
  • 网络Event promotion;Activities promotion;Activities to promote;Event marketing
  1. 武术推广的目的是普及武术运动,提升武术运动,传播武术文化。(2)武术推广途径包括比赛推广、活动推广、课程推广和传媒推广等。

    Martial Arts Promotion aims to popularize Martial Arts enhance Martial Arts spread the martial arts culture . ( 2 ) Martial Arts promotion channels including race promotion , event marketing , course promotion and media promotion .

  2. 目前世界上还没有一家上市的铁人三项比赛运营商,而总部位于美国的活动推广商LiveNation,市销率也才不到一倍。

    There are no listed triathlon organisers but Live Nation , a US-based events company , trades at under one times revenues .

  3. 制定客房与餐饮开业后活动推广的时间表。

    Schedule post opening activities for room and f & b.

  4. 服饰流行预测工作者不仅提前12~18个月为流行工业提供预测结果,还举行各种活动推广他们的预测结果。

    Fashion trend forecasters not only provide their forecasting results in advance but also popularize them .

  5. 通过坚持以人为本,重视观众调研和教育活动推广,实现博物馆作为观众乡土学习和教育基地的教育功能;

    Through paying attention to survey and analysis to the museum 's audience , and the publications of the educational and service activities , realize museum 's educational function as the base of the audience 's local study and education ;

  6. 再次积极开发和拓展广告新媒体剧中存在的音乐、主题等元素,结合线下活动推广传播,让广告新媒体剧累积起来的品牌内涵得以延续和传递。

    Furthermore , to develop and expand new media music , themes and other elements of the existing advertising play of actively , combined with the line activities to promote communication , so that the brand content which advertising play of new media built up can be continue and delivered .

  7. 过去六个月,苹果的高管频频现身于媒体活动,推广新的零售店、AppleWatch和Applepay(一种崭新的移动支付服务)。

    Over the last six months , Apple executives have been on an extensive media campaign to promote new retail stores , the Apple Watch and Apple Pay , a new mobile payment service .

  8. 在这次众筹活动的推广视频里,有若干Instagram名猫首次试听这些音乐的画面,其中包括了Nala、Bacon、CitytheKitty以及ColeandMarmalade,它们有的惊讶、有的困惑,也有的显得心满意足。

    In a video that accompanies the campaign , some of Instagram 's favorite cats are shown listening for the first time to music designed for them . In the video , Nala , Bacon , City the Kitty and Cole and Marmalade appear to react variably with surprise , confusion or contentment .

  9. 筹办媒体宣传、众教育、疫活动、推广监督小儿麻痹病毒。

    Organize media campaigns , public education , and immunization events , and promote surveillance .

  10. 例如,在她所在的社区,只有她一人组织活动,推广大众科普知识。

    For example , she was the only one to organize an event promoting popular science in her community .

  11. 市教委和市体育局应有计划、分步骤地在各中学进行足球活动的推广,并帮助他们解决一些实际问题。

    Municipal Education shall carry out football activity in schedule , and help schools to solve their practical problems .

  12. 二零零一年,贸发局在香港及外地举办约350项活动,推广香港的商品贸易和服务出口。

    In 2001 , it organised some 350 events in and outside Hong Kong to promote Hong Kong 's merchandise trade and services exports .

  13. 除了主要的商业支援工作外,投资推广署亦参与其他活动,推广香港作为国际商业及投资中心的角色。

    Apart from its mainstream business support work , InvestHK is involved in other activities promoting Hong Kong as an international business and investment centre .

  14. 随着活动的推广,越来越多的组织和企业致力于通过熄灯来支持环保行动。

    As the movement has grown , more organizations and business have committed to switching off their lights in support of efforts to reduce their environmental footprint .

  15. 层次分析法既简便易行又符合实际,值得在我国的设备招标活动中推广使用,这不但可以提高决策水平,而且有利于投标市场竞争的健康发展。

    The employment of AHP in equipment tending will not only lead to a quality decision making process but also benefit the healthy development of bidding competition .

  16. 正逢世博,酒店丰富的人力资源让我们与世博会的德国馆有了合作,这对我们酒店及活动的推广都是有力的。

    During the Expo period , the hotel has also established a project with the Germany Pavilion to enhance the publicity of the hotel and the event .

  17. 随着体育产业化的不断发展、全民健身计划的实施及全民健身活动的推广、体育配套设施不断的完善。

    With the continuous development of Sports industry 、 the implementation of the plan of fitness and popular fitness activities promotion , the sports facilities have been the perfect .

  18. 此间不乏有一些成功地利用公共关系活动来推广企业品牌的案例,比如海尔、中远洋、联想等。

    In this new era , people witnessed many a case where PR activities successfully promoted the corporate image , among which are the cases of Haier , COSCO , Legend etc.

  19. 这位外向的慈善募捐人从数千名竞争者中脱颖而出,赢得了这份工作。竞聘活动的推广获得了巨大成功,全世界为之浮想联翩,也为发起者赢得了全球褒奖。

    The outgoing charity fundraiser beat off thousands of competitors for the job in a hugely successful marketing campaign that captured the world 's imagination and earned international awards for its creators .

  20. 除了纯粹的艺术原因之外,美国艺术馆、拍卖行及棕榈滩交易会等活动在推广俄罗斯艺术方面有着其它显而易见的动机。

    There are obvious reasons , apart from purely artistic ones , for US galleries and auction houses , as well as events such as the Palm Beach fair , to be promoting Russian art .

  21. 在招投标活动中推广工程量清单计价模式势在必行,作为业主和承包商都应分析各自在工程计价中存在的风险,采取对策积极应对,规避工程计价中各自的风险。

    It is imperative to carry out the bill of quantity in project bidding . The owner and contractor should analyze with the each risk , and adopt the vigorous counter-measures to evade the every kind of risk in the project valuation .

  22. 本期我们采访时的Eventbrite的创始人兼CEO凯文•哈茨,他将活动创建、推广和票务销售变得非常简单。

    As CEO and founder of eventbrite , Kevin Hartz makes event creation , promotion , and ticket sales a snap for its users .

  23. 熟悉市场活动、广告推广的运作模式,有丰富的传媒行业经验、市场推广经验者优先;

    Familiar with the marketing activities and advertising campaigns , mode of operation , there is a wealth of media industry experience , marketing experience is preferred ;

  24. 供给主体为职业沙滩排球俱乐部和赛事组织机构;职业沙滩排球市场中介机构主要承担赛事商务活动及项目推广的中介代理。

    Supply bodies are professional beach volleyball clubs and event organizations . Professional beach volleyball competition market intermediary agencies mainly undertake the business activities and projects promotion agency .

  25. 许多成功的初创公司在成立初期会借助文化营销、增长造势和公共关系活动来做推广。在公司的增长遇到平台期之前,它们并不担心营销问题。

    Many successful startups don 't worry about marketing until their growth has hit a plateau , relying on cultural relevance , momentum , and public relations outreach in the early days .

  26. 随着越来越多的非政府组织活动在中国推广开来,在非政府组织中找份工作成为大学毕业生们的热门就业选择。

    With more and more activities being launched by NGOs ( non-governmental organization ) and promoted across China , getting a job in an NGO is becoming a popular career option for college graduates .

  27. 再次,广告新媒体剧的短时间、集中式的投放方式影响了受众对于新媒体剧中品牌的认知和体验,缺乏线下活动的辅助推广更难以让品牌知名度和美誉度在消费者心目中留下深刻印象。

    Moreover , the short time and centralized delivery method affected the audience for new media brand awareness and experience of the play , the lack of the auxiliary line activities to promote it more difficult for brand recognition and reputation in the minds of consumers ' impression .

  28. 这种比尔森风格的啤酒,在泰国随处可见,但在上海很少见,活动期间Flair将推广这种啤酒。

    The pilsner-style beer , found everywhere in Thailand but rare in Shanghai , will be available at Flair during the promotion .

  29. 体育营销是以体育活动为载体来推广自己的产品和品牌的一种市场营销活动。

    Sports marketing is a marketing activities to promote the enterprise ' products and brands according to sports activities .

  30. 同年还出版了一本以《草地网球》为题的小册子,对这种活动进行宣传和推广。

    The same year also published a " lawn tennis " as the brochure , such publicity and promotion activities .