
  • 网络Acquisition date;purchase date
  1. 购买日,是指购买方实际取得对被购买方控制权的日期。

    The " acquisition date " refers to the date on which the acquirer actually obtains the control on the acquiree .

  2. 编制合并财务报表时,应当以购买日确定的各项可辨认资产、负债及或有负债的公允价值为基础对子公司的财务报表进行调整。

    When preparing consolidated financial statements , it shall adjust the financial statements of the subsidiary company on the basis of the fair values of the identifiable assets , liabilities and contingent liabilities determined on the acquisition date .

  3. 购物不是中国人去国外旅游的主要目的,但事实上,中国的出境游客的确花很多钱在国外购买日用品和奢侈品。

    Shopping is not the only purpose that Chinese people travel abroad , but it is reality that outbound travelers are spending huge to buy products from daily necessities1 to luxury2 items .

  4. 许多人排长队加油、购买日用品。

    Many people waited in long lines to buy gas and groceries .

  5. 从购买日起一年内为保修期。

    The guarantee is valid for one year from the date of purchase .

  6. 自购买日起一年内有效。

    One year from the date of purchase .

  7. 住在低洼沿海地区的居民被转移到地势较高的社区中心和学校。许多人排长队加油、购买日用品。

    Residents in low-lying coastal areas were moved to community centers and schools on higher grounds .

  8. 不久,普通的家庭主妇们就会像购买日用品一样购买带回家的食品。

    It won 't be long before the average housewife will be buying take-home foods like groceries .

  9. 消耗性项目如电源适配器由购买日起保修三个月。

    Consumables such as AC adaptor are covered for up to3 months from the date of purchase .

  10. 女:起初,罗斯用失业保险购买日用品、支付房款。

    W : At first , Rosen bought groceries and made house payments with the help from unemployment insurance .

  11. 从星期二起,加沙人民利用战斗的间歇恢复工作,购买日用品。

    Since Tuesday , Gazans took advantage of the lull in fighting to return to work and shop for daily necessities .

  12. 接下来,我估量了自己固定的生活保障收入,发现我至少能支付各种账单和购买日用品。

    Second , I took stock of a guaranteed income for life finding I could at least pay bills and buy groceries .

  13. 英国一家超市成为世界上首个允许顾客在购买日用品时使用指尖静脉付款的超市。

    A UK supermarket has become the first in the world to let shoppers pay for groceries using just the veins in their fingertips .

  14. 占领华尔街运动的反资本主义抗议者鼓励大家参加零购买日,来抗议全世界范围的消费主义。

    Protesters with the anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street movement were encouraging people to take part in Buy Nothing Day , a day of protest against consumerism observed worldwide .

  15. 每天有数百万名中国消费者在该平台上购买日用品,方便面、腌菜和廉价服装的销量在不断攀升。

    Every day , millions of Chinese shoppers order daily necessities on the site , with rising sales of instant noodles , pickled vegetables , and cheap clothing .

  16. 购买日用品时,如食品、报纸、牙膏、剃须刀、阿斯匹林和糖果等,人们不会花费很多时间。

    People do not spend a great deal of time shopping for such convenience items as groceries , newspapers , toothpaste , razor blades , aspirin , and candy .

  17. 在你决定购买日用品之后,选择哪个结账口付款不重要。受票人对即期汇票付款后收到货运单据,这一行为称为付款交单;

    After you decide to buy groceries , the particular check-out aisle you select may not be important . Receiving the documents when the Sight Bill is paid is called " Documents against Payment " .

  18. 这块表自购买之日起保修12个月。

    This watch is guaranteed for12 months from the purchase date .

  19. 此外,购买两日联票可享受总价九五折优惠。

    A two-day ticket will be available at a 5 percent discount .

  20. 是从购买之日算起12个月吗?

    Is it12 months from the date of purchase ?

  21. 石英表自购买之日起保修十二个月。小型发明会在十二个月内得到保护。

    Quartz Watches are under warranty for twelve months from the date of purchase .

  22. 自购买之日起对装配技术上的问题提供一年保修。

    This watch is warranted for one year from date of purchase against defective workmanship .

  23. 正品耳机因耳机自身原因损坏,自购买之日起两年保修期;

    Genuine headphones have two years'warranty from the date of purchase if it is damaged because of its quality .

  24. 一次,伯乐受楚王的委托,购买能日行干里的骏马。

    Time , Bole by Chu 's mandate and accommodation , buying on line can be dry inside the horse .

  25. 谢谢本公司为此产品在材料和做工方面的缺陷供给自购买之日起一年的保修期。

    This product is warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of purchase .

  26. 自购买之日起一年内有效,不限次数,不限时间,专人专用。

    Valid for one year since the purchase date , no frequency of use , no time limit , but just for one person .

  27. 石原慎太郎就中国问题发表过许多刺耳言论。今年早些时候,他试图购买中日双方领土纠纷核心所在的几个岛屿,触发了日中关系的一次危机。

    Mr Ishihara is a harsh critic of China and sparked a crisis in Sino-Japanese relations earlier this year by trying to buy a group of islands at the heart of a territorial dispute with Beijing .

  28. 而且我和欧内斯特会发现,购买一日门票(我们三人总共花费约230美元),去看经由一个曾长期抵制迪士尼化的国家诠释的米奇及其伙伴,是很值得的。

    And Ernest and I would find it worth the price of a day 's admission to the theme park ( about $ 230 for the three of us ) to see Mickey and company translated by a country that had long resisted Disneyfication .

  29. 然而超市中央空调却存在很多问题:(1)冷负荷值计算偏大导致设备选型偏大,从而出现机组配置过大,闲置设备自从购买之日就未曾被使用,造成经济的浪费。

    However , there are many problems for supermarket air conditioning . Firstly , the slightly larger cooling load leads to the larger equipment selection and unit configuration . Idle equipments have never been used since the day of buying them and this is an economic waste .

  30. 有报道称,日本已就购买处于日中外交争端核心的部分岛屿达成协议。日本政府周三还没有对这些报道予以证实,但这并未阻止中国外交部发表相当情绪化的回应。

    The Japanese government may not have yet confirmed reports on Wednesday that it has reached a deal to purchase part of a chain of islands at the heart of a long-standing diplomatic feud with China , but that didn 't stop China 's Foreign Ministry from issuing an emotional response .