
  1. 这些政策包括提高粮食收购的最低价格,以及对耐用品和汽车的购买提供补贴。

    These include higher minimum grain purchase prices and subsidising purchases of durables and cars .

  2. 改变政府补贴职业卫生服务的方式,通过补贴企业对职业卫生服务的购买,补贴职业卫生工作。

    Change the way of the government subsidy OHS , by subsidizing the enterprise to buy the OHS to subsidize occupation health work .

  3. 政府抱怨说,正是因为投机者在委内瑞拉购买了补贴的食品和汽油,并将他们带到哥伦比亚高价出售造成的短缺。

    It complained that speculators were causing shortages by buying up subsidized food and gasoline in Venezuela and taking them to Colombia where they could be sold for far higher prices .

  4. 在选民看来,为购买新车提供补贴是一份礼物,尽管最终还是由他们自己买单。

    A subsidy for buying new cars is viewed by voters as a gift , even though they ultimately foot the bill .

  5. 该公司计划为加入滴滴网约车的新司机提供租车、购买保险等补贴。

    The company plans to give subsidies for car rentals , insurance purchases and more for beginners who join DiDi 's ride-hailing fleets .

  6. 此外,上海市政府官方网站周二发布的一份声明显示,比亚迪获准在该市销售插电式混合动力车“秦”(Qin)。秦是上海私人购买新能源汽车补贴试点车型之一。

    BYD also received approval to sell its plug-in hybrid , the Qin , in Shanghai as part of a trial , according to a statement posted on the city 's municipal-government website Tuesday .

  7. 通常为手机购买价格提供部分补贴的移动运营商,是定价压力的另一个来源。

    Mobile operators , who typically subsidise a part of the purchase price for phones , are another source of pricing pressure .

  8. 约有50万外国员工在中国工作,许多公司为他们提供更好的医保补助,更高的探亲旅费和用于购买空气过滤器的补贴。

    Many companies offer better medical insurance benefits , more paid trips home and subsidies for air filters to the roughly half a million foreigners working in China .

  9. 即使在购买时签下中国联通3G服务的两年合约,该运营商的iPhone仍显得昂贵,因为相比许多国际同行,中国联通向iPhone买家提供的购买补贴少得多。

    Even if purchased with a two-year contract for China Unicom 's 3G services , the carrier 's iPhones still look expensive as Unicom has chosen to subsidise the device much less than many international peers .