
  • 网络Event Promotion;sales promotion
  1. 在美国,这个快餐的发源地,伴随着快餐业的打折活动以及促销活动,例如推出l美元菜单和便宜的什锦饭,快餐店客流也变得兴旺起来。

    Traffic was boosted in America , the home of fast food , with discounts and promotions , such as $ 1 menus and cheap combination meals .

  2. 大主顾还能获邀成为GiltNoir高端会员,有权利提前预览当日竞拍的商品,还会受邀参加特别活动和促销活动,以及有权拨打一个管家式的客服电话。

    Big spenders may be invited to gilt noir , with access to previews , special events and sales , and a concierge-like customer service number .

  3. 存储路径列出一套资源,例如目录、表示、活动、促销、命令等等。

    A store path lists a set of resources , such as catalog , presentation , campaigns , promotions , commands , and so on .

  4. 汤姆逊博士说,有证据表明,在新西兰,烟草公司利用舞会活动来促销他们的产品,但是政府没有对此采取行动。

    There was evidence that tobacco companies in New Zealand had been using dance party events to promote their products , but the Government had not acted , Dr Thomson said .

  5. 景区举办节事活动、促销活动等应当进行大力宣传,在营销途径的选择上应当充分考虑到不同年龄层次、职业、身份顾客。

    The festival activities and promotional activities held by the scenic spot should be heavily promoted , the different of age levels , occupations , identities of the visitor should be given full consideration in the marketing options .

  6. 然后,设计人员可能从促销活动列添加促销活动名称。

    Second , the author may add promotion name from the promotions dimension .

  7. 不过,在美国也有很多促销活动,在促销期间各类商店都会把他们的正常价格降下来。

    However , there are many sales in the United States , during which time stores will lower their normal prices .

  8. 不过,在美国也有很多“促销”活动,在促销期间各类商店都会把他们的正常价格降下来。

    However , there are many " sales " in the United States , during which time stores will lower their normal prices .

  9. 活动经理负责批准促销。

    The campaign manager is responsible for approving the promotion .

  10. 二是行销价值专属化活动,以广告促销活动支出为代表。

    The other is to spend on the investment of marketing value appropriation like advertising and promotion .

  11. 如台北,高雄,垦丁和台南这些主要城市已经举办了庆祝活动,并设计促销的旅游线路来吸引游客。

    Major cities such as Taipei , Kaohsiung , Kending and Tainan have organized festivals and created promotional tour packages to attract tourists .

  12. 只要付费,他们就可以出现在你的电视广告中,你公司的娱乐活动上,市场促销上,甚至是婚庆或私人派对上。

    For a fee , they will appear in your TV commercial , at your corporate entertainment event , marketing promotion , wedding or private party .

  13. 质优价宜的商品、全面细致的服务、社区活动的参与和促销宣传活动的结合,强化了社区网点与社区居民之间的亲和关系。

    The combination of the commodity with high quality and low price , service with all round and in detail , participation of community activities and the activities of the promotion , reinforces the intimate relationship between the website and the residents of the community .