
  • 网络purchasing power;affordability;buying power
  1. 住房购买能力是检验住房平均价格是否超出了居民平均经济承受能力的指标。

    Housing affordability is the index of testing whether the average price of housing beyond the affordability of the average residents .

  2. 虽然有现成的商业工具可以使用,但是运行您自己的高速缓存对象则提供了最好的灵活性、最强的控制和最大的购买能力。

    While commercial tools may be available , rolling your own cache object provides the utmost in flexibility , control , and affordability .

  3. 原因可能是买B罩杯的都是购买能力较弱的年轻女性。

    The reason might be that those who bought B cup are young women with low purchasing power .

  4. 阿里巴巴分析师将内衣消费者按其购买能力分成了四类,他们发现65%的B罩杯女性都属于“购买能力低”这一类,而C及以上罩杯的女性大部分购买能力都是“中等”或以上。

    Alibaba 's analysts divided bra consumers into four categories according to their online spending power . They found that 65 % of women who bought B cup belong to " low online spending power " category , while most of women who bought C cup or bigger sizes have " medium " online spending power or above .

  5. 当代的年轻人购买能力极强。

    The buying ability of the contempatary youth is tremendously strong .

  6. 没有其它客户拥有这样的购买能力。

    No other customer has this kind of buying power .

  7. 市场潜力巨大,购买能力不断增强。

    Both market potential and purchasing power are growing .

  8. 中国消费者证明了他们的购买能力,阿里巴巴证明了它的销售能力。

    Chinese consumers are proving their buying power and Alibaba is proving its selling power .

  9. 贬值的,尤其用在购买能力上。

    Devalued , as in buying power .

  10. 那位投资者要再这么倒霉一次,那他的购买能力将直降为零啊!

    If that trader gets slammed again , his buying power will dwindle down to nothing !

  11. 通过廉租住房政策来解决没有购买能力者的居住需求。

    Rent-cheap housing property serves for the demand of those who can not afford to get it .

  12. 他们所掌握的财富将带来新的消费需求,产生新的巨大的购买能力。

    They possess wealth , which will bring new consumer demand and produce new huge purchasing power .

  13. 生意人手中奢华的特制手袋,为其生份地位象征。显示他对精品的鉴赏及购买能力。

    A businessman 's luxe designer handbag is a status symbol , showing he appreciates-and can afford-fine things .

  14. 提高房产收益与居民的购买能力,从而刺激房地产市场的需求。

      raise residential incomes and residents ' purchasing power , thus stimulating demand for the real estate market .

  15. 当今时代,随着消费者购买能力的提升,人们越来越注重个人生活品质。

    In the present , as consumer buying power upgrade , people concern more and more quality of life .

  16. 比起拐角处的酒吧,凭借其购买能力,超市可以以低得多的价格出售啤酒。

    Supermarkets , with their buying power , can sell beer far more cheaply than the pub round the corner .

  17. 大多数经常光顾的买主均对贵方货物有极好的评价,但价格却超出了他们的购买能力。

    Most of our Regal customer have the highest opinion of your article , but the price be beyond their means .

  18. 通常我们把超过“普通人”购买能力的房价称为高房价。

    Often , we tend to consider housing prices as high if they rise beyond the reach of " ordinary people " .

  19. 从去年十月起,中国的食品价格呈两位数的比率上涨,挤榨着中国消费的购买能力。

    Since October , food prices in China have been rising at double-digit rates , squeezing the purchasing power of Chinese consumers .

  20. 现在,过剩是如此之巨,以至于大多数货币和债券都有可能持续失去购买能力。

    Now , the surplus capacities are so great that most currencies and bonds are likely to continue losing their purchasing power .

  21. 毫无疑问,她会感到很遗憾,拥有了巨大的购买能力却用不上。

    Her one thought would , undoubtedly , have concerned the pity of having so much power and the inability to use it .

  22. 随着购买能力的不断增强,成功的专业人士为炫耀其地位开始寻求不同的生活方式。

    With the purchase of the growing capabilities of successful professionals to show off their status had been looking for a different way of life .

  23. 同时,成本和购买能力等因素也在影响着设备安装和减缓气候变化策略的决定。

    Meanwhile , issues of cost and affordability also affect decisions on installation of equipment and mitigation strategies to reduce the impact of global warming .

  24. 2011年,最大的担忧是中国主要城市节节攀升的房价已超出除富人以外群体的购买能力。

    In 2011 , the big worry was escalating prices in China 's major cities putting apartments out of the reach of all but the rich .

  25. 另一方面,有些中小企业虽然具有购买能力,但由于中小企业主存在规避预期悔意的心理,导致保险意愿不足。

    On the other hand , although some SMEs have the ability to buy insurance , the owners ' mentality of regret-aversion leads to weak insurance awareness .

  26. 房地产市场发展迅速的同时,全国房地产价格持续上涨,超过了居民的可购买能力,有学者认为房地产价格存在泡沫倾向。

    While the real estate market is growing rapidly , the national real estate prices continued to rise , exceeding the capacity of the residents can buy .

  27. 比如,通过更为关注管理团队或者通过更大的购买能力和更低的成本来改善利润可能让你增加收入。

    For example , you may be able to increase revenue through a more focused management team , or improve margins through greater purchasing power and lower costs .

  28. 一般来说,我们认为居民可支配收入的增加代表购买能力的增强,会刺激保险需求。

    In general , we believe that the the increase of residents ' disposable income will enhance the purchasing power of residents and will enhance insurance demand along .

  29. 由于机动化运输的可购买能力日益上升,这些“沙漠之舟”的市场价格曾经大幅下跌,但如今,随着石油价格飞升,它们的价格再次上涨。

    Market prices for these " ships of the desert " , which crashed with the growing affordability of motorised transport , are rising again as oil prices soar .

  30. 资本(例如投入的货币资金或购买能力)的财务概念,表示资本是经济实体的净资产。

    Under a financial concept of capital , such as invested money or invested purchasing power , capital is synonymous with the net assets or equity of the entity .