rights of residents .

  24. 药品安全问题直接关系到人民生存和健康的权利,历来是各级政府关注的工作重点。

    Drug safety issues directly relate to the peoples right to survival and health , they has always been a focus of government at all levels concern .

  25. “剥夺土耳其保护其公共健康的权利是不可接受的,而其他国家正在没有任何障碍地开展类似的活动,”她表示。

    " It would be unacceptable to deprive Turkey of its right to protect its public health while other countries are conducting similar campaigns without any obstacle ," she noted .

  26. 罪犯有维持身体健康的权利,罪犯享受免费医疗,每年定期接受健康检查,生病得到及时诊治。

    Prisoners have the right to maintain good health . They enjoy free medical care and receive a regular medical checkup every year . If they become ill , prompt medical treatment is given .

  27. 每个孩子都有权享受在家庭、学校和社区健康成长的权利。

    Every child has the right to grow up in a healthy home , school and community .

  28. 结婚登记的男女双方互有知晓对方婚前身体健康状况的权利。

    After marriage registration , the parties shall be entitled to know about the health conditions of each other before marriage .

  29. 通过分析健康人格是权利与义务的完美统一,而感恩是责任意识、义务观念的价值呈现,因此,健康人格呼唤感恩并离不开感恩。

    Analyzing the healthy personality is the rights and obligations perfect unification and Thanksgiving is value presents of responsibility consciousness and the obligations idea .

  30. 职业安全卫生关系到劳动者生存权、健康权等权利的保障,同时也影响了社会安全和国家经济发展。

    Occupation safety and health related to the workers the right to survival , health rights and other rights , but also affects the social security and national economic development .