
  • 网络Vigor Management
  1. 公司以其年轻而富有活力的管理团队,不断的提高管理水平、持续的提升产品质量、快速的协调配合能力,来保证和满足新老客户的各种需求,共同创造辉煌的明天。

    We are able to meet various clients'needs by the young management group , improving management level , high quality products and the cooperation capability to create a beauty .

  2. 预警机制的应用,使管理信息系统显示出即时反应的活力,使管理更加智能化、规范化、制度化。

    Alert Mechanism provides the MIS system with the immediate-response function so that management can be more intelligent and more standard .

  3. 伦理思想是高校理念文化的重要组成部分,影响着高校内部的动态、活力、组织管理和教育。

    Ethical concepts are the crucial components of university culture which produce an effect on the vigour , advancement and organizational management of universities .

  4. 为使高校管理科学化、柔性化、人性化,用以人本管理思想指导管理工作,在管理中应开发人力资源,激发创造活力,提高管理能力,形成整体合力。

    Human resources are expected to be fully developed in higher education management so as to have the creativity inspired , and ultimately elevate the management capability .

  5. 它在对关键环节进行控制和管理的基础上,充分发挥绩效的牵引和激励作用,提高营销组织的经营活力,实现管理和经营过程的统一。

    On the base of controlling and managing key flows , it fully exerts the function of guidance and encouragement , improves the work vigor and realizes the unity of work and management .

  6. 母本穗大粒多,柱头外露率高、存活力强,管理简便,极易获得制种高产。

    The female parent has character of big panicle , more grains , high percentage of exserted stigma and higher viability of stigma , it was easy managed to obtain high yield in seed production .

  7. 在财税、金融、农村、企业、资源价格等领域推出一系列重大改革,使微观经济活力和宏观管理能力明显增强,市场配置资源效率明显提高。

    An array of important reform measures have been introduced in taxation , finance , enterprises , rural areas and resource prices . These measures have enhanced the vitality of the micro-economy and macro-regulation and raised the efficiency of market allocation of resources .

  8. 项目管理学科体系的发展给管理、组织带来了活力,项目质量管理则是项目管理的灵魂。

    With the development of project management discipline system , It brings vitality to the organization and management , and Project Quality Management is the soul of the project management .

  9. 企业集团是由多级与多个法人构成的企业联合体,必须建立起富有活力与效率的管理机制、经营机制、自我约束机制。

    The enterprise group is an enterprise combination composed of multiple levels and many a corporation . It should build a vivid and effective management mechanism , business mechanism and self-bound mechanism .

  10. 只有建立一种有活力的体育教学管理体制,通过有效的举措,才能调动体育教师的教学积极性,激励其教学能力的有效发挥,促进体育教学质量的提高。

    Only the vigorous P.E. teaching management system and the effective action could arouse the P.E. teachers ' teaching enthusiasm , promote the full play of their teaching ability , improve the teaching quality .

  11. 本文通过对国有商业银行现行人力资源管理中存在的问题进行探讨,提出必须按照人力资源国际化的要求,建立起充满生机与活力的人力资源管理体制。

    This paper discusses the existent problems in the present manpower resources management in state-run commercial banks and suggests that we set up an active manpower resources management system full of vitality , according to the internationalization requirement of manpower resources .

  12. 因此,为了实现灌区水资源管理的良性循环和农村社会经济的可持续发展,必须建立符合社会主义市场经济要求、充满生机和活力的农业用水管理制度和运行机制。

    Therefore , for the positive cycle of water resource management in irrigation district and the sustainable development of rural society economy , we must establish the agricultural water management institution and operating mechanism which conforms the requirement of socialist market economy and is full of vitality .