
  • 网络housing mortgage;home loan;Purchase loan
  1. 我国自从上个世纪90年代引入后,发展迅速,并以购房贷款保证保险、购车贷款保证保险为典型形式。

    Since been introduced in 1990s , it has developed rapidly in China and possessed typical forms as housing mortgage bond insurance , bond insurance for automobile consumption loans .

  2. 军队推行个人购房贷款的理性思考

    Thinking of carrying out housing loan system for ARMYMAN

  3. 购房贷款方案的优化问题

    Optimization on Plan of Personal Housing Loan

  4. 政府采取了大量措施刺激消费,包括放宽对购房贷款的限制。

    The government has reacted with a raft of measures to support consumers , including easier terms on home loans .

  5. 政府应重点支持中低收入家庭购房贷款;

    Fourthly , the government should put more emphasis on the low and medium income families for their housing purchase loan .

  6. 政府提高了对第二次购房贷款利率的支付,根据广州日报周二的报告。

    The government raised down payments for second home purchases and loan interest rates , according to a report from Guangzhou Daily Tuesday .

  7. 虽然没有改变商业银行提供购房贷款的上限,但政府称将加强对商业银行购房贷款业务的监督。

    The government did not change the lending ceilings for commercial banks but said it would enhance supervision on their lending for home purchases .

  8. 强烈反对刺激性货币政策的人认为,目前,低利率在国内的主要影响就是鼓励消费贷款和购房贷款。

    One serious objection to monetary stimuli is that low interest rates now have their main domestic effect in encouraging consumer borrowing and loans for house purchase .

  9. 对于提供购房贷款业务的银行来说,如果出现客户无力偿还贷款的情况,金融衍生工具能够将银行承担的风险降到最低,而这进一步促进了次贷市场的繁荣。

    Derivatives made it possible for banks that made housing loans to minimize their risk if there was a failure to repay , which helped in subprime mortgages .

  10. 在中国,房奴是个新词,指那些因房价飞涨而吧绝大部分工资用于偿还银行购房贷款的人。

    The housing slave is s new expression in China , referring to people who use most of their salary to repay bank loans due to soaring housing prices .

  11. 欧洲央行一直对贷款增速突然下降的破坏性影响保持警惕,但过去1年购房贷款的平稳减速已令其心安。

    The ECB has been wary of the damaging effects of an abrupt correction but has taken comfort from the steady deceleration of lending for house purchases in the past year .

  12. 3月1日,对购房贷款的限制措施出台,本周,我们了解到居住在内地的港澳居民现在可以投资股市了。

    On March 1 , curbs on property loans were announced and this week we learned that mainland-dwelling residents of Macau and Hong Kong can now invest in the stock market .

  13. 然而,汇丰银行分析师屈宏斌表示,购房贷款和企业贷款下降显著,主要原因是国内需求疲软和银行间风险厌恶的心态。

    However , a significant decrease was seen in loans to home buyers and enterprises , said HSBC analyst Qu Hongbin , who attributed that mainly to sluggish domestic demand and a rising risk aversion mindset among banks .

  14. 与此相反,尽管意大利的房屋自有率很高,但相对来说,它比任何其它发达国家的购房贷款都少:用意良好却不适当的监管,限制了按揭和租赁两个市场的发展。

    Italy , by contrast , has relatively less lending for house purchases than any other developed country , even though it has a high rate of owner occupation : well-meaning but inept regulation has inhibited the evolution of both the mortgage market and the rental market .

  15. 第二部分是购房抵押贷款证券化的法律分析。

    The second section is the legal analyze of MBS .

  16. 我国个人购房抵押贷款发展的现状、问题和对策

    The Present Conditions , Problems and Countermeasures of Home Mortgage Loan in China

  17. 获准的购房抵押贷款数量大约是长期平均水平的一半左右。

    The number of mortgages approved for house purchase is around half the long-run average .

  18. 第四部分是购房抵押贷款证券化在我国实施的必要性与可行性。

    The fourth section is the necessity and feasibility of the implement of MBS in our country .

  19. 第三,对我国住房分配制度转变过程中个人购房抵押贷款运行中的问题进行剖析。

    ( Chapter 2 ) Part 3 , this paper anatomizes the problems of personal housing purchase mortgage loan 's carrying out in the process of conversion of housing distribution system .

  20. 个人购房抵押贷款不仅有赖于商业性金融机构的参与,而且也要有政府成立政策性住房金融的支持。(第二章)

    The last , personal housing mortgage loan relies on not only the participation of commercial finance agencies , but also the support of government 's found of policy housing finance .

  21. 其他措施包括:拥有至少两套住房而且无贷款的购房者可以贷款买房。

    Other measures included the availability of mortgage finance to buyers who already fully-owned at least two homes .

  22. 我想获得(读书/购房/营业)贷款。

    A : I want to take out a loan for ( school / a new house / new business ) .

  23. 购房限制措施和贷款上限都在放宽&去年12月的新增贷款额达到去年4月以来的最高水平。

    Home purchase restrictions are being eased and credit caps are loosening – new loans extended in December were the highest since April .

  24. 在当今的市场上,短期雇佣记录和各种不良信用记录加大了购房者满足抵押贷款要求的难度。

    In today 's market , short employment records and various credit-record dings make it tougher for buyers to qualify for a mortgage .

  25. 它鼓励银行向首次购房者提供优惠贷款,并激励开发商加大建造价格较低的住房。

    It has encouraged banks to offer discounts on mortgages to first-time home buyers and has prodded developers to increase the construction of cheaper homes .

  26. 第二部分从社会经济发展、购房者、抵押贷款发放机构以及保险公司等不同的角度,分析了个人住房抵押贷款保险的作用。

    The second section analyses effect of Residential Mortgage Loan Insurance from four different positions , such as positions of loan provider , housing buyer , etc.

  27. 三是对三次申请住房公积金贷款的职工及家庭,暂停发放公积金贷款。四是暂停异地缴存公积金在本市购房申请住房公积金贷款业务。

    The homebuyers who have applied accumulation fund loan for the third time or made deposits in other city will not be eligible for accumulation fund loans .

  28. 近几周,在富裕的广东、浙江和江苏省,地方政府都已采取措施提高购房者的抵押贷款成本。

    In recent weeks local governments in the wealthy provinces of Guangdong , Zhejiang and Jiangsu have all taken steps to increase the cost of mortgages to homebuyers .

  29. 具体内容是,今年下半年期间,对金融机构以不超过基准利率向首次购房者提供的贷款,政府将给予相当于贷款额3%的补助。

    Specifically , it would offer a 3 % subsidy on loans that are offered on benchmark rates or lower to first-time homebuyers in the second half of the year .

  30. 为给上海房地产市场降温,上海公积金主管部门今天暂停向购房者发放公积金贷款。

    Authorities in Shanghai temporarily stopped the city 's public housing fund from making some loans to homebuyers today , in an effort to cool the city 's housing market .