
  • 网络PPP;purchasing power parity;The Theory of Purchasing Power Parity;purchasing-power-parity theory
  1. 公认地,所有的购买力平价理论的衡量都不完美。美元的购买力下降了。

    All measures of PPP are admittedly imperfect . The dollar buys less today .

  2. 可以说在众多的汇率决定理论中,购买力平价理论是最有影响的。

    We can say that PPP theory is the influential one among the numerous theories .

  3. 若以购买力平价理论(3P)核算,事实确实如此。然而若以当前美元计算,巴西和俄罗斯都超过了印度。

    This is true in purchasing-power-parity terms , but in current dollars Brazil and Russia both produce more than India .

  4. 经典理论认为,均衡汇率是指使宏观经济处于理想状态的汇率水平,包括购买力平价理论(purchasingpowerparity)、利率平价理论(interestrateparity)、汇率超调模型(overshootingmodel)等。

    The thought of the classic , which includes the purchasing power parity theory ( PPP ), the interest rate parity theory , the overshooting model of exchange rate , etc. , argues that the EER is the level that macro-economy is in desired condition .

  5. 西方传统的汇率理论中影响最为广泛的主要有:购买力平价理论(ppp)、利率平价理论、国际收支理论和资产货币理论。

    The Western tradition influence the exchange rate theory , the most widely used are : purchasing power parity theory , interest rate parity theory , the theory of international balance of payments and assets of the monetary theory .

  6. 第二章讨论的均衡汇率理论包括两部分,购买力平价理论和Nurkse的均衡汇率理论。

    Chapter Two introduces the equilibrium exchange rate theory , which includes the theory of purchasing power parity and Nurkse equilibrium exchange rate theory .

  7. 购买力平价理论背后的经济逻辑。

    Describe the economic logic behind the theory of purchasing-power parity .

  8. 购买力平价理论在人民币汇率预测中的应用

    Purchase Power Parity in the Forecasting of RMB Exchange Rate

  9. 基于购买力平价理论的人民币汇率的实证检验

    Demonstrative inspection of RMB exchange rate basing on purchasing power parity theory

  10. 购买力平价理论的综述分析及其新探讨

    The Summarizing Analysis and New Reflection on Purchasing Power Parity

  11. 动态购买力平价理论与检验

    Trends Dynamic State Dynamic Purchasing Power Parity and Empirical Analysis

  12. 本章梳理了从购买力平价理论到巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应的发展。

    Firstly it shows the development from Purchasing Power Parity Theory to Balassa-Samuelson Effect .

  13. 购买力平价理论在国际经济实力比较中的应用

    Purchasing Power Parity Apply for International Economy Comparison

  14. 动态购买力平价理论及其实证研究

    Dynamic Purchasing Power Parity Theory and Empirical Analysis

  15. 购买力平价理论与汇率决定理论的发展

    The Theory of Purchasing Power Parity and the Development of the Theory of Exchange Rate

  16. 人民币均衡汇率决定的理论分析&基于购买力平价理论的思考

    The Theory Analysis of Renminbi Balanced Exchange Rate & Theory Thought about Purchasing Power Parity Price

  17. 经典汇率决定理论主要是指购买力平价理论和利率平价理论;

    The classic exchange rate determination theory includes the theory of purchasing power parity and the theory of interest-rate parity .

  18. 购买力平价理论在中国的实证及对汇率改革的启示

    The Substantial Evidence of the Theory of Purchasing Power Parity in China and Its Enlightenment to Reform the Exchange Rate

  19. 本文以此为思路,在第三章与第四章中分别选用以上两类理论方法中具有代表性的购买力平价理论和均衡汇率理论来对人民币汇率进行分析。

    Accordingly , the author selects Purchase Power Parity Theory and Equilibrium Theory respectively from each type to analyze RMB 's exchange rate .

  20. 按照购买力平价理论,一国货币的对外价值和对内价值应该呈同方向变动。

    According to the theory of Purchasing Power Parity , the external value and internal value of a national currency should change toward the same direction .

  21. 第一节的讨论是围绕购买力平价理论展开的,分别介绍了绝对购买力平价理论、相对购买力平价理论、包含交易成本的购买平价理论、购买力平价的扩展形式和国际货币主义汇率理论。

    Sector one introduces the absolute PPP 、 the relative PPP 、 PPP of including exchange cost 、 the extended PPP and theory of international monetary .

  22. 动态购买力平价理论:概念、证据与运用在购买设备,特别是购买材料时,你方应最大限度地依靠当地市场。

    Dynamic PPP Theory : Concept , Evidence and Application ; You should make maximum use of local equipment and materials available on the local market .

  23. 最后运用动态购买力平价理论分析得出升值将是人民币汇率的长期趋势。

    Finally , this paper points out that the appreciation will be the lasting trend of the exchange rate of RMB by dynamic purchasing power parity theory .

  24. 汇率问题是我国金融国际化的枢纽之一,而购买力平价理论构成了货币主义汇率决定模型的基础。

    Exchange rate is one of hinges in financial internationalization , and purchasing power parity ( PPP ) theory is the basis of exchange rate determination model in monetarism .

  25. 本文依据购买力平价理论分析了人民币升值与新汇率的走势,指出人民币升值对我国出口企业造成的短期和长期影响。

    The paper firstly analyses the appreciation and trend of RMB on the basis of purchase power parity , and points out short-term & long-term influences upon export enterprises .

  26. 随着计量经济方法的不断发展,近十年来面板单位根检验问题逐渐被统计学家和计量经济学家关注并被应用于购买力平价理论的实证研究当中。

    With the continuous development of econometric methods , panel unit root test has been widespread concerned , and is widely used in the empirical research in the past decade .

  27. 再利用修正过的购买力平价理论,测算出人民币的真实汇率,并且具体分析名义汇率、补贴、工资政策与真实汇率的变化趋势。

    Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate , subsidy and wage policy 's effects on real exchange rate respectively .

  28. 汇率问题是中国金融国际化的核心问题,而购买力平价理论则是汇率问题的基础。

    The issue of exchange rate is the core issue of international integration of Chinese finance , and the purchasing power parity ( PPP ) theory is the basis of the exchange rate issue .

  29. 购买力平价理论,作为世界各国评价恰当的汇率水平,对汇率管理和汇率干预的政策具有指导作用。

    The Theory of Purchasing Power Parity , as the foundation of exchange evaluation for all countries in the world , is the guidance for the policy with regard to exchange management and intervention .

  30. 实际汇率是衡量一国从事国际经济活动竞争力的最主要的指标之一,它是随着购买力平价理论的发展而出现的。

    The real exchange rate is one of the main index , whick indicates competitiveness of one country 's engagement in international economic activities . It appears with the development of the purchasing-power parity theory .