
  • 网络buying behavior analysis;purchasing behavior analysis
  1. 网上消费群体和购买行为分析

    Analysis on the Online Community of Consumption and its Purchasing Behavior

  2. 联合分析在个人电脑购买行为分析中的应用研究

    Application Study of Conjoint Analysis on Individual PC Purchase Behavior

  3. 长春市场碳酸饮料消费者购买行为分析与营销建议

    Marketing Suggestions and Consumer Purchase Behavior Analyses of Changchun 's Carbonated Drinks Market

  4. 购买行为分析与新产品最优广告和价格策略

    Analysis of Adoption Behavior and Policies of Advertising and Pricing for New Products

  5. 网络消费者购买行为分析

    Analysis of the Online Consumer Shopping Behavior

  6. 上海市民食品消费结构和蔬菜购买行为分析

    Analyses on the pattern of food consumption of Shanghai urban residents and their behavior of buying vegetables

  7. 从消费者接触广告后的一般购买行为分析,主要是一个由认知商品需求商品喜爱商品的渐进式过程,其中蕴含了丰富的认知心理学、需求心理学和设计心理学的动因。

    From the analysis of the buyers ' general purchase behaviors after contacting advertisements , there is an incremental process , i.e.cognition of commodities demands of commodities enjoys of commodities , in which contains a wealth of motivations of cognitive psychology , psychology of needs and psychology of design .

  8. 由BrighterPlanet开发的软件能对持卡人的购买行为作出分析,如航班、租车、酒店预订,并将这些因素转化成二氧化碳排放量。

    Software created by Brighter Planet analyzes cardholder purchases such as flights , car rentals , hotel reservations , and translates them into carbon dioxide emissions .

  9. 基于购物决策风格的农村居民购买行为差异分析

    Analysis of Difference in Farmers ' Purchase Behavior Based on Decision-Making Styles

  10. 将时间序列模式既用于具有时间关系的购买行为的分析,以揭示购买行为后面一种序列关系信息,又用于其他有时间关联的事件分析。

    Sequential pattern discovery is used in analysis of buying action with time relation in order to reveal the sequential information behind .

  11. 第三部分运用消费者购买行为模型分析广州市消费者的消费行为,找出大型综合超市在广州快速发展的缘由。

    Part three adopts customer consumption model to analyze consumer 's behavior , and wants to find the reason of its fast growth .

  12. 要使零售集聚实现更好的经营业绩、保持长期竞争优势,基础工作就是对其中的顾客购买行为展开分析。

    For a retail agglomeration , investigating consumer purchase behavior is the basis to pursue profits and gain competitive advantages , which are not deeply explored until now .

  13. 从消费者购买行为的分析,应用贝叶斯风险决策理论,研究了新产品的市场扩散过程,建立了耐用消费品及重复性购买产品的总体市场扩散模型。

    The adoption behavior of consumers in risk-sensitive markets is analyzed , and the aggregated diffusion models of durable goods and repeat purchase goods are developed by applying Bayes ' decision theory to innovation diffusion process .

  14. 根据调查问卷以及各年份年鉴数据统计,分析库车县文化旅游市场的需求现状,并从性别、年龄、职业等方面对旅游者购买行为进行分析。

    According to the investigation and statistical of yearbook , analyzing demand situation of market of culture tourism in kuqa , and analyzed tourists buying behavior from such aspects , eg : sex , age , vocational and so on .

  15. 冲动性购买行为的实证分析及其营销策略

    The Empirical and Marketing Strategies of Impulse Purchasing Behavior

  16. 垄断对顾客购买行为的影响分析

    The Influence of Monopoly on Customer Purchasing Behavior

  17. 少有学者对服装店铺的视觉营销进行研究,更少涉及从消费者购买行为来研究分析品牌认知对消费者购买决策所起的作用。

    Less was studied about VMD of fashion stores , and the impact of brand awareness on customer purchase decision from customer buying behavior .

  18. 为了更深入地分析中国审计市场行为方面所存在的过度竞争现象,在本章,我们继续就中国审计市场过度竞争行为进行分析,即对审计意见购买行为进行了分析。

    In order to analyze profoundly the phenomenon of excessive competition of audit market in China , in this chapter , we focus on audit opinion shopping .

  19. 其次,对品牌忠诚及其影响因素的相关理论进行了综述,然后对手机市场和行业现状以及手机消费者的购买行为进行了分析。

    Secondly , it brings in the theories of brand loyalty and its influence factors , and then analyzes the mobile phone industry and its current situation and consumers ' purchase behaviors .

  20. 然后,在对隐性需要、半隐性需要、消费者购买行为深入地分析的基础上,本文提出了有关隐性需要三个层次的理论假设并通过对我国主力消费群体的实证研究进行了验证。

    Second , on the base of analyses of needs , latent needs and customer behaviors , this paper provides a three-level academic hypothesis and proves it by launching an empirical investigation , on domestic main customers force .

  21. 消费者对蔬菜安全认知和购买行为的地区差别分析

    Area Diversity Analysis of Consumer Conception of Vegetable Quality Safety and Purchase Behavior

  22. 产品稀缺信息对消费者购买行为影响之实证分析

    The Effects of Scarce Message on Consumer Purchase Intentions

  23. 第五,对李宁品牌形象与消费者购买行为倾向进行相关分析和结构方程模型检验。

    Fifth , the Li Ning brand image and consumer buying behavior tendency analysis and structural equation model testing .

  24. 本文试图应用影响消费者购买行为的因素来分析影响个人投资方式的因素。

    The article tries using the factors which affect on the consumer 's purchasing behavior to analysis personal investment style .

  25. 第四章,利用消费者调查问卷所得数据建立了因子分析模型,对湖南黑茶的消费者购买行为进行了实证分析。

    Chapter ⅳ established the Factor analysis model to make an empirical analysis on consumers ' purchasing behavior in Hunan dark tea .

  26. 第四,以福州市高校大学生为研究对象,对不同人口学特征的高校大学生评价李宁品牌形象和购买行为倾向进行差异分析。

    Fourth , Fuzhou University Students in the study and evaluation of the Li Ning brand image and buying behavior of college students of different demographic characteristics tend to perform gap analysis .

  27. 本文通过对顾客购买住宅行为影响因素的分析,根据消费者购买行为分析的有关理论,建立起消费者住宅购买行为影响因素模型。

    By analyzing customer purchase residence influence factor , making use of the relevant theories of purchasing behavior , the author of the article establish the model of influence factor of customer purchase residence .

  28. 对被调查者的个体信息、认知情况、风险意识、购买意愿、购买行为等做描述性统计分析,并进行比较和概括。第四部分:安全农产品的购买意愿和购买行为实证模型分析。

    This part did the descriptive statistical analysis , and compared and summarized the information cognition , risk awareness , purchase intention , purchase behavior on individual respondents . Part ⅳ: The Empirical Model of Purchase Intention and Behavior to Safety Agri-food .