
  • 网络Event organizing;Event Organization;Organization
  1. 北京市业余排球俱乐部的运行,主要表现在管理者产生、成员加入、成员退出、活动组织和经费管理五个方面。

    Amateur Volleyball Club in Beijing to run , mainly in the production managers , members , members of the exit , event organization and management of funds in five areas .

  2. 关于增设包庇、纵容恐怖活动组织罪的立法探讨

    Suggestion on Adding Crime of Shielding or Conniving Terroristic Organization

  3. 组织已经部署了LotusConnections软件,从而围绕职员的日常活动组织工作。

    Your organization has deployed Lotus Connections software to organize work around employees'day-to-day activities .

  4. 此外,为了加强父母与活动组织机构之间的联系,公司还打算让Facebook和LinkedIn也参加进来。

    The company is also planning Facebook ( FB ) and LinkedIn ( lnkd ) integrations to better connect parents and organizations .

  5. 实业家科氏兄弟(kochbrothers)支持的保守派活动组织“美国繁荣”(americansforprosperity,afp)敦促共和党在美国债务上限谈判中表现克制,表明这家通常姿态强硬的组织转变立场。

    A conservative activist group backed by the industrialist Koch brothers is urging Republicans to show restraint during US debt ceiling negotiations , representing a shift in position by the usually hardline Americans for prosperity .

  6. 因此,非常重要的是伦理委员会成员要获得持续的教育,这一点已经被亚洲和西太平洋伦理委员会论坛(FERCAP)和泛非洲生物伦理计划(PABIN)等区域性活动组织认识到了。

    It is therefore crucial that ERC members have access to continuing education – as has been recognised by regional initiatives such as FERCAP and PABIN .

  7. 欠发达地区幼儿园游戏活动组织方式探析

    On the Games ' Organizing Modes in Underdeveloped Areas ' Kindergartens

  8. 而在埃及,人们使用社交媒体来进行活动组织。

    In Egypt we 've seen people using social media to organize .

  9. 其次,企业不想再受到社会活动组织的干扰。

    Second , they want to get the campaigning organisations off their backs .

  10. 活动组织单位不对参赛者的作品引起的版权纠纷承担任何责任;

    We have no responsibility for any copyright disputes of your art works .

  11. 焦作市自发性群众体育活动组织的研究

    Spontaneous Physical Activity Study of the Organization for the Masses in Jiaozuo City

  12. 山西省城乡群众体育活动组织现状的对比研究

    Comparative Study on the Sport Organizations in Country and in Cities of Shanxi Province

  13. 对我国城市社区体育基层组织发展停滞现象的研究&以社区居民日常参与的体育活动组织为例

    Study on Stagnant Condition of Urban Community Sports Organization Development at Grass-Roots in China

  14. 根据活动组织MillionPlus的数据,这些院校三分之二的学生都来自低收入家庭。

    According to MillionPlus , the campaign group , two-thirds of their students come from lower-income households .

  15. 对恐怖活动组织的预防,应以犯罪学的预防视野进行考察。

    As a result , die precaution against terror organizations should be studied at the precaution respective of criminology .

  16. 在活动组织上,她总是担当领袖的地位,在宿舍里她受到大家的欢迎。

    She always takes the lead in organizing events , and she 's popular with everyone in the dormitory .

  17. 现在,经过同性恋权利活动组织和其他人多年的努力,该法律将性倾向包括在内。

    Now , after years of effort by gay rights groups and others , the law will include sexual orientation .

  18. 总部位于美国的活动组织GenderAvenger利用众包模式来搜集有关会议小组讨论性别平衡的数据。

    GenderAvenger , a US-based campaign group , uses crowdsourcing to collect data on the gender balance of conference panels .

  19. 一旦确定了业务功能工作单元及服务,下一个步骤就是将这些活动组织到有意义的

    Once the business function work units and services are defined , the next step is to organize these activities into meaningful

  20. 分列从交易成本、市场机制与内部化以及价格形成机制等方面,探讨了电子市场对经济活动组织方式的影响。

    It analyzes the effect on economic activities from E-market from the aspects of transaction cost , market mechanism and price mechanism .

  21. 此外,丰富的广场文化活动组织和完善的广场管理策划制度对改善目前寒地城市广场现状起到积极的作用。

    Moreover , square plentiful cultural activities and square perfect management are advantageous to enhance the conditions of city squares in winter cities .

  22. 据一位活动组织人员表示,日本一名28岁的男子在一次快速吃饭团大赛中竟然活活噎死。

    A 28-year-old man died in Japan after choking on a rice ball at a speed-eating contest , an event organiser said Tuesday .

  23. 锻炼影响因素方面:场地设施缺乏,离居住地较远和缺少活动组织是影响苏州市年轻公务员参加锻炼的主要因素。

    Influence factors of exercise : the main factors are facilities deficiency , far from the residence and a lack of activity organization .

  24. 加强师资培训,特别是加强教师在课外活动组织和一些新兴体育项目开展上的学习交流。

    To strengthen teacher training , especially in extra-curricular activities for teachers and a number of emerging sports exchanges to carry out the study .

  25. 就思想政治教育活动组织、实施、调控等角度而言,思想政治教育者即思想政治教育主体。

    As far as organization and implement of political and ideological education , the political and ideological educator must be the political and ideological education subject .

  26. 目前这一技术已广泛应用于大型活动组织筹划中,如运动会筹划、大型活动的组织以及军事斗争准备等诸多方面。

    This technology is now widely used in preparation and organization of large campaign , such as sports meetings , large social activities and military actions .

  27. 与此同时,民意调查显示,对西班牙语后裔选民来说,移民法的改革是他们最为关心的问题之一,也是这次拉美裔民权活动组织最大年会的关心焦点。

    At the same time , public-opinion polls show immigration reform remains a critical issue for Hispanics , including those attending the largest annual gathering of Latinos .

  28. 这个松散的活动组织成员聚会,彼此分享各自的经历,话题则涉及疾病、情绪、认知等等广泛的领域。

    This loosely organized initiative hosts gatherings where members share their experiences related to topics as diverse as disease , mood , and cognition , among others .

  29. 2011年,这家活动组织反对一项提高债务上限的协议,因为它认为,该协议削减支出的力度不够。

    The activist group opposed an agreement that raised the debt ceiling in 2011 because it said the deal did not go far enough to cut spending .

  30. 教育应该从儿童的兴趣出发,以活动组织学习,从做中学,不断改造自己的经验。

    Education should be child 's interest , so as to the activities of the organization to learn from doing , continue to transform the experience of their own .