
gòu mǎi lì
  • purchasing power;buy
购买力 [gòu mǎi lì]
  • [purchasing power]指机关团体或一般人购买商品的经济力量

  • 彩电、冰箱进入普通百姓家里,这标志着中国人的购买力的明显提高

购买力[gòu mǎi lì]
  1. 卢布的实际购买力骤然下降。

    The real purchasing power of the rouble has plummeted .

  2. 货币单位的购买力,决不会随著所有可买卖的货物齐一地变动

    The monetary unit 's purchasing power never changes evenly with regard to all things vendible and purchasable .

  3. 福特汽车公司为老年人设计的一款汽车于上周亮相,这进一步体现了老年消费者的购买力。

    There was further evidence of grey consumer power last week , when Ford revealed a car designed with elderly people in mind .

  4. 对墨西哥税收的初步审查发现,被收税的酒水购买力下降,而未征税的更健康饮品的销售量却有所上升。

    A preliminary review of Mexico 's taxation found a fall in purchases of taxed drinks as well as a rise in sales of untaxed and healthier drinks .

  5. 物质生活水平则是以按购买力平价计算的人均国内生产总值(gdp)来衡量。

    Material standard of living is measured by gross domestic product per head at purchasing power parity .

  6. 这就是评价货币估值的购买力平价(PPP)方法。

    This is the purchasing power parity method for assessing currency valuation .

  7. 按市场汇率换算,中国人均GDP为4282美元;按购买力平价汇率换算则为7517美元。

    In China , GDP per capita was $ 4,282 at market exchange rates , and $ 7,517 at PPP rates .

  8. 记住,在中国以购买力平价为基础的GDP值,是很难判定收入不均衡的。

    Having in mind level of GDP PPP pc in Chinese provinces it is hard to speak about great income inequality .

  9. 其研究核心是购买力平价(ppp)理论。

    At its heart is the theory of purchasing-power parity ( PPP ) .

  10. 按购买力平价计算,中国已达到了这一水平,虽然按名义GDP计算,中国几乎只是上述水平的一半。

    Based on purchasing power parity China has reached this , although in nominal terms it is still barely half that level .

  11. 直到最近,中国还从未参与过将国内生产总值(gdp)精确转换为购买力平价美元所需的详尽价格调查。

    Until recently , China had never participated in the careful price surveys needed to convert accurately its gross domestic product into PPP dollars .

  12. GDP的国际比较常用汇率法和购买力平价法。

    The most often used methods to compare the GDP of different countries are the exchange rate and purchasing power parity ( PPP ) .

  13. 比较价格水平是用来衡量汇率法和购买力平价法测算各国GDP水平的偏差程度的指标。

    Comparative Price Level is the index for measuring the warp of GDP between the rate and the Purchasing Power Parity ( PPP ) .

  14. 另外,如迈克尔佩蒂斯(MICHAELPETTIS)在其博客中解释的,基于购买力平价的对比存在不少缺陷。

    Furthermore , PPP-based comparisons have many drawbacks , as Michael Pettis explains here .

  15. 海湾国家今年预计将参与更多并购交易,因为持续高企的油价提升了海湾合作委员会(gulfcooperationcouncil)地区6国的购买力。

    Further deals are expected this year as continued high oil prices boost the spending power of the six states in the Gulf Cooperation Council region .

  16. 按购买力平价计算,1973年,日本、中国和印度的国内生产总值(GDP)合计占世界的15%。

    In 1973 , Japan , China and India together accounted for 15 per cent of global gross domestic product in purchasing power parity terms .

  17. 因此,尽管中国穷得多,但按购买力计算,该国的GDP在2011年已达到美国的87%。

    So in spite of being so much poorer , the purchasing power of aggregate Chinese GDP was 87 per cent of US levels in 2011 .

  18. 一种更好的方法是以购买力平价(PPP)计算,它考虑到了价格差异。

    A better method is to use purchasing-power parities ( PPP ), which take account of price differences .

  19. 的确,发展中国家也认为,分配投票权时,一定程度上应该以购买力平价(PPP)计算的国内生产总值(GDP)为基础。

    True , developing countries argue that quotas should be allocated partly on the basis of gross domestic product at purchasing power parity .

  20. 英格兰银行(bankofengland)行长默文金(mervynking)警告英国家庭要做好准备,承受“实际购买力的损失”。

    Mervyn King , the governor of the Bank of England , warned families to prepare for and accept " a loss of real purchasing power " .

  21. 人均GNP的汇率、购买力平价比较及ρ指标的建立

    The Exchange Rate of GNP Per Capita , PPPs Comparison and the Establishment of Indicator ρ

  22. 但实物指标和以购买力平价为基础的收入比较的结果表明可能GDP的情况不全是误导性的。

    Yet physical indicators ( such as electricity consumption ) and the results of income comparisons based on purchasing-power parity suggest that the GDP picture may not be entirely misleading .

  23. IMF其它成员,尤其是欧洲成员,应该容纳它们:即使按照新的购买力平价指标,中国和印度的投票权也应远远高于目前水平。

    Other members , especially the Europeans , should accommodate them : even the new PPP measures would imply far more votes than China and India have now .

  24. 按购买力计算,中国的产出仅占全球GDP的9%,比人们此前估计的14%低了三分之一多。

    On this basis , China 's output is just 9 per cent of global gross domestic product , down by more than a third from the previous estimate of 14 per cent .

  25. 按购买力平价计算,新兴市场占到全球GDP的一半,以及大部分的工业产值、能源消耗、土地、劳动力和增长。

    Emerging markets are 50 per cent of global gross domestic product , using purchasing power parity , and have the bulk of industrial production , energy consumption , land , labour and growth .

  26. 若以购买力平价理论(3P)核算,事实确实如此。然而若以当前美元计算,巴西和俄罗斯都超过了印度。

    This is true in purchasing-power-parity terms , but in current dollars Brazil and Russia both produce more than India .

  27. 大部分经济学家认为最好的比较生活水平的方法是用平价购买力(ppp)测算人均gdp,其可以调整生活在每一个国家所需的不同费用。

    Most economists reckon that the best way to compare living standards is to take GDP per person measured at purchasing-power parity ( PPP ) , which adjusts for differences in the cost of living in each country .

  28. 以市场汇率计算,美国的经济规模依然是中国的两倍左右。但按照国际货币基金组织(IMF)的计算方法,以购买力平价衡量,美国的经济规模仅比中国高出30%。

    At market exchange rates , its economy is still roughly twice the size of China ' s. Yet , according to the International Monetary Fund , it is only 30 per cent larger , at purchasing power parity .

  29. 在农村,许多商品和服务的价格要比城市低得多。这意味着,按真实购买力平价衡量的农村人均GDP,可能比IMF数据所体现的要高。

    Many prices are much lower in the rural areas than they are in the cities , which means that GDP per head in rural areas , measured at the true PPP rates , is probably higher than shown in the IMF data .

  30. 本文运用回归分析方法对PPP模型汇率预测的效果进行了实证检验,并就市场汇率经常偏离购买力平价的原因进行了分析。

    The article makes a testing on effect of exchange rates forecasting for PPP model using regression analysis , and gives some reasons why market actual exchange are not in line with those presented by PPP model .