
  • 网络buying desire
  1. 汽车声品质是汽车NVH性能研究的重要内容,影响着消费者的购买欲望和汽车厂商的竞争力。

    Vehicle sound quality is an important part of vehicle NVH performance which affects the consumers ' purchasing power and the automobile companies ' competitive ability .

  2. 商店引人注目的陈设能激发人们的购买欲望。

    Attractive store displays can create a desire for the goods .

  3. 指出,包装设计应当发扬民族特色,与时俱进,激发消费者的购买欲望。

    A successful packing design should stimulate consumers to buy the merchandise .

  4. 在多年的疯狂购物后,放弃各种购买欲望似乎成了美德,比如把以前丢在一边的东西拿出来用。

    After years of gluttonous shopping , forgoing our wants feels virtuous , like using up leftovers .

  5. 研究同时发现年龄可以直接预测受众的购买欲望。

    The study also showed that age was a direct predictor of the audience 's purchase intention .

  6. 双关语的运用,能打动人心,激发人们的购买欲望。

    The use of puns , can move the heart , arouse people 's desire to buy .

  7. 在商业世界里,广告几乎无处不在,它集中全力唤起消费者的购买欲望。

    Advertisement appearing every conor of the commercial world focuses fully on arousing the purchaser 's desire .

  8. 目录是无法引起客户的情绪兴奋及购买欲望,来买你的产品或与贵公司做生意。

    Catalogs don 't create excitement for buying your products or enthusiasm for doing business with your company .

  9. 熟练地运用推销四步骤:引起注意、激发兴趣、创造购买欲望、诱发行动。

    Skillfully use the four steps in a sales presentation : attention , interest , desire , action .

  10. 和在商场里看到的,接触到的东西一样,音乐元素也会影响你的购买欲望。

    Music influences your behavior , just like the things you touch and see in a retail environment .

  11. 任何直接或间接地影响现代消费信贷的购买欲望和购买能力的因素都会对现代消费信贷的需求产生影响。

    Any factors affecting directly or indirectly purchase desire and purchase capacity will influence demand of modern consumption credit .

  12. 广告的终极目的是为了激发消费者的购买欲望,并让他们采取行动。

    The aim of advertising is to arouse the consumers ' purchasing interests and make them to take action ultimately .

  13. 广告是以营利为目的,以宣传为重点,以激发消费者购买欲望为动力的一种宣传手段。

    Advertising is an art of commerce for commercial purposes , which focuses on propaganda to stimulate consumer purchasing desire .

  14. 注重期刊的装帧设计,增强读者的购买欲望;

    Pay attention to the design of the binding and layout to raise the desire of the readers to purchase ;

  15. 第三,情感化设计有助于满足消费者的各种心理需求并激发他们的购买欲望。

    Thirdly , emotional design is conducive to satisfy the customers ' various types of psychological demands and stimulate their consuming desire .

  16. 根据我们的研究,许多年轻人觉得这是以后总会引起他们购买欲望的产品。

    According to our research , many of the young people find it an attractive item that they would like to purchase .

  17. 一个精美别致的酒包装,不仅能给人以美的享受,具有收藏价值,而且在市场不断出现和销售方式改变的今天,能直接刺激消费者的购买欲望,达到促进销售的目的。

    A good wine package designing , not only make people feeling beauty and garner , but let consumers to buy it .

  18. 但是人们对柴油机有持续购买欲望,不一定就意味着他们会永远喜爱大众,至少对一些欧洲人来说是这样。

    But a continued yen for diesels may not necessarily translate into an abiding love of Volkswagen , for some Europeans at least .

  19. 三星希望它的显示技术能够成为刺激购买欲望的因素之一,因为它的竞争对手们使用的都是不那么鲜艳,但更受信赖的屏幕技术。

    Samsung hopes that display technology will be one of those things as its rivals use less flashy but more trusted screen technology .

  20. 你知道找到和发现事物,你的购买欲望取决于,相信资源和信息,他买不买。

    You know that finding and discovering thing you want to buy depend critically on trusting the resources and information the guy purchases decisions .

  21. 中国对澳大利亚自然资源的需求,与澳大利亚对中国产服装、体育用品、玩具和电脑的购买欲望形成了互补。

    China 's need for Australian natural resources is complemented by Australia 's appetite for Chinese-produced clothing , sporting goods , toys and computers .

  22. 一个成功的译名能够吸引目标语消费者,激发美好的想象与购买欲望,从而给公司带来巨大的经济效益。

    A brilliantly translated brand name will help attract consumers and inspire their enthusiasm for purchase , thus bring huge economic benefits for the company .

  23. 探讨了包装装潢设计对玩具产品和玩具消费所起到的重要作用,玩具包装装潢设计能够迅速地吸引住消费者的注意力,提高他们的购买欲望。

    The importance of decoration design to toy production and consumption was emphasized . Toy consumers would be easily absorbed by various of decoration designs .

  24. 区域品牌可以刺激消费者的购买欲望,影响其购买行为,促进产业集群和区域经济的发展。

    Regional brand can provoke the desire of the cosumer and influence their behavior to accelerate the development of the industrial cluster and regional economic .

  25. 我们提供激动人心的、设计精美而且质量上乘的服饰和家居产品,来满足和引导我们顾客的需求和购买欲望。

    We offer exciting , beautifully designed , excellent quality clothing and homeware ; presented in collections that reflect the aspirations and means of our customers .

  26. 但是当再次调查一段时间后,相比那些看过没有警示广告的人,他们的购买欲望更为强烈。

    But when surveyed again some time later , they were actually more likely to make the purchase than were those who saw ads without the warnings .

  27. 因为促销频率过高容易使顾客对促销逐渐感到麻木,对客户的购买欲望的刺激将会越来越小。

    Because customers will be numb under excessive frequence of sales promotion , and the stimulation to purchasing intention of customers will be more and more dim .

  28. 例如红色能带给给人一种紧迫感,于是一些店铺就用红色的标识来刺激消费者的购买欲望。

    For example , a sign in red might convince you to take part in a sale because of the sense of urgency conveyed by the color red .

  29. 就广告翻译而言,译文必须能吸引观众注意,使其对广告产品或服务感兴趣,唤起其购买欲望,并使其付诸行动,购买该产品或服务。

    The workable target text could draw the attention of the audience , arouse their interest and desire , and take action to buy the product or service .

  30. 所以从消费心理视角研究店面空间环境设计,可有效地刺激、诱导消费,激发消费者的购买欲望。

    So from the perspective of consumption psychology research store space environment design , and can be effectively stimulation , the induced consumption , stimulate consumer purchasing desire .