
ɡòu mǎi lì pínɡ jià
  • purchasing power parity
  1. 相对购买力平价与人民币均衡汇率

    Relative Purchasing Power Parity and Equilibrium Exchange Rate of RMB

  2. 物质生活水平则是以按购买力平价计算的人均国内生产总值(gdp)来衡量。

    Material standard of living is measured by gross domestic product per head at purchasing power parity .

  3. 在中情局(CentralIntelligenceAgency)的购买力平价排名中,中国经济规模是美国的近四分之三。

    In the Central Intelligence Agency 's purchasing power parity rankings , China 's economy is nearly three-quarters of the size of the US economy .

  4. 这就是评价货币估值的购买力平价(PPP)方法。

    This is the purchasing power parity method for assessing currency valuation .

  5. 按市场汇率换算,中国人均GDP为4282美元;按购买力平价汇率换算则为7517美元。

    In China , GDP per capita was $ 4,282 at market exchange rates , and $ 7,517 at PPP rates .

  6. 记住,在中国以购买力平价为基础的GDP值,是很难判定收入不均衡的。

    Having in mind level of GDP PPP pc in Chinese provinces it is hard to speak about great income inequality .

  7. 其研究核心是购买力平价(ppp)理论。

    At its heart is the theory of purchasing-power parity ( PPP ) .

  8. 按购买力平价计算,中国已达到了这一水平,虽然按名义GDP计算,中国几乎只是上述水平的一半。

    Based on purchasing power parity China has reached this , although in nominal terms it is still barely half that level .

  9. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)认为,世界经济按购买力平价计算将以近4%的速度增长。

    The International Monetary Fund believes the world economy will grow at nearly 4 per cent , at PPP .

  10. 这项调查结果显示:在世界银行(worldbank)今年年底公布预期的购买力平价修正数据时,中国经济规模将比以往估计的规模小40%。

    The results tell us that when the World Bank announces its expected PPP data revisions later this year , China 's economy will turn out to be 40 per cent smaller than previously stated .

  11. 直到最近,中国还从未参与过将国内生产总值(gdp)精确转换为购买力平价美元所需的详尽价格调查。

    Until recently , China had never participated in the careful price surveys needed to convert accurately its gross domestic product into PPP dollars .

  12. GDP的国际比较常用汇率法和购买力平价法。

    The most often used methods to compare the GDP of different countries are the exchange rate and purchasing power parity ( PPP ) .

  13. 比较价格水平是用来衡量汇率法和购买力平价法测算各国GDP水平的偏差程度的指标。

    Comparative Price Level is the index for measuring the warp of GDP between the rate and the Purchasing Power Parity ( PPP ) .

  14. 另外,如迈克尔佩蒂斯(MICHAELPETTIS)在其博客中解释的,基于购买力平价的对比存在不少缺陷。

    Furthermore , PPP-based comparisons have many drawbacks , as Michael Pettis explains here .

  15. 按购买力平价计算,1973年,日本、中国和印度的国内生产总值(GDP)合计占世界的15%。

    In 1973 , Japan , China and India together accounted for 15 per cent of global gross domestic product in purchasing power parity terms .

  16. 一种更好的方法是以购买力平价(PPP)计算,它考虑到了价格差异。

    A better method is to use purchasing-power parities ( PPP ), which take account of price differences .

  17. 的确,发展中国家也认为,分配投票权时,一定程度上应该以购买力平价(PPP)计算的国内生产总值(GDP)为基础。

    True , developing countries argue that quotas should be allocated partly on the basis of gross domestic product at purchasing power parity .

  18. 本研究主要讨论中国与美国的经济规模比较问题。本研究以1995年为基年,用生产法测算中美货币的双边购买力平价(PPP),并得到中国国际可比的GDP。

    This paper is concerned with the international comparison of GDP between China and USA based on purchasing power parity ( PPP ) .

  19. 然后根据世界银行提供的购买力平价(purchasingpowerparity(ppp))比率,将薪酬数据折算成具备同等购买力的美元数。

    Purchasing power parity ( PPP ) rates supplied by the world bank are then used to convert the remaining salary data to US $ PPP equivalent figures .

  20. 人均GNP的汇率、购买力平价比较及ρ指标的建立

    The Exchange Rate of GNP Per Capita , PPPs Comparison and the Establishment of Indicator ρ

  21. 我们也可以换一种方法来比较不同经济体的gdp,不使用市场汇率,而是使用(假想的)购买力平价汇率。

    The alternative method of comparing GDP between economies is to abandon the use of market exchange rates , and to use ( hypothetical ) PPP exchange rates instead .

  22. 到2014年,按购买力平价(PPP)计算,俄罗斯人均国内生产总值(GDP)相比2000年增加了一倍以上。

    By 2014 , Russia 's per capita gross domestic product , based on purchasing power parity , had more than doubled compared with 2000 .

  23. 采用2000年购买力平价(PPP)的住户调查数据折算,大致就是每人日薪12到50美元。

    That translates into roughly $ 12-50 a day per person , using household-survey data at2000 purchasing-power parities ( PPP ) .

  24. 今年秋天,世界银行(WorldBank)称,如今世界不到10%的人口每天的生活费低于1.90美元(按2011年美元币值计算,经过了购买力平价调整)。

    This autumn , the World Bank reported that less than 10 per cent of the world 's population now live on less than $ 1.90 a day ( as measured in 2011 dollars , adjusted for purchasing power parity ) .

  25. 但实物指标和以购买力平价为基础的收入比较的结果表明可能GDP的情况不全是误导性的。

    Yet physical indicators ( such as electricity consumption ) and the results of income comparisons based on purchasing-power parity suggest that the GDP picture may not be entirely misleading .

  26. 根据大企业联合会(ConferenceBoard)发布的一个令人惊叹的数据库,按购买力平价计算,中国2009年的国内生产总值(GDP)为美国的80%。

    According to the wonderful database published by the Conference Board , its gross domestic product , at purchasing power parity , was 80 per cent of that of the US in 2009 .

  27. 按购买力平价计算的GDP高达7.1万亿美元,仅次于美国,位列世界第二(世界银行,2007)。

    Calculated by purchasing power parity , real GDP reaches up to 7.1 trillion dollars , ranked 2nd in the world after the United States ( World Bank , 2007 ) .

  28. IMF其它成员,尤其是欧洲成员,应该容纳它们:即使按照新的购买力平价指标,中国和印度的投票权也应远远高于目前水平。

    Other members , especially the Europeans , should accommodate them : even the new PPP measures would imply far more votes than China and India have now .

  29. “薪资增幅百分比”的计算,是根据各商学院学员从入读mba前至2007年的美元购买力平价薪资增幅。

    The salary percentage increase is calculated according to the increase in average US $ PPP salary for each school from before alumni started the MBA until 2007 .

  30. 按购买力平价计算,新兴市场占到全球GDP的一半,以及大部分的工业产值、能源消耗、土地、劳动力和增长。

    Emerging markets are 50 per cent of global gross domestic product , using purchasing power parity , and have the bulk of industrial production , energy consumption , land , labour and growth .