
  • 网络buy it;buy button
  1. 社交网站Twitter在周一宣布,将开始测试新的购买按钮,用户可以借此直接通过推文来直接购买商品。

    The social website is testing a new Buy button that will allow users to purchase an item directly from a tweet , the company announced Monday .

  2. 在点击购买按钮以后,用户将看到产品的详细信息,并能输入邮寄地址和支付信息,进而完成订单。

    After tapping the Buy button , a user will get additional product details and be able to enter shipping and payment information to complete the order .

  3. 从传统的购物车免费软件的限制,只需添加现在购买按钮,您的产品网页,并开始接受付款,立竿见影。

    Free from the limitations of traditional shopping cart software , just add buy-now buttons to your product pages and start accepting payments straight away .

  4. 去年的双十一,阿里巴巴的GMV达到93亿美元。分析师们将急切地期盼看到今年有可观的增长——从周三凌晨的情况看,这个目标是有望达成的,因为大批消费者都点击了“购买”按钮。

    In last year 's Singles Day , Alibaba 's gross merchandise value came in at $ 9.3bn , and analysts will be anxious to see a healthy increase this year - an event that seemed likely in the early hours of Wednesday as consumers clicked " buy " in droves .

  5. 这个很简单-只需单击以下的“现在购买”按钮!

    It 's easy-just click the Buy Now button below !

  6. 单击下面的“现在购买”按钮。

    Click the Buy Now button below .

  7. 对于那些知道自己想要什么的搜索者,谷歌所谓的“产品列表广告”可以减少用户抵达“购买”按钮之前的点击次数。

    By directly helping searchers who know what they want , Google 's ' product-listing ads , ' as they are called , reduce the number of clicks before users get to the ' buy ' button .

  8. 首要的是,由于购买链接成为下载试用产品的一部分,当客户点击试用产品上的购买按钮进行购买时它将保证您获得销售佣金。

    First and foremost , now with a buy URL included as part of the downloaded trial product , you will receive credit for that sale when the user clicks from the buy button from within the application .