
ɡòu mǎi xí ɡuàn
  • buying habit
  1. 从购买习惯看中包装的发展

    From Buying Habit See The Development of Inner Packaging

  2. 数据采掘被用来分析个体的购买习惯。

    Data mining is used to analyse individuals ' buying habits .

  3. 在美国,信贷公司capitalone的业务就依赖于通过跟踪购买习惯和进行信用评分来获得丰富的消费者档案数据。

    In the US , the lender capital one built its business on rich consumer profiling through tracking buying habits and credit scoring .

  4. 罗内恩表示,根据人们的购买习惯和购买方针来看,Farmigo最终可能会向20%至30%的美国人提供服务,而目前只有不到1%的美国人参与了“社区支持农业项目”(CSA)。

    Farmigo could eventually reach about 20 % - 30 % of the U.S. population based on people 's buying habits and guidelines , Ronen says , adding that community-supported agriculture programs ( CSAs ) currently reach less than 1 % .

  5. (做一个有关消费者购买习惯的调查。)

    Do a survey of consumer buying habits .

  6. 了解消费者购买习惯和行为的客观需要;

    It is objective need to understand the purchase habit and behavior of consumer .

  7. 想要追踪购买习惯的公司和坏家伙似乎对保密信息一直嗤之以鼻。

    Seems that confidentiality hampers efforts to track buying habits - and bad guys .

  8. 更多的人感性多于理性,而这极大地影响着他们的购买习惯。

    More people are sensual than not sensual , and this greatly affects their buying habits .

  9. 因此,消费者的提前购买习惯为厨卫家电生产商创造了一定的客户订单提前期。

    Therefore , consumers ' buying habits in advance create certain customer lead time for the kitchen appliances manufacturers .

  10. 在购物时,只要写下个人联系方式和购买习惯,就可以得到优惠。

    We often get a discount at the expense of telling the sellers our contact details and purchasing habits .

  11. 因此他们表示,目前我们可以越过单纯的人口统计学和购买习惯,接触到目标市场。

    So now , they say , we can go beyond mere demographics and buying habits to reach our target market .

  12. 中央计算机能够对顾客的鉴赏心理和购买习惯以及分歧意见进行非常详尽的剖析。

    The central computer could develop a highly detailed profile on a customer 's watching and purchasing habits and opinions on issues .

  13. 由于中国这个全球第二大经济体消费者的购买习惯改变了,一些跨国公司感受到了压力。

    Some multinationals have begun to feel the pinch as the buying habits of consumers in the world 's second-largest economy change rapidly .

  14. 比如连锁超市,可以轻易追踪客户的弹性&他们购买习惯是如何对涨价或打折做出反应。

    Supermarket chains , for example , can easily track customers'elasticity – how their buying habits change in response to a price rise or a discount .

  15. 亚马逊网和许多其他网站也会比较个人和成千上万其他顾客的浏览和购买习惯,然后存入数据库。

    Amazon.com and many other sites also compare individual 's browsing and buying habits to those of thousand and millions of other consumers in their databases .

  16. 这是一个正在出现的很新的市场,人们在购买习惯上,越来越有,社会意识。

    This is a very new market that 's emerging because of the fact that people are becoming a lot more socially conscious in their buying habits .

  17. 当人口年龄结构改变消费者购买习惯也会随之改变。基尔·库卡尼认为进行有针对性的职业培训和以科技方式提高生产力可以抵消劳动力数量下降造成的影响。

    While consumer buying patterns will change as populations age , Kishore Kulkarni believes targeted career training and productivity gains through technology could offset the decline in workers .

  18. 第四章分析了雅芳(中国)有限公司销售渠道模式及其渠道如何与产品、定价、促销、顾客购买习惯相匹配,重点讨论了区域经营、经销商关系管理系统及如何解决渠道冲突。

    Chapter 4 focuses on analyzing of sales channel strategy of Avon ( China ), and further research on the company 's strategic success , problem and the solutions .

  19. 对于有2000万用户的亚马逊,此算法非常准确,因为在亚马逊的数据库中与您有着类似购买习惯的潜在客户很多。

    With its20 million users , the algorithm is very accurate , since there are likely many potentail customers in Amazon 's database with similar buying habits to you .

  20. 为了支持这种说法,中国人消费行为研究专家吴凯概述了他们的购买习惯以及中国经济的反应。

    To back this up , Berenike Ullmann , an expert in the consumer behaviour of the Chinese , outlined their buying habits and the reactions of the country 's economy .

  21. 用该方法挖掘时态数据库,挖掘结果能更好地反映客户购买习惯的变迁,为市场营销提供决策支持。

    Using the improved method to mine the temporal data base , the results can finely detect the diversification of purchasing custom of customers and offer supports to the marketing decision making .

  22. 产品的特点决定了企业对目标市场的选择和消费者的购买习惯,因此产品的行业特点在很大程度上决定着企业营销渠道的建设。

    The product characteristic has decided the goal market choice of enterprises and consumer 's purchase custom , therefore the product profession characteristic is to a great extent deciding the enterprise marketing channel construction .

  23. 无条件退货权的产生具有时代性,由于新的消费方式的兴起和消费者快节奏的购买习惯,使得在经营者高压销售外出现越来越多的冲动型消费。

    The unconditional return right is a time produce , due to the emergence of new consumption patterns and consumers ' fast-paced buying habits , more and more impulse buying appears outside the high-pressure sales .

  24. 与中国成百上千万消费者一样,周本琪(音译)不得不改变自己的购买习惯,以应对中国家庭主要食品猪肉和鸡蛋价格的大幅上涨。

    Like tens of millions of shoppers across China , Zhou Benqi has had to change her buying habits to cope with sharply rising prices of pork and eggs , staple foods for any Chinese family .

  25. 第一章介绍了销售通路的作用以及渠道与产品、促销、定价、顾客购买习惯之间的关系;探讨了中国销售渠道的发展情况和趋势。

    Chapter 1 introduces the function of Sales Channel and its relationships with product , SP , pricing and customer 's purchase behavior , the trend for the future development of sales channel for Chinese cosmetics markets .

  26. 因此,应用服务提供者需要一些智能化的指导算法,根据用户的购买习惯等知识推荐用户可能感兴趣的商品或信息,使用户能够方便地获取自己所需。

    Therefore , service providers need some intelligent algorithms , which would recommend goods or information to a user based on knowledge like his or her hobbies , in order to enable users to access what they want easily .

  27. 基本上所有的公司以及非营利组织都希望吸引18至24岁客户的眼球和钱包。但是他们往往不了解这个年龄段的人到底在想些什么,想要什么,有什么购买习惯以及交流方式。

    Nearly all businesses and non-profit organizations want to capture the attention and wallets of the consumer demographic you belong to , 18 - to 24-year-olds . But they often struggle to understand the demographic 's mindset , motivations , purchasing behaviors , and communication styles .

  28. 随着化肥市场环境的变化,农民消费观念、购买习惯的改变和世界化肥巨头纷纷涌入,化肥企业必须审视自己的生存、发展环境,慎重规划自己的营销战略。

    As the fertilizer market environment changes , the consumer attitudes , purchasing habits of peasants change and the influx of giant international chemical fertilizer producers into China , domestic chemical fertilizer enterprises should review their own survival and developmental environments , carefully make their marketing strategies .

  29. 他在购买地产时习惯把价格压得很低。

    It was his custom in buying real estate to offer a rather low price .

  30. 请问阁下有否购买饰物的习惯?

    Do you have a habit to wear any accessories ?